TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024 (Out): Mains Hall Ticket, Steps to Download, Details Mentioned
TSPSC Group 1 admit card 2024 for mains examination has been released on October 14. Candidates can download the hall tickets from the official website, tspsc.gov.in.
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024: The Telangana Public Service Commission has released the admit card for TSPSC Group 1 exam on the official website. The admit card for TSPSC group 1 mains has been issued at tspsc.gov.in. The TSPSC Group 1 mains exam will be conducted from October 21 to 27, 2024. As per the official exam notification, candidates will be able to download the admit card October 14, 2024 onwards till the commencement of the 1st day of examination (October 21, 2024).
The TSPSC Group 1 hall ticket allows the candidates to enter the exam centre on the day of the exam. Note that the admit card will only be issued to applicants having completed TSPSC Group 1 registration. It serves as a confirmation of their eligibility for the position and verifies their right to attempt the paper.
Consequently, applicants will not be able to appear for the exam if they do not have a valid admit card with them. Continue reading this article to know how to download the TSPSC hall ticket, mentioned details, and exam guidelines.
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024 Link
The admit card for TSPSC group 1 mains examination has been released on October 14, 2024 in online mode. Candidates can download the hall tickets from the official website, tspsc.gov.in. Check the image of the official website below:
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024: Steps to Download
TSPSC has issued the hall tickets for group 1 mains examination on October 14, 2024. Candidates should follow the steps given below to download the TSPSC group 1 exam admit card.
Step 1: The first step would require applicants to visit the official website of TSPSC
Step 2: Click on the TSPSC Group 1 hall tickets download link available on the homepage of the online portal
Step 3: Once the download link is selected, students will be directed to the TSPSC login page
Step 4: Registered students can log in using their credentials such as the registration number and password
Step 5: Candidates will receive instructions and guidelines to be followed for the TSPSC Group 1 exam 2024 after entering the login information
Step 6: After accepting the guidelines, students will be able to download the admit card
Step 7: Lastly, applicants must download and print the hall ticket for future reference
Note: The applicant must have an uninterrupted internet connection when downloading the hall ticket. Further, TSPSC Group 1 hall tickets must be kept secure until the results are made public.
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024: Discrepancies
Candidates are required to check all the details mentioned in their TSPSC admit card. Errors of any kind such as spelling mistakes, missing information, or incorrect information will lead to the disqualification of the student. The information on the admit card must match with the information entered at the time of registration. Hence, candidates must check the admit card for any discrepancies once they download it. If they find that the document has incorrect information or errors, they must immediately report it to the exam conducting body.
The following contact details can be used to get in touch with the exam administers-
- Post: Prathibha Bhavan, M.J Rd, Patel Nagar, Ghosha Mahal North, Nampally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500001
- Phone Number: 040-22445566 (Call Time: 10.30 A.M to 5:00 P.M)
TSPSC Group 1 Hall Ticket 2024: Details Mentioned
The candidate's name, photo, signature, test centre details, exam date and time, and significant instructions are all included on the hall ticket along with other vital information. Candidates must thoroughly check all the information on their hall tickets and notify the authorities if there are any discrepancies. The following details must be mentioned on the admit card-
- Personal Information: The hall ticket displays the candidate's name, photograph, signature, registration number, and other relevant personal details
- Exam Details: The hall ticket provides information about the examination, such as the date, time, duration, reporting time, and venue where candidates are required to report for the exam. Candidates should carefully note down these details and plan their schedule accordingly.
- Guidelines: The admit card will include instructions that must be followed by applicants on the day of the exam. Information such as what to and what not to carry to the test centre will be available for students to check.
TSPSC Group 1 Admit Card 2024: Exam Day Guidelines
On the day of the TSPSC exam, candidates must carry a printed copy of the hall ticket along with a valid photo identification proof, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport. Further, students must adhere to the guidelines such as not carrying unnecessary items- for instance, electronic devices, chits & notes, watches, books etc. The only items allowed in the examination hall are a transparent pen and a transparent water bottle. Any other items which are required will be provided by the exam authorities.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When will TSPSC group 1 mains admit card be available?
The TSPSC group 1 admit card for mains will be released online at tspsc.gov.in. The mains exam is scheduled to be held from October 21 to 27, 2024.
How can one download the TSPSC hall ticket 2024?
To download the TSPSC hall ticket, candidates need to visit the official TSPSC website. Look for the "Hall Ticket" or "Admit Card" section on the website and provide the login details to access the document.
Will the TSPSC group 1 admit card be available offline?
No, the TSPSC hall ticket will be released online on the official website - tspsc.gov.in. Candidates will have to download the admit card from the website.
Can there be errors on the TSPSC admit card?
Yes it is possible for the TSPSC admit card to have errors. If candidates find such a case they must immediately report it to the examination authorities.
What other documents do I need to carry along with the TSPSC hall ticket on the day of the exam?
Along with the TSPSC hall ticket, you need to carry a valid photo identification proof, such as Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport. The original identity proof should match the details mentioned in the hall ticket.