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National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test Super Speciality
National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test Super Speciality

NEET SS Exam 2025: Dates, Eligibility, Application Form, Admit Card, Pattern

NEET SS Exam 2025 is conducted annually by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences. Candidates appearing for the exam are required to have completed a postgraduate degree in medicine.

NEET SS Exam 2025: The National Board of Examinations (NBE) is responsible for conducting the NEET Super Speciality exam every year. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test Super Speciality or NEET SS is a national level entrance exam designed for admission to courses in Doctorate of Medicine (DM) and Master of Chirurgie (MCh) in 156 institutions across the country. 

Latest Updates: 

  • As per the official schedule, NEET SS admit card for the upcoming exam will be issued on March 25, 2025 at nbe.edu.in. 
  • NBEMS concluded the NEET SS registration process on February 24, 2025. Last date to make corrections in the application form was March 3, 2025. 
  • NEET SS exam for 2024 session will be conducted on March 29 and 30, 2025. Interested candidates must check the NEET SS eligibility before registering for the exam online. 
  • NBEMS has announced change in the NEET SS exam pattern for the upcoming exam. As per the changes introduced, there will be a separate question paper for candidates wishing to take admission in DM/DrNB Medical Oncology courses and DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine courses. 

As per the latest information shared by NBE, the NEET SS examination for 2024 session will be conducted on March 29 and 30, 2025. This is due to the delay caused in the NEET SS 2023 batch. 

NEET SS Exam 2025: Information Bulletin

The official information bulletin for NEET SS exam (2024 session) has been released at nbe.edu.in. Candidates interested in appearing for the exam can download the information bulletin from the link provided below:

NEET SS Information Bulletin - Download PDF

NEET SS 2025 Exam Dates

The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences has released the complete schedule for NEET SS 2024 session. Check these dates below:

As per the latest issued shared by NBEMS, the question paper for NEET SS exam will be divided into three mandatory time-bound sections.

Candidates appearing for the NEET SS examination can check important exam highlights provided in the table below: 

Candidates who wish to appear for NEET SS exam 2025 will have to fulfill the following eligibility requirements: 

  • NEET SS aspirants are required to hold a valid postgraduate degree in MD, MD, or DNB or any equivalent programme. 
  • Appearing candidates must be registered with the Medical Council of India or the State Medical Council. 

In case of foreign nationals, 

  • Foreign national candidates are not required to register with the State Medical Council or Medical Council of India, given that they are already registered with the respective authorities in their country. 
  • These candidates will be provided with temporary registration from MCI for the duration of their postdoctoral course completion. 

The NEET SS application form is made available online at the official website of NBE. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be able to register online at natboard.edu.in. Check how to register for NEET SS below: 

Step 1: Register online: To access the NEET SS application form, students will first have to register themselves on the NEET SS portal. The registration process requires candidates to enter their details including email address and mobile number. 

Step 2: Fill the application form: Once registered, candidates will be able to fill out the NEET SS application form online. Candidates will find the application form after logging in to the NEET SS portal. 

Step 3: Uploading of documents: After filling the application form with all the necessary details, candidates will have to upload the scanned documents online. These documents include a passport size photograph, scanned signature, and scanned thumb impression of the candidate’s left thumb. 

Step 4: Exam centre preference: Once the candidate has uploaded all the scanned documents, they will then have to enter their exam centre preference in the NEET SS application form. 

Step 5: Payment of application fee: Candidates from all categories will have to pay a fixed NEET SS application fee of INR 4,250 after filling out the application form. The payment can be done online using various banking options including debit card, credit card, UPI or net banking. 

After the above mentioned process is completed, candidates are advised to print out the NEET SS application form confirmation page for future reference. 

The NBE will release the list of examination centres for NEET SS exam in the official notification. While the notification is yet to be released, candidates can check the list of previous year’s NEET SS exam centres below: 

Only the candidates who successfully completed the NEET SS application process including the application fee payment will be eligible for downloading their NEET SS admit card. The hall tickets will be made available online soon after the completion of the application process. 

The NEET SS admit card will carry information about the candidate including their name and roll number. The admit card will also contain details about the exam venue and will act as an entry ticket on the day of examination. Candidates without the NEET SS hall ticket will not be allowed to enter the examination venue. 

The NEET SS result will be released in the form of a scorecard online. Candidates will be able to download their scorecards using their login details including application number, and password. The NEET SS scorecard will carry the following information: 

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll number
  • Total marks achieved
  • Qualifying status
  • NEET SS rank secured

Qualifying criteria

NEET SS notification mentions the minimum qualifying criteria for candidates. As per the last year’s notification, candidates are required to score at least 50th percentile in order to qualify in NEET SS exam 2024. 

The counselling process for NEET SS will begin in May, 2025 tentatively. The counselling process will be carried out under the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) in online mode. Candidates who qualify in exam will be eligible to register for the NEET SS counselling process online.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is NEET SS exam for?

NEET SS or super speciality exam is conducted for candidates wishing to take admission to DM and M.Ch courses. 

Who conducts NEET SS exam?

The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) conducts the NEET SS exam annually.

When will NEET SS 2025 be held?

NEET SS exam is likely to be conducted on March 29 or 30, 2025. The exam schedule along with the official notification will be released at the NBE website. 

Who can apply for NEET SS exam 2025?

Candidates who have completed their postgraduate degree in MBBS, MD, DNB or any equivalent programme can apply for NEET SS exam 2025. 

Where can I apply for NEET SS exam?

The NEET SS application form will be released online at nbe.edu.in. Once released, candidates will be able to apply for the exam online. 

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