TSPSC Group 1 2024: The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is responsible for selecting candidates for prestigious Group 1 services in the state of Telangana. These services include highly sought-after positions such as Deputy Collectors, Commercial Tax Officers, Regional Transport Officers, and Deputy Superintendents of Police, among others. The recruitment process is known for its rigorous and competitive nature, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals are chosen.
Latest Updates:
- The result for TSPSC Group 1 mains has been announced on March 10, 2025 at tspsc.gov.in. TSPSC Group 1 mains examination concluded on October 27, 2024.
To secure a position, applicants must successfully understand the TSPSC Group 1 exam pattern and navigate two rounds of the recruitment process: the Preliminary examination and the Mains examination. Both rounds are critical in determining the final selection of candidates. The Prelims serve as an initial screening test, while the Main examination thoroughly evaluates candidates' knowledge, skills, and aptitude in their respective fields.
Those who perform well in the TSPSC Group 1 Prelims round are further selected for the Mains round. The final selection of applicants is based on their performance in the Mains round of the examination. Earlier, the exam-conducting body used to hold an Interview round as well, but it has now been discontinued. Hence, applicants are now required to only clear the Prelims and Mains rounds only.
TSPSC Group 1 2024
TSPSC group 1 mains examination was succesfully conducted from October 21 to 27, 2024. Check the table below for further exam details-
Exam Name
TSPSC Group 1 Exam
TSPSC Full Form
Telangana State Public Service Commission
Exam Purpose
Recruitment of grade A posts
Exam Level
Exam Mode
Selection Process
Prelims and Mains
TSPSC Exam Date
Prelims: June 9, 2024
Mains: October 21 to 27, 2024
Marking Scheme
⅓rd Negative marking (Prelims)
Total Papers
Prelims: 1 Paper
Mains: 6 Papers
Official Website
TSPSC Group 1 Registration 2024
Separate exams are held for positions in Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4. As a result, the TSPSC registration process for these groups is also completed independently on various dates. Applicants are required to visit the official website to apply for the exam successfully. First, they were asked to register on the online portal and the next step was to fill up the application form. Check below to know the TSPSC Group 1 application fee-
Candidate’s Category
Application Form Fee
Exam Fee
INR 250
INR 120
INR 370
INR 250
INR 250
Unemployed ST/SC candidates
INR 250
INR 250
Note: To complete the registration process without any hurdles, applicants would need to submit some documents. These will include an Adhaar Card, Caste Certificate, Qualification Certificates, Passport size photograph and Signature of the candidate.
TSPSC Group 1 Eligibility 2024
Interested applicants for the TSPSC Group 1 exam must diligently understand the eligibility requirements. It is crucial to note that individuals who fail to meet the prescribed TSPSC eligibility will be considered ineligible to participate in the examination. The eligibility criteria encompass several key aspects, including age, nationality, qualifications, and, for specific posts, physical standards. For a comprehensive understanding, refer to the detailed TSPSC Group 1 eligibility criteria outlined below:
TSPSC Group 1 Age Limit: The TSPSC eligibility requirements take into account a candidate's age. The age requirement for each employment post varies as the organisation in charge of administering the exam (TSPSC) provides various job positions. For the majority of jobs, the minimum age requirement is 18 and the maximum is 44.
TSPSC Group 1 Qualification: Interested applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from an institution with accreditation. The conducting body has recommended specific fields or disciplines for certain positions for graduation. Candidates who are in their last year of graduation must submit their degree certificate after the documents verification round in order to participate in the exam. Students are recommended to visit the official website to confirm the necessary courses of study for the chosen job post.
TSPSC Group 1 Nationality: The exam administration has made it mandatory for the candidates to be Indian citizens in order to be eligible for the TSPSC Group 1 examination. NRIs or International students not bearing an Indian passport will not be considered eligible for the exam.
TSPSC Group 1 Physical Standard: A candidate cannot apply for some posts under the TSPSC Group 1 exam unless they meet specified physical requirements. For instance, candidates must be at least 165 cm tall (men) and 150 cm tall (women) in order to be considered for the job of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category-2). The minimum height requirement for District Fire Officer applications is also 167.6 cm for men and 152.5 cm for women.
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024
The TSPSC Group 1 Prelims admit card releases on the official website 7 days before the exam. On the day of the exam, applicants must present the TSPSC Group 1 hall ticket in order to be granted entry to the test centre. It serves to verify their right to apply for the job and their eligibility to take the test. As a result, candidates who do not have a valid admit card with them will not be permitted to take the exam. Further, the hall ticket will be released separately for the Prelims and Mains exams.
TSPSC Group 1 Pattern 2024
The TSPSC Group 1 exam pattern is different for the Prelims and Mains rounds. The Prelims exam comprises a single General Studies paper which is further divided into two sections, namely: General Studies and Mental Ability. However, the Mains round comprises a total of 6 General Studies papers.
Check the tables below to know the detailed exam pattern for both rounds of the recruitment process-
TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Pattern
TSPSC Prelims Group 1
Prelims Paper
1 Paper, Two Sections: General Studies & Mental Ability
2 Hours 30 Minutes
Maximum Marks
Marking Scheme
Minus ⅓ for Incorrect Answers
TSPSC Group 1 Mains Pattern
TSPSC Mains Group 1
Compulsory Papers
Paper 1- General Essay
Paper 2: History, Culture, and Geography of India and Telangana
Paper 3: Indian Society, Constitution, and Governance
Paper 4: Economy and Development of India and Telangana
Paper 5: Science and Technology & Interpretation of Data
Paper 6: Telangana Movement and State Formation
Optional Papers
Candidates must select two optional subjects from a list
3 Hours for each paper
Maximum Marks
150 for each paper, 900 in total
Marking Scheme
No negative marking
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2024
Knowing the TSPSC Syllabus for Group 1 job posts is extremely crucial for interested aspirants. The syllabus will notify candidates of the important topics and subjects that need to be covered in order to perform well in the examination. Check below to know further syllabus details-
TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus
The Prelims syllabus (General Studies & Mental Ability) includes the following subjects and topics-
- Current affairs: National and International importance
- Environmental Issues and sustainable development
- Indian Constitution: Salient features and basic structure
- General Science and its Applications
- Economic and social development of India and Telangana
- Political System of India and the Government
- History of India and Telangana
- Geography of India and Telangana
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability, and data interpretation
- Disaster management: Prevention and mitigation strategies
- The advent of Europeans in India
- Formation of Telangana state
- Socio-cultural awakening in the 19th century
- Society, arts, literature, and architecture
- Physical, economic, and social geography of Telangana
TSPSC Group 1 Mains Syllabus
As discussed earlier, the TSPSC Syllabus for the Group 1 Mains exam will have a total of 6 General Studies subjects. The subjects included in this round are-
- General English (Qualifying Test)
- Paper 1- General Essay
- Paper 2: History, Culture, and Geography of India and Telangana
- Paper 3: Indian Society, Constitution, and Governance
- Paper 4: Economy and Development of India and Telangana
- Paper 5: Science and Technology & Interpretation of Data
- Paper 6: Telangana Movement and State Formation
TSPSC Group 1 Answer Key 2024
The TSPSC Answer Key is a vital document during the post-examination process. Students can estimate their scores and chances of moving on to the next round by consulting the answer key. Once the answer key for the TSPSC Group 1 exam has been released, students will be required to visit the official website to download or challenge it. Check below to know the benefits that can be attained through the Answer Key-
- Promotes fairness
- Candidates can evaluate their performance
- Serves as a platform for feedback
- Helps students calculate their potential scores
- Applicants get the chance to challenge the released answer key
TSPSC Group 1 Previous Year Paper 2024
Solving practice tests from previous year's papers is one of the most efficient ways to prepare for the TSPSC Group 1 exam. Since the exam is competitive in nature, candidates must conduct an effective exam preparation in order to stand out from the competition.
The TSPSC Group 1 Previous Year Papers can help with that. Examining one's personal skills and shortcomings while attempting to solve TSPSC previous papers substantially aids applicants in performing better. Additionally, a person's chances of attaining the desired exam result improve the more past papers they have solved. The following benefits can be achieved by solving such question papers-
- Helps in Understanding the Exam Pattern
- Helps Identify Important Topics
- Improves Time Management Skills
- Improves Accuracy
- Utilizes Answer Keys and Explanations
TSPSC Group 1 Preparation 2024
Due to the competitive nature of the TSPSC Group 1 exam, students must construct a preparation strategy that they must adhere to religiously. This will improve preparation and allow candidates to equally divide their time between multiple subjects. Check below to know some recommended prep tips for the TSPSC exam-
- Understand the TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus and Pattern
- Use Recommended Study Material which is Reliable
- Join Study Groups or Coaching
- Solve TSPSC Group 1 Previous Year Papers & Mock Tests
- Stay Updated and Consistently Revise
- Stay Confident
TSPSC Group 1 Books 2024
As stated above, utilizing the right set of TSPSC books and study materials will make the exam preparation more efficient. The below-mentioned books can be analysed and used for the TSPSC Group 1 exam-
General Studies Books
- "Indian Polity" by M. Laxmikanth
- Kiran’s Telangana General Studies written by Dr. T. Uma Joseph
- 1400+ Objective Questions General Studies published by Arihant Publishers
- Vijeta TSPSC General Studies
Reasoning and Data Interpretation Books
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S Aggarwal
- A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
- Mental Ability Reasoning published by Vijeta Competitions
Current Affairs Books
- R.P. Meena’s Telengana Current Affairs Yearbook published by New Era Publication
- "Manorama Yearbook" by Mammen Mathew
- Yearly Current Affairs for Competitive Exams by Disha Publication Inc.
TSPSC Group 1 Salary
In addition to the duties and status that come with Group 1 roles, candidates are rewarded with a lucrative TSPSC Group 1 remuneration package. TSPSC Group 1 officers' pay scale currently ranges from 52,650 to 1,30,730 rupees. This includes the housing allowance, dearness allowance, and various other perks and benefits. However different job posts will have different packages and benefits. Some common benefits that are provided to recruited officers include-
- Dearness Allowance (DA)
- House Rent Allowance (HRA)
- Medical Allowance
- Conveyance Allowance
- Deputation Allowance
- Children Education Allowance
- Pension and Retirement Benefits
- Leave Encashment
- Travel Allowance
TSPSC Group 1 Result 2024
The TSPSC Group 1 merit list (final) will be declared once all the rounds of the selection process have been successfully completed. The result will be announced separately for the Prelims and Mains rounds.
The conducting body's official website, tspsc.gov.in, will post the exam results. To check the result on the website, applicants would need their registration number, password, and date of birth. The expected result dates can be checked below-
TSPSC Group 1 Result Dates
TSPSC Group 1 Prelims
June 9, 2024
TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Result
July 7, 2024
TSPSC Group 1 Mains
October 21 to October 27, 2024
TSPSC Group 1 Mains Result
March 10, 2025