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Medical College Admission Test

MCAT Syllabus 2023 : Check Section-wise Syllabus and Skills in each Section

The MCAT exam syllabus consists of the topics and skills that are evaluated in the four constituent sections. The syllabus is provided on the official website of the Association of American Medical Colleges and can be downloaded in PDF format.
MCAT Syllabus 2023

MCAT Syllabus 2023

MCAT Syllabus 2023: Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) prescribes the syllabus for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Students can access the syllabus of the MCAT test from the AAMC official website in PDF format. The MCAT syllabus gives a thorough outline of the sections and their contents, and the skills evaluated in each section. The MCAT exam is an assessment of an aspiring medical student’s knowledge and skill set that is required for success in medical school. 

The MCAT exam lays emphasis on deep knowledge of the most crucial scientific ideas and concepts instead of superficial knowledge of various random scientific facts. The sections are based on the foundational ideas and conceptual understanding in the field of science. The sections require candidates to synthesize their understanding of multiple scientific disciplines and use their combined knowledge and analysis to answer the questions.

There are four sections in the MCAT exam which include critical analysis and reasoning skills; biological and biochemical foundations of living systems; chemical and physical foundations of biological systems; and psychological, social, and biological foundations of behaviour. The MCAT exam consists of four sections that evaluate a candidate’s aptitude and readiness for medical school. Each section is scored between the range of 118 to 132. The combined total MCAT score ranges from 472 to 528.

MCAT Syllabus 2023

The MCAT syllabus can be downloaded from the official website of AAMC. Students are advised to go through the MCAT exam pattern and syllabus content as it will help them to create an informed exam preparation strategy. The syllabus gives the topics that are included in each of the four sections as well as the skills that are assessed in each section. The four skills which are evaluated are scientific reasoning and problem-solving; data-based and statistical reasoning; knowledge of scientific concepts and principles; and reasoning about the design and execution of research. 

MCAT Exam Sections

The MCAT exam consists of four sections that assess a medical aspirant’s skill set and knowledge which are prerequisites for a successful medical education and career. The following sections are evaluated in the MCAT test : 

MCAT Sections

  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
  • Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
  • Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behaviour
  • Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

The section on biological and biochemical foundations of living systems consists of the following foundational concepts :

  • Foundational Concept 1 : Biomolecules

Foundational Concept 1: 


  • Function and Structure of Proteins
  • Constituent Amino Acids in Proteins
  • Transmission of genetic information from the gene

            to the protein

  • Transmission of heritable information from

generation to generation and the processes that

increase genetic diversity

  • Principles of bioenergetics and fuel molecule



  • Foundational Concept 2 : Cells

Foundational Concept 2:  


  • Assemblies of molecules, cells, and groups of cells within single cellular and multicellular organisms
  • The structure, growth, physiology, and genetics

of prokaryotes and viruses

  •  Processes of cell division, differentiation, and



  1. Foundational Concept 3 : Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems
  • Structure and functions of the nervous and

endocrine systems and the ways these systems coordinate the organ systems

  • Structure and integrative functions of the main

organ systems

  1. Respiratory System
  2. Circulatory System
  3. Lymphatic System
  4. Immune System
  5. Digestive System
  6. Excretory System
  7. Reproductive System
  8. Muscle System
  9. Specialized Cell - Muscle Cell
  10. Skeletal System
  11. Skin System

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

The foundational concepts in the section on Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems are as follows : 

  • Foundational Concept 4 : Physical Principles that Facilitate Living Processes

Foundational Concept 4 : 

Physical Principles that Facilitate Living Processes

Translational motion, forces, work, energy, and equilibrium in living systems

Importance of fluids for the circulation of blood, gas movement, and gas exchange.

Electrochemistry and electrical circuits and their elements

How light and sound interact with matter

Atoms, nuclear decay, electronic structure, and atomic chemical behavior


  • Foundational Concept 5 : Chemical Principles that Govern Molecular Dynamics of Living Systems

Foundational Concept 5: 

Chemical Principles that Govern Molecular Dynamics of Living Systems

Unique nature of water and its solutions

Separation and purification methods

Principles of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics

Nature of molecules and intermolecular interactions

Structure, function, and reactivity of biologically relevant molecules

Psychological, Social and Biological Foundations of Behaviour

The section on psychological, social, and biological foundations of behaviour consists of the following foundational concepts :  

  • Foundational Concept 6: How Individuals Perceive, Think about, and Respond to the World Due to Biological, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors

Foundational Concept 6: How Individuals Perceive, Think about, and Respond to the World Due to Biological, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors

Making Sense of the Environment

Responding to the world

Sensing the environment 


  • Foundational Concept 7: Behaviour and Behaviour Changes Influenced by Biological, Psychological and Sociocultural Factors 

Foundational Concept 7: Behaviour and Behaviour Changes Influenced by Biological, Psychological and Sociocultural Factors 

Social processes that influence human behavior

Individual influences on behavior

Attitude and behavior change


  • Foundational Concept 8 : How Individuals Think about Themselves and Others, and Communication with Others


Foundational Concept 8 : How Individuals Think about Themselves and Others, and Communication with Others

Social Thinking


Social interactions


  • Foundational Concept 9: Cultural and social differences that influence well-being

Foundational Concept 9 : Cultural and social differences that influence well-being

Demographic characteristics and processes

Understanding social structure


  • Foundational Concept 10: Social stratification and access to resources that influence well-being

Foundational Concept 10: Social stratification and access to resources that influence well-being

Social Inequality

Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

Foundations of Comprehension

Inferring meaning or intent from immediate sentence context

Understanding the basic components of the text

Reasoning Beyond the Text

Applying or extrapolating ideas from the passage to new contexts

Assessing the impact of incorporating new factors, information, or conditions on ideas from the passage

Reasoning Within the Text

Integrating distant components of the text to infer an author's message, intent, purpose, belief, position, bias, assumptions 

Recognizing and evaluating arguments and their structural elements (claims, evidence, support, relations)

MCAT Exam Skills 

The MCAT test is an assessment of the following core skills : 

  • Scientific reasoning and problem-solving
  • Data-based and statistical reasoning
  • Knowledge of scientific concepts and principles
  • Reasoning about the design and execution of research

The section on critical analysis and reasoning skills specifically requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to comprehend and analyse the given passages. The passages are derived from a wide range of sources in the social science and humanities, such as ethics, philosophy, cultural studies, and population health. 

  • Scientific Reasoning and Problem-Solving: Scientific reasoning and problem-solving include the skill of analyzing and assessing scientific explanations and predictions. Further, it refers to the candidate’s reasoning ability with respect to scientific theories, models, and principles.
  •  Data-based and Statistical Reasoning: Data-based and Statistical reasoning incorporates the student’s aptitude for analysing patterns given in graphs, figures and tables. Candidates are evaluated on their ability to reason about data and deduce logical inferences and conclusions from the given data.
  • Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles: In the section on knowledge of scientific concepts and principles, candidates will be required to demonstrate their understanding of scientific concepts and principles. Further, they will also be assessed on their ability to identify the connections and interfaces between closely related scientific concepts. 
  • Reasoning about the Design and Execution of Research: Students will be evaluated on their ability to reason about ethical issues in research. Moreover, they will need to demonstrate their understanding of significant aspects in scientific research. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the syllabus of the MCAT exam?

Association of American Medical Colleges releases the syllabus of the MCAT exam on its official website. 

Which skills are assessed in the MCAT test ?

The skills assessed in the MCAT test include scientific reasoning and problem-solving; data-based and statistical reasoning; knowledge of scientific concepts and principles; and reasoning about the design and execution of research. 


Which are the four sections of the MCAT exam ?

The 4 sections of the MCAT exam are critical analysis and reasoning skills; biological and biochemical foundations of living systems; chemical and physical foundations of biological systems; and psychological, social, and biological foundations of behaviour.

What is the score range of the MCAT total score ?

The total MCAT score ranges from 472 to 528. 

What is the score range for the 4 sections in MCAT exam ?

The score range for each of the 4 sections in MCAT exam is from 118 to 132. 
