Exam Alert Plus
Assam Public Service Commission
Assam Public Service Commission

APSC Exam 2025: Date, Admit Card, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

APSC Exam 2025: The Assam Public Service Commission will release the notification for APSC CCE exam session 2025 soon at apsc.nic.in. Along with the notification, the commission will also release the application form.

APSC Exam 2025: APSC, also known as Assam Public Service Commission conducts the APSC CCE examination every year. The APSC exam is conducted in three stages including Prelims, Mains and Interview. Candidates are required to clear all three stages in order to get recruited for the post for which they have applied. 

Latest Updates:

  • APSC CCE exam notification for 2025 session will be issued soon at apsc.nic.in. 

The first step for candidates to prepare for the examination is to check their APSC eligibility which is available on the official website. Since the examination is conducted for various posts, the eligibility criteria for different posts are also different. After checking the eligibility, candidates are advised to apply for the examination. Once registered, candidates will be eligible to receive the APSC admit card for their exam. 

The APSC admit card is an essential document which a candidate should have with them while entering the examination hall. Further, candidates are advised to check the APSC syllabus, which is available on the official website. The syllabus for prelims, mains and interviews are different from one another. 

APSC Exam 2025

The Assam Public Service Commission offeres various vacancies such as Labor Inspector, District Transport Officer, Tax Inspector, and Block Development Officers, which are filled through the APSC recruitment drive. The exam is conducted once in a year and it is held in online mode. The commission will release the exam notification for APSC CCE 2025 session soon. 

After conducting the APSC exam, the exam conducting body will release the APSC results. The results are released in the form of a PDF on the official website. Further, the APSC also releases a merit list which is based on the marks obtained in their mains as well as interview exams. The exam conducting body also releases the APSC cut-off on its official website. 

APSC CCE Eligibility Criteria 2025

Candidates who are interested in appearing for the APSC examination are first required to check the eligibility criteria. Candidates can check the eligibility criteria on the official webiste of APSC. There are various factors that determine the eligibility of the candidate including their age limit, educational qualification and others. It should be noted that the eligibility criteria are different for different posts. 

Age Limit

The minimum age of the candidate should be not less than 21 years and not more than 38 years as of 01-01-2024. 

Age Limit Relaxation  

  • SC/STP/STH Candidate - Upto 5 years of age relaxation 
  • OBC/MOBC Candidates - Upto 3 years of age relaxation 
  • Candidates with personal disability (PwD) - Upto 10 years of age relaxation
  • Ex-Serviceman - Upto 12 years of age relaxation

Educational Qualification 

  • Candidates should have a genuine degree from a recognised college/university in India. 
  • Candidates must know that a degree which has been obtained from a distance mode of education will not be eligible. 
  • Apart from English, candidates should know at least one language of the state of Assam 

NOTE: Candidates must know that sincere there are various posts candidates can apply for, and the requirement of an educational degree may vary.

The second step for candidates to appear for the APSC exam is to fill the APSC application form. The form is released by the APSC itself and students can download the form from the official website of the APSC. Further, the APSC application form consists of several pieces of information which a candidate has to fill. Candidates are advised not to make any mistake in their application form as the same mistake will automatically add to their admit card. 

The APSC admit card is released by the commission a few days before the exam date. Appearing candidates can download the hall ticket by visiting the official website of APSC. Candidates can get the hall tickets on the official website by entering their roll number and DOB to download them. A candidate will not be permitted to enter the examination room if the admit card is not available to them.  

Since the hall tickets are an essential document, it consists of several pieces of information about the candidate which are important to them. These pieces of information include the candidate’s name, DOB, candidate’s category, gender, exam time, exam venue and other such details.

APSC syllabus is released by the APSC itself. Candidates can find the APSC syllabus on the official website of APSC. APSC syllabus is an important part of a candidate’s preparation. Since there are three stages of APSC exams, the syllabus for prelims, mains and interview is also different. 

Candidates who are willing to appear for the APSC exam should know that the APSC prelims syllabus has two subjects whereas the APSC mains syllabus has eight subjects. Although there is no specific syllabus for the interview stage, candidates are advised to be aware of the general knowledge, and current affairs. 

APSC CCE Prelims Syllabus

APSC CCE Mains Syllabus

The APSC exam pattern is released by the APSC on its official website. It is very important for candidates to be well aware of the exam pattern as it helps the candidate to have an idea of the duration of the exam and other such details. Candidates should note that the APSC prelims, mains and interview exam pattern is different from one another. Meanwhile, the total marks for the APSC prelim exam are set as 400 marks whereas the APSC mains and interview marks are kept as 2275. 

Apart from checking the APSC exam pattern candidates should also check the APSC marking scheme which is also released by the APSC on its website. Further candidates can take a look at the following APSC marking scheme here.

APSC CCE Prelims Marking Scheme 

APSC CCE Mains Marking Scheme 

Once the APSC exam has been conducted, the commission releases the APSC result on the official website. Aspirants who qualify for the prelims exam are eligible to appear for the mains exam. Candidates can visit the official website to check the APSC result. Candidates should be aware that they don't need any login information to access the website and view the results. 

Given that the APSC exam consists of three phases, prelims, mains, and interviews, the results for all three phases are released separately. Before releasing the results, the APSC also releases answer keys. There are two types of answer keys that are released by the APSC. While the first one is the provisional answer key which allows the candidate to raise objections, another one is the final answer key which allows the candidate to calculate the results. 

After the declaration of results, the APSC will release the APSC cut off marks. These APSC cut off marks determine whether the candidate is eligible to appear for the next stage of the examination or not. Candidates must know that the cut-off for each stage is different from the other. However, it should also be noted that APSC also releases a merit list which is calculated on the marks scored by the candidates in their mains and interview stage. 

APSC Cut-Off for Prelims Exam for last year

Candidates can take a look at the following cut-off for the APSC CCE prelims exam 2023. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who conducts the APSC examination?

APSC exam is conducted by the Assam Public Service Commission. The exam is for those candidates who are interested in getting recruited for the post offered by the state government under its administration.

When was the APSC CCE prelims exam conducted in 2024?

The APSC CCE prelims exam was successfully conducted on March 18, 2024.

What is the maximum age limit for a candidate applying for the APSC exam?

The maximum age limit for the candidate is set as 38 years. However, there is an age relaxation for candidates belonging to different categories.

Where can candidates find the APSC syllabus?

Candidates can find the APSC syllabus on the official website.

When will the registration for APSC CCE exam begin?

The APSC CCE application form for 2024 was made available online on the official website, apsc.nic.in, on January 17, 2024.

How many vacancies are there in APSC CCE 2024 exam?

The APSC CCE 2024 examination is offering 235 vacancies to applicants.

When is the last date to apply for APSC CCE 2024?

The last date to register for APSC CCE 2024 is February 6, 2024.

When was APSC CCE Prelims result released?

The APSC CCE Prelims result was released on May 9, 2024. Candidates who qualified prelims will be able to appear for mains in July 2024.

When was APSC CCE mains exam conducted?

The APSC CCE mains examination was conducted on July 26, 27, and 28, 2024. Candidates can expect the answer key for the same to be released soon.

