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Assam Public Service Commission
Assam Public Service Commission

APSC Exam Pattern 2025: Subject Wise Pattern, Marking Scheme, Syllabus

APSC exam pattern 2025 is released along with the official notification. The exam pattern for all three stages differs, and the document is released on the official website.

APSC Exam Pattern 2025: The Assam Public Service Commission releases the exam pattern on its official website. Candidates preparing for the exam are advised to check the APSC exam pattern. The pattern will give them an idea of the structure of the exam, marking scheme, negative markings, duration of the exam and other such details.

The exam pattern is released along with the APSC syllabus and both documents are uploaded on the official website in PDF form. Candidates must know that the APSC exam has three stages including prelims, mains and interview and the exam pattern for all three stages are different. 

Apart from having an idea of the exam pattern, candidates should also have an idea of the APSC marking scheme. The marking scheme will help the applicant to know which subject of the exam stage has a higher weightage. As a result, candidates will be able to prepare for the APSC exam 2025 in a much synchronized manner and it will also help them focus on the specific subjects of higher weightage. 

APSC Exam Pattern 2025

The APSC exam pattern is released online by the commission on its official website. The exam pattern is released in PDF form and helps the candidate to prepare well for the examination. While the APSC prelims consist of objective-based questions,  the questions asked in the APSC mains exam will be more descriptive-type questions. The total marks for the APSC preliminay exam are set as 400 marks whereas the APSC mains and interview marks are kept as 2275. 

The APSC prelims syllabus has two subjects whereas the APSC mains have eight subjects and the marking scheme for both the exams and their subjects are different compared to one another. The exam conducting body has specifically dedicated a different PDF for the syllabus.

APSC Prelims Exam Pattern 2025

The APSC prelims exam is the first stage for candidates who are appearing for the examination. APSC prelims are also known as the screening stage which means those candidates who qualify for the prelims stage will be then eligible to appear for the mains examination. Candidates can take a look at the following exam pattern for the prelims stage down below: 

  • The APSC prelims have two subjects general studies 1 and general studies 2. Although the name of the subjects is the same, the syllabi for both subjects are entirely different.
  • The duration of the APSC prelims exam for both subjects is 2 hours respectively 
  • Both subjects GS 1 and GS 2 are of 200 marks each 
  • The total marks for the APSC prelims exam are set as 400 

Candidates who will qualify for the prelims stage will be then eligible to appear for the main stage. The main stage is the second stage of the examination. While the questions asked in the prelims are objective based, the main examination has descriptive-type questions. Further, those who qualify for the main exam will be then eligible to appear for the interview exam. Aspirants can take a look at the following exam pattern for the APSC main exam. 

  • The APSC main exam has a total of 8 subjects 
  • The exam will be conducted in written form and all eight papers will be of conventional essay type/objective type with limited words and two qualifying language papers. 
  • The exam duration will be 3 hours for each paper
  • The marks will vary for all the papers in the mains exam

The Interview is the third and the last stage of the APSC examination. If the candidate qualifies for the APSC interview stage, the candidate will be eligible to get recruited for the post for which they have applied for. The total marks for the interview stage are set as 275 marks. In order to qualify for the interview, candidates must remain confident, avoid any fumble and remain updated with current affairs and general knowledge. 

The candidates will be judged by a bunch of board members who will be responsible for the selection. The candidates will be asked questions from general knowledge. The main aim of the interview is to test the mental calibre of the candidates and also to check their social traits and their interest in current affairs. 

Candidates must know that the marks obtained in the mains and interview will be further combined and through which the APSC result and merit list will be declared.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can candidates find the APSC exam pattern 2025?

Candidates can find the APSC exam pattern on the official website of the APSC. Candidates will also be able to check the APSC exam syllabus.

Who releases the APSC exam pattern?

The APSC exam pattern is released by the Assam Public Service Commission at apsc.nic.in. 

How many subjects are there in the APSC preliminary exam?

There are a total of 2 subjects in the APSC prelims exam including general studies 1 and general studies 2.

How many marks are dedicated to the APSC prelims exam?

A total of 400 marks is dedicated to the APSC prelims exam. Both papers of GS 1 and 2 will be of 200 marks respectively.

When will the APSC CCE exam 2025 take place?

The examination schedule for APSC 2025 session is yet to be announced. Candidates will be able to check the exam dates for APSC CCE prelims and mains soon at apsc.nic.in. 

