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Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission
Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission

JKPSC Answer Key 2024 (Out): Provisional Key, Direct Link, Steps to Download

JKPSC Answer Key 2024 for preliminary exam has been released at the official website. Candidates who appeared for JKPSC CCE prelims can download the answer keys by visiting jkpsc.nic.in.

JKPSC Answer Key 2024: The Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has issued the provisional answer key for JKPSC CCE preliminary exam on February 23, 2025. Candidates who appeared for the JKPSC Exam 2024 can download the answer key by visiting jkpsc.nic.in. The objection window for JKPSC answer key will remain open till February 27, 2025. 

The released JKPSC answer key serves as a platform for self-evaluation. This means that applicants can examine their performance by matching their answers with the solutions provided on the official answer key. The answer key is released in two phases, which are: Provisional Answer Key and Final Answer Key. Read on to understand the provided benefits, steps to download, and the expected dates. 

JKPSC Answer Key 2024

The JKPSC answer key is a document released by the commission after the completion of an examination. It contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam paper. The answer key is published on the official website of JKPSC KAS 2024 and allows candidates to evaluate their performance and estimate their potential score.

As stated in the article above, the answer key is released in two phases soon after the exam has been conducted. The provisional answer key, which is released first, is open to revision in light of the applicant's objections and the final assessment. After the provisional answer key is released and all valid objections have been taken into account, the Commission conducts a comprehensive evaluation procedure prepare final scores and releases JKPSC result.

JKPSC Answer Key 2024 Highlights

The answer key for JKPSC preliminary exam is released after the exam is concluded. Check important highlights for JKPSC answer key provided below:

  • The answer key will be made available on the official website of JKPSC
  • Candidates may object to answers in the provisional JKPSC KAS answer key if they have concerns with any of the answers provided in it. The commission publishes the final answer key following the modifications, which cannot be challenged
  • The answer key will be issued a few days after the exam has been conducted and a few days prior to the result
  • The answer key will be issued separately for the Prelims and Mains rounds
  • This allows students to analyse their performance in the exam much before the exam result is announced
  • Always check the JKPSC website for the most accurate and updated information regarding the provisional and final answer keys

Once the answer key has been made available, students can incorporate the following steps to check and download it for their personal reference-

Step 1: Visit the official website of JKPSC, which is jkpsc.nic.in

Step 2: Look for the "Answer Key" or "Download Answer Key" section on the website. It is usually located on the homepage or under the "Examination" or "Latest Updates" section.

Step 3:  Once the candidates are on the Answer Key page, they will see a list of recently conducted examinations. Select the examination for which they want to download the answer key for

Step 4: Select the download answer key option to initiate the downloading process

Step 5: Navigate to the location where you saved the answer key file on your device. Double-click on the file to open it. The answer key will be displayed on your screen.

The answer key provides a number of benefits, including- 

Serves as Self-Evaluation: An answer key is a useful tool for applicants to evaluate how well they did on the test. Candidates can determine the ratio of correct and incorrect responses by comparing their answers to the correct ones listed in the answer key. This assessment enables them to assess their performance and determine their exam results.

Promotes Transparency and Fairness: The release of the answer key promotes transparency and fairness in the examination process. It allows candidates to verify the answers and ensures that the evaluation is conducted in an unbiased manner. Candidates can identify any discrepancies or incorrect answers in the key and raise objections or seek clarifications if required.

Gives Room for Objections: Candidates have the right to object or question the JKPSC answer key (Provisional) if they think there are incorrect answers or discrepancies. The commission typically sets a deadline for candidates to submit their objections, along with any necessary justifications or supporting documentation. If necessary, the JKPSC issues a final corrected answer key after considering the objections which cannot be challenged. 

Result Anticipation: The JKPSC answer key serves as an anticipation tool for candidates regarding their examination results. With a fair assessment of their performance and an estimated score, candidates can anticipate their chances of qualifying for further stages of the selection process or securing the desired position. Further, by referring to the answer key, candidates can estimate their scores in the examination. They can calculate the number of correct answers and use the marking scheme specified in the JKPSC exam pattern to determine their expected marks. 

Download the Previously Released  Answer Keys here

The JKPSC answer key holds immense significance for candidates who have appeared in the commission's recruitment examinations. It enables them to evaluate their performance, estimate their scores, raise objections if necessary, and anticipate their results. Additionally, the answer key serves as a valuable learning resource, helping candidates identify areas for improvement. The document will be released in two phases on the official website a few days after the exam has been conducted. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can applicants find the Answer Key?

The official website will release the answer key for different exams. Candidates may visit the online portal to check previously released answer keys. 

Will a registration number be required to download the Answer Key?

No, applicants do not need their JKPSC login credentials in order to download the released answer keys.

What is the cost of filing objections for the JKPSC Answer Key?

The cost for filing objections for the JKPSC (Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission) Answer Key may vary depending on the specific examination and the guidelines provided by the commission. The JKPSC usually mentions the details regarding the objection fee, if applicable, in the official notification or instructions released along with the answer key. 

When will the JKPSC Answer Key 2023 be available?

The answer key is released a few days after the exam has been conducted and a few days prior to the release of the result. 

Can applicants challenge the final Answer Key?

No, candidates cannot challenge the final answer key, they can only raise objections to the provisional answer key. 

