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University Grant Commission National Eligibility Test
University Grant Commission National Eligibility Test

UGC NET Result 2025 - Release Date, Scorecard Link, Normalization & Percentile

UGC NET Result 2025 will be released in online mode at ugcnet.nta.ac.in. Before the results, NTA issues the UGC NET provisional answer key at the examination website.

UGC NET Result 2025: The National Testing Agency releases the result for UGC NET examination on its official website. To check the result, candidates have to visit the login page and use their login credentials including UGC NET application number, date of birth, and security pin. Candidates can also expect the cutoff for UGC NET to be released along with the result declaration.  

Latest Updates: 

  • The NTA will release UGC NET result for June 2025 session soon after the examination is concluded. 
  • NTA released the UGC NET result 2024 for December session on Friday, February 22, 2025 at ugcnet.nta.ac.in. The exams were conducted from January 3 to 27, 2025.

Candidates can download their respective scorecards for UGC NET exam from the official website, ugcnet.nta.nic.in. Along with the UGC NET result, NTA also releases subject wise cut off for candidates. 

The UGC NET cut off for assistant professors and for JRF are different from one another. Candidates can download category wise cut off and scorecards from the official website. 

The direct link to download UGC NET result scorecards will be activated on the official website i.e., ugcnet.nta.ac.in. Candidates will be able to download their scorecards by clicking on the link provided at the home page of the website. The same link will be provided here, once activated.

Check image of the official UGC NET exam website below: 

ugc net website

UGC NET Result 2025 Date

UGC NET result is released a few weeks after the examination at ugcnet.nta.ac.in. Candidates will be able to download their result in the form of a scorecard, once released. 

Candidates can then check the result on the official website application number, date of birth, and security pin (case sensitive). Also, candidates can follow the given steps to download the result for UGC NET exam 2025. 

Step 1: Candidates need to go to the official website of UGC NET

Step 2: On the homepage, students will find the link that reads 'UGC NET Result 2025' -- Click on that 

Step 3: Now, candidates need to enter the details as asked and click on submit 

Step 4: The UGC NET Result 2025 will be displayed on your screens 

NOTE: Download the document and take a printout for future use.

The National Testing Agency releases the examination statistics along with the UGC NET result for each session. Check the exam statistics for previous years' UGC NET exam sessions in the section below. 

UGC NET Exam 2024 Analysis

The UGC NET exam statistics for December 2024 and June/August 2024 session are provided below. 

UGC NET Exam 2023 Analysis

Candidates can take a look at the UGC NET 2023 June and December session statistics below.

UGC NET exam scorecard is an important document for all the candidates who have appeared for the exam. The scorecard consists of some of the information including marks obtained by the applicant, name of the candidate, result status, etc. The below-given table below consists of all the details which are mentioned on the scorecard of the UGC NET. 

  • Candidate’s roll number
  • Name of the candidate 
  • Candidate's father's name 
  • Candidate's mother's name
  • Category 
  • Application number of the candidate 
  • Name of the subject along with its code 
  • Candidate's name registered for the concerned subject
  • Candidate's name appeared for the concerned subject
  • Exam qualifying status
  • Total marks obtained paper-wise 
  • Paper-wise and total percentile score obtained
  • Name of the post for which the candidate has applied for  

The UGC NET Result is prepared by the National Testing Agency by following a set of procedures. Below are the given steps through which the NTA prepares the UGC NET Result. 

Step 1: The total number of aspirants who cleared the UGC NET both papers should be equal to 6% 

Step 2: As per the reservation policy of India, all the slots are allotted to different categories. 

Step 3: Further, candidates are required to appear for both paper 1 and paper 2 and obtain the minimum qualifying marks in order to determine for ‘JRF and eligibility for Assistant Professor’ or ‘eligibility for Assistant Professor only'. 

Step 4: The number of candidates who will be declared qualified in any subject for a specific category is calculated using the formula below.

According to the aforementioned example, the UGC NET cut-off for the eligibility of Assistant Professor in Economics for the SC category is decided by the aggregate percentage of the two papers corresponding to the number of slots arrived. Further, in order to decide the subject-wise qualifying cutoff for all categories, the same formula is used. 

Step 5: Only those candidates will be considered for the JRF who have applied for the JRF and Assistant Professor eligibility out of the total number of qualified candidates

Step 6: As per the reservation policy of the Government of India, the slots which are available for awarding the JRF are assigned to different categories. 

UGC NET exam is conducted in multiple shifts. Each shift has a different set of questions, and the difficulty level may vary between the shifts. Some candidates might get an easier set of questions, while others could get a harder one. This can lead to differences in marks, where candidates with harder questions might score lower. 

To solve this problem, NTA uses a Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score. This method ensures that no candidate is unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged because of the difficulty level of the exam. For normalization of scores across the sections, the UGC NET percentile score is taken into consideration. Percentile is calculated by following the formula given below: 

ugc net percentile

The NTA authorities calculate the normalized UGC NET scores by following the instructions below:

Step 1: Divide Candidates into Two Shifts

The candidates will be randomly divided into two groups (shifts) so that each shift has almost the same number of candidates.

  • Shift 1: Day 1, Shift 1
  • Shift 2: Day 1, Shift 2

Note: If there are more days or fewer shifts, we adjust the groups accordingly to keep things fair.

Step 2: Calculate Results for Each Shift

For each shift, we will calculate two things:

  • Raw Scores: The actual scores each candidate gets.
  • Percentile Scores: This shows how each candidate performed compared to others in the same shift.

Step 3: Combine Percentile and Final Scores

After calculating the percentile scores for each shift, the authorities will combine them. These combined scores are called NTA scores. The NTA scores will then be used to create the final UGC NET result.

The UGC NET qualifying marks are the minimum mark required to be eligible to sit for the UGC NET Test. According to the UGC NET cut off, the general category's minimum qualifying mark is 40%, while the reserved category's minimum qualifying mark is 35%.

The National Testing Agency releases the UGC NET final answer key along with the result. As per the guidelines, neither the UGC NET result nor the final answer key is subject to objections. Candidates must accept the final answer key released by NTA, as the authority's decision on the correct answers is final.

The UGC NET cut off is released after the announcement of results. Candidates who score above the minmum cut off scores will be considered qualified  Meanwhile, candidates can have a look at the previous years' cut offs. Check the link to download previous session's UGC NET cut off below:

UGC NET Cut off PDF - Download

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the UGC-NET result?

The UGC NET result is released by the National Testing Agency on its official website. 

What are some of the details that are mentioned in the UGC NET results ?

UGC NET result consists of candidate’s name, candidate’s father’s name and mother’s name, category, etc. 

When is the UGC NET cut-off released?

UGCNET cut-off is released along with the UGC-NET results. The upcoming cut-off is expected to be released in January 2024.

How can candidates check the UGC NET results?

And) Candidates can check the UGC-NET results by logging into the portal by using application number, date of birth, and security pin.

Where can I check UGC NET 2024 exam date?

You can check UGC NET 2024 exam date on the official website of the UGC NET.

When does NTA release the UGC NET application form?

The UGC NET application form is expected to be out at least 2 months before the date of the examination.

Where can I find UGC NET 2024 notification pdf?

You can look for UGC NET 2024 notification pdf on the official website of NTA.

When was the UGC NET result December 2023 released?

UGC NET result december 2023 was declared on January 19, 2024. 

Where is the UGC NET result declared?

The UGC NET result is announced on the official website i.e., ugcnet.nta.ac.in.

Will I get my UGC NET scorecard by post?

No, candidates will not receive their UGC NET scorecard by post. Candidates are required to download the scorecards from the official website only.

