CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024: Marking Scheme, Weightage for Prelims, Mains
CGPSC exam pattern 2024 is released along with the official exam notification. Candidates appearing in the CGPSC SSE prelims are advised to check the exam pattern while studying for the exam.
CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024
CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024: The exam pattern for CGPSC exam 2024 is released by the commission on its official website. The exam pattern for prelims and mains is different. Candidates preparing for CGPSC exam are advised to go through the exam pattern in order to score well.
CGPSC exam pattern sheds light on questions such as the duration of the exam, total marks, whether the exam has negative marking or not and other details. On the other hand, the marking scheme describes the maximum number of weightage of the topic and other information. Hence, before beginning the CGPSC preparation, candidates must check the exam pattern and marking scheme. Apart from the marking scheme, candidates should also take a look at the prescribed CGPSC syllabus 2024.
CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024
CGPSC exam pattern for prelims stage and mains stage is different from one another. Hence, candidates are advised to check the exam pattern for the assigned level. The CGPSC prelims have two papers and the duration of the examination is 2 hours. On the other hand, the mains has 7 papers and candidates will get 3 hours to complete each paper. The exam pattern talks about the basic nitty-gritty of the exam such as the total marks, negative markings and other details.
On the contrary, the marking scheme helps the candidate to have an idea of which subject, as well as the topic, carries the highest marks. Hence, before beginning the preparation, candidates must check all three aspects and then start with their preparation.
CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024: Prelims
Candidates who will be appearing for the CGPSC prelims exam must check with the exam pattern which is specified for the prelims stage. The prelims stage has two papers. While paper 1 is general studies, paper 2 is an aptitude test. Aspirants can easily find the exam pattern on the official website inside the CGPSC official notification for the specified year.
Candidates can take a look at the following CGPSC prelims exam pattern down below:
- The CGPSC prelims exam is of 2 hours and candidates have to attempt each question in the given time bracket.
- There are 100 questions in each of the papers and 1 mark is given to each question.
- The total marks awarded in the examination is set as 200
- The exam consists of negative marking which means that 1.3 marks will be deducted for each question.
- The CGPSC exam will be conducted in offline mode which means pen and paper mode
- The questions asked in the examination will be in an objective type format
CGPSC Prelims 2024: Marking Scheme
The marking scheme for the prelim exam will define the highest number of marks given to one topic. Candidates can take a look at the following marking scheme for the prelims exam.
Paper |
Exam Duration |
Number of Questions |
Total Marks |
Paper 1 |
2 |
100 |
200 |
Paper 2 |
2 |
100 |
200 |
CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024: Mains
Now, the CGPSC mains exam is different as compared to the prelims exam. The mains exam has 7 papers and the duration of the examination for each paper is also greater than compared to prelims exam.
Candidates can take a look at the following exam pattern for the mains stage prescribed by the exam conducting body.
- Candidates are allowed to answer all the questions in either Hindi or English language. However, for the language paper candidates will not be allowed to avail of this facility.
- The duration of the exam is 3 hours and candidates have to complete the exam in the given time period
- The second paper is of essay which means that aspirants have to write 2 essays on problems faced on the national level and others which are faced on the state level (Chattisgarh level)
- The total marks of each paper are 200
- The mains stage has 7 papers and all the exams will be conventional in nature
CGPSC Marking Scheme 2024: Mains
Since the mains exam is different in nature as compared to the prelims stage, the marking pattern for this stage also differs. Hence, candidates appearing for this stage should refer to the given marking scheme.
Candidates can take a look at the following marking scheme for the CGPSC mains stage.
Paper and Subject |
Duration of Exam |
Total Marks |
Paper 1 - Language |
3 |
200 |
Paper 2 - Essay |
3 |
200 |
Paper 3 - History, Constitution and Public Administration |
3 |
200 |
Paper 4 - Science, Technology, and Environment |
3 |
200 |
Paper 5- Economics and Geography |
3 |
200 |
Paper 6 - Mathematics and Logical Ability |
3 |
200 |
Paper 7 - Philosophy and Sociology |
3 |
200 |
CGPSC Syllabus 2024: Prelims and Mains
Aspirants must be well aware of the syllabus issued by the exam conducting body. The syllabus is released on the official website and candidates can check the syllabus on by checking the official notification of the examination. Needless to say, the CGPSC syllabus plays an essential role for all the candidates who are preparing for the examination. Hence, candidates should check the syllabus before starting their preparation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does the CGPSC exam have a negative marking?
Yes, the CGPSC exam has negative marking which means that 1.3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Is the syllabus of prelims different from mains exam ?
Yes, the syllabus for the CGPSC prelims exam is different compared to mains exam. While the prelims exam has two papers, the mains exam has 7 papers.
What are the total marks for the prelims paper 1 ?
The total marks for prelims paper 1 is 200 which means that the total question asked in the examination is 100, which means that each question is of 2 marks.
How many marks does the CGPS interview consist of?
The interview stage of the CGPSC consists of 150 marks. Candidates have to clear all three stages in order to qualify for the exam.
How many stages are there in the CGPSC exam?
The CGPSC exam has three stages and candidates have to clear all three stages including the prelims, mains and interview to get recruited.