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BSSC Competitive Graduate Level
BSSC Competitive Graduate Level

BSSC CGL Mains 2023 Admit Card(OUT): Steps to Download and Exam Day Guidelines

BSSC has released the BSSC CGL mains admit card 2023. The hall tickets are released on the official website. Candidates need to visit the official website of BSSC to check and download the hall ticket.
BSSC Admit Card 2023

BSSC Admit Card 2023

What's New in BSSC CGL Admit Card 2023:  BSSC has released the BSSC CGL admit card on its official website. Candidates need to visit the BSSC CGL login page to check and download the hall ticket. If a candidate is found without the hall ticket, then  he or she will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.

BSSC CGL Admit Card 2023:  BSSC also known as Bihar Staff Selection Commission has released the revised admit card for the  3rd Graduation Level Examination. The admit card was released for the examination which took place on March 05, 2023.  BSSC  is responsible for conducting recruitment examinations for various posts offered under the administration of the Bihar government. The recruitment exam is conducted in three stages including the prelims, mains and interview. In order to appear for any stage of the examination, candidates must have their BSSC admit card. The hall ticket is released on the official website and candidates can easily access the document by visiting the official website.  Meanwhile, the BSSC CGL 3rd Mains registration has kick-started and the application will come to an end on May 31, 2023.

Meanwhile, the exam conducting body has already released the BSSC prelims admit card 2022. The BSSC prelims 2022 for the 3rd Combined Graduation Level Examination took place on March 05, 2023. Candidates appearing for the examination can easily check and download the admit card from the official website. The BSSC hall ticket is an essential document which contains essential information about the candidate including their name, photo, roll number and other details. 

Further, candidates must note that if they forget to bring the admit card to the examination hall, then he or she will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall. Since the exam has three stages, candidates, the exam conducting body will release the admit card separately for all three stages. 

BSSC CGL 2023 Admit Card

The BSSC hall ticket 2023 is an important document which a candidate is required to have while appearing for the examination. The hall ticket is released on the official website and candidates can check the hall tickets by logging in to the portal. Further, candidates who will qualify for the prelims level will then be eligible to appear for the mains exam. This must be noted that the candidates appearing for the mains exam need to access a different admit card not the earlier one which was used for the prelims examination. 

The BSSC CGL exam 2023 conducts exams for posts such as the Department of Planning and Labor, the Finance Department, the Development Department and the Department of Transportation, and Planning. The exam dates and admit card dates are mentioned in the official notification of the BSSC CGL exam 2023 for the specific year.  Only those candidates will get their admit card who will successfully submit the BSSC application form.

Steps to Download BSSC Admit Card 2023

Once the admit card is released, candidates can download the document by visiting the official website. Further, candidates can follow the given steps to download the admit card. 

Step 1: Visit the official website of the BSSC 

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates will find the link that reads 'Suchana Pattu' -- click on that 

Step 3: A new page will open, where candidates need to look for BSSC Admit Card 3rd Graduate Level 2022

Step 4: Now, candidates need to log in using their login credentials 

Step 5: Once logged in, candidates will be able to see their hall ticket in from of them 

Step 6: Check the details on the hall ticket and download the document 

NOTE: Download the hall ticket and take a printout of the document for future use.

Details Mentioned on the BSSC 2023 Admit Card

Since the BSSC CGL admit card is an essential document, it consists of the aspirant's important information including their name, roll number, exam date and others. Candidates are advised to check the details thoroughly after receiving the hall ticket. 

  • Candidate's name 
  • Candidate's DOB
  • Exam time 
  • Exam date 
  • Candidate's signature in Hindi and English 
  • Exam duration 
  • Aspirant's latest photo 
  • Gender 
  • Candidate's category 
  • Candidate's father or mother's name 
  • Exam centre address and other details 
  • Roll number of candidate 
  • Exam centre 
  • Important instructions mentioned on admit card 

Valid ID proofs that Candidates Need To Carry BSSC Exam Hall 

Apart from the admit card, candidates are required to carry a valid ID proof along with them. This ID proof can be any document which should be recognised by the government of India. The ID proof helps the authorities to identify whether he or she is the same candidate with the same admit card. 

  • Aadhar Card 
  • PAN Card
  • Employee ID 
  • Candidate's passport 
  • Candidate's bank passbook with a photo 
  • Driving licence 
  • Any other ID proof of the candidate which has been issued by a gazetted officer 

How to Retrieve BSSC 2023 Admit Card’s Login ID and Password 

There are times when the candidate forgets the credentials through which they log in to access the admit card. In this case scenario, candidates are advised to follow these simple steps through which they can easily retrieve their credentials. 

Step 1: Go to BSSC’s official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates need to look for a link that reads ‘Suchana Pattu’ and click on the link 

Step 3: With this a new page will open which will be the portal through which candidates can log in to access their admit card

Step 4: Now, at the bottom or at the left/right corner candidates will find the link that read ‘forgot ID password’ – click on that 

Step 5: Now, candidates need to enter their phone number/ email ID where they can receive the link through which they can reset the password. 

Step 6: Once the candidate receives the link, then he or she needs to reset their password through the given link 

Step 7: Once done, candidates can now log in with the new password which they have set.

Items Not Carry In The Examination Hall 

There are certain items which candidates are not supposed to carry with them while entering the examination hall. If the candidate is found with such items while entering the examination hall, then their candidature will be rejected immediately. Aspirants can take a look at the following items which they are not allowed to carry inside the exam hall 

  • Wallet
  • Electronic gadgets such as Bluetooth, mobile phones, smartwatches 
  • Any piece of paper consisting of information about the exam 
  • Charts of tables related to the exam 

What to Do In Case of Discrepancy in the Hall Ticket 

There are times when the information provided on the hall ticket does not match the valid ID proof. This case scenario is known as a discrepancy in admit card. If the candidate finds errors such as wrong spelling, wrong DOB or any other same sort of discrepancy, then he or she should immediately contact the authorities and get those errors corrected.

If the candidate fails to get the errors rectified before the day of the examination, then he or she will not be allowed to sit in the exam hall and appear for the examination. 

Contact Details of BSSC Board 

Candidates can contact the BSSC board through telephone or fax. The important contact information of the board is given below. 

  • Telephone: (0612)-2227727
  • Fax: (0612)- 2225736

Key Points of BSSC Admit Card

Aspirants who will get their BSSC admit card for the specific stage should read all the instructions carefully. Further, candidates can check some of the key points related to the hall ticket down below. 

  • BSSC admit card is an essential document and it should be kept safe even after the date of examination. 
  • Candidates are advised to report at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination 
  • No electronic gadgets are allowed to take inside the examination hall 
  • Candidates should check every detail thoroughly present on the hall ticket once it has been released. 
  • Aspirants are advised to take 3-4 print out of the admit card to avoid any mishap
