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Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam

CGPSC Syllabus 2024: Download PDF, Subject-wise topics for Prelims, Mains

CGPSC syllabus 2024 for prelims and mains exam is released inside the CGPSC official notification. Candidates should also check the CGPSC exam pattern and marking scheme for a better preparation.

CGPSC Syllabus 2024: The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission has released the syllabus for CGPSC prelims and mains separately. CGPSC syllabus is released on the official website inside the exam notification. Further, the CGPSC syllabus is released in PDF format for both stages and candidates can easily check the details. Candidates must note that they have to qualify for all stages CGPSC exam 2024 in order to get recruited for the post for which they have applied. 

Candidates who wish to appear for the CGPSC exam 2024 must have an idea of CGPSC syllabus. The CGPSC preliminary exam is divided into parts. While CGPSC prelims syllabus Part A is for general studies, part B is related to aptitude tests. On the other hand, CGPSC's mains exam syllabus has 7 papers on different subjects. 

Students should also check the CGPSC exam pattern as well as CGPSC marking scheme. The main objective of CGPSC exam pattern is to shed light on issues including the duration of the exam, mode of exam, highest weightage of topics and others. Candidates can find the CGPSC exam pattern and CGPS prelims, mains syllabus from the official website. 

CGPSC Syllabus 2024

CGPSC syllabus is an important aspect for all those candidates who are appearing for the examination. The syllabus gives an idea of what kind of questions will be asked in the examination. Hence, while preparing for the examination, candidates must go through the syllabus thoroughly. The CGPSC preparation of a candidate for any competitive exam starts by studying the syllabus. 

Candidates must know that the exam has three stages and they have to clear all three stages. Candidates appearing for the prelims stage also known as the screening stage have to clear this level and then they will be eligible to appear for the mains stage. Further, if the candidate clears both stages, then he or she will be able to appear for the interview rounds. With the marks with mains and interview rounds, a merit list will be prepared and based on that the results will be declared. 

CGPSC Syllabus 2024 PDF - Download

CGPSC Syllabus 2024: Prelims

The CGPSC prelims syllabus comprises two parts. While part A is about general studies, part B is an aptitude test. Candidates can take a look at the following syllabus prescribed by the CGPSC. 

CGPSC Syllabus Paper- I: General Studies 

  • Contribution of Chhattisgarh to the Freedom Movement
  • Literature, Music, Dance, Special Traditions and Festivals of Chhattisgarh
  • History of India
  • Indian Economy
  • General Science and Technology
  • Current Affairs and Sports
  • Constitution of India and Polity

CGPSC Syllabus Paper-II: Aptitude Test

  • Data Interpretation
  • Basic Numeracy
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Analytical Ability
  • Decision Making and Problem-Solving

The CGPSC mains syllabus has 7 papers with different subjects. Candidates can take a look at the following Mains syllabus prescribed by the exam conducting body. 

Paper I: Language

  • General English
  • General Hindi
  • Chhattisgarhi Language 
  • General Sanskrit

Paper-II: Essay

Candidates have to write 2 essays on each of the following 

  • Different issues that India has tackled at the national level 
  • Different issues that Chhattisgarh has faced at the state level

Paper III: History, Constitution and Public Administration

  • The Indian National Movement
  • Constitution of India
  • Public Administration
  • History of India
  • History of Chhattisgarh and the Role of Chhattisgarh in the National Movement

Paper IV: Science, Technology, and Environment

  • Chemistry
  • Environment
  • Technology
  • Biology
  • Physics

Paper V: Economics and Geography

  • Economics of Chhattisgarh
  • Industry, Agriculture,  Natural Resources of Chhattisgarh and Forest Details 
  • Indian Economics
  • Planning in India
  • Geography of Chhattisgarh 

Paper VI: Mathematics and Logical Ability

  • Data Analysis - Mathematical operation Basic numeric
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Rational Numbers, Coordinate Geometry
  • Algorithm method, binary digital system, and changing a binary number to a decimal number

Paper VII: Philosophy and Sociology

  • Tribes of Chhattisgarh
  • Art and Culture of Chhattisgarh
  • Indian Philosophy and Yoga
  • Sociology 

Apart from the syllabus, candidates must have an idea about the exam pattern. The CGPSC exam pattern for prelims and main is completely different from another. Hence, candidates should refer to the exam pattern as per the level they are appearing for. Further, exam pattern sheds light on topics such as the duration of the exam, total marks, or whether the exam has negative marking or not. 

CGPSC Prelims Exam Pattern 

Candidates appearing for the CGPSC prelims exam should be well aware of the exam pattern. The exam pattern is laid out on the official website. Further candidates can check the detailed information given below. 

  • The exam duration for the prelims is set as 2 hours. This means that the candidate has to complete the examination in 2 hours. 
  • The exam consists of 100 questions and each question in the paper is of 2 marks which makes the total marks as 200. 
  • The questions in the prelims will be asked in objective type. 
  • The CGPSC prelims and mains will be conducted in offline mode. 
  • The exam consists of negative marking which means that 1.3 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer. 

NOTE: Candidates must know that the given exam pattern is for both Paper 1 and 2 of the prelims stage. 

Candidates can take a look at the following marking scheme for the prelims stage of the CGPSC exam.

CGPSC Mains Exam Pattern 

Once the candidate has qualified the prelims stage, then he or she will be able to appear for the mains stage. Those candidates who will appear for the mains stage should check the mains exam pattern and marking scheme. Further, those candidates who will clear the mains will then be eligible to appear for the interview round. 

Candidates must know that the mains exam has 7 papers with different subjects. Aspirants can take a look at the following exam pattern for mains stage. 

  • The total duration of the exam is 3 hours which means that candidates have to complete the exam in 3 hours. 
  • The total marks for the exam are 200 
  • Candidates must know that they can answer all the papers except the language one in either Hindi or English language 
  • In the essay section, candidates have to write two essays l)
  • The mains stage of the CGPSC exam has 7 papers and all the exams will be conventional in nature 

Candidates can take a look at the following marking scheme for the CGPSC Mains exam. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who prescribes the CGPSC syllabus?

The CGPSC syllabus is prescribed by the CGPSC itself and candidates can check the syllabus online.

Where is the CGPSC syllabus released?

CGPSC syllabus is released on the official website of the education body. Candidates can check the syllabus inside the official notification. 

How many papers are there in the CGPSC prelims stage?

There are a total of 2 papers in the prelims stage. While part A is general studies, part B is an aptitude test.

What is the marking scheme for CGPSC mains exam ?

The CGPSC mains exam has a total of 7 papers and the duration of the exam is 3 hours. Every paper consists of 200 marks.

Do CGPSC prelims exam have negative markings?

Yes, the CGPSC exam has negative markings which means that 1.3 marks will be deducted for each wrong question.
