CGPSC Exam 2024: Chattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) is responsible for conducting the CGPSC exam 2024, which is a state civil service exam. The exam is conducted on a state level and takes place once a year. In order to appear for the exam, candidates have to first fill out the CGPSC application form.
Latest Updates:
- CGPSC preliminary exam was conducted on February 9, 2025. The result for prelims was announced on March 11, 2025.
Candidates are advised to check the CGPSC syllabus and exam pattern while preparing for the prelims or mains. The syllabus gives an overview of everything a candidate has to study in order to qualify in the exam.
CGPSC Exam 2024
CGPSC exam is conducted to recruit candidates for various posts offered by the Chhattisgarh government. Candidates who are interested in getting recruited for posts offered by the state government can appear for the examination. The exam has three stages and candidates have to qualify for all three stages in order to get recruited for the examination.
The first stage of the examination is known as the prelims stage also called the screening stage. Once the candidate has cleared the screening stage, then he or she will be eligible to appear for the mains stage. Further, the candidates who will clear the mains stage will be eligible to appear for the interview round. Lastly, the exam conducts a final cut-off based on the marks scored by the candidates in the mains and interview round.
CGPSC Exam 2024: Highlights
Candidates can take a look at the important points of the CGPSC exam in the table below:
Exam conducting body
Chattisgarh Public Service Commission
Mode of application
Level of exam
Frequency of exam
Once a year
Mode of exam
CGPSC SSE Preliminary Exam Date
February 9, 2025
CGPSC Prelims Result Date
March 11, 2025
Duration of exam
3 hours
Language of question paper
Selection process of exam
- Prelims exam
- Mains exam
- Interview
CGPSC SSE Exam 2024 Notification PDF
The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission has released the official exam notification for CGPSC State Service Examination 2024 at the official website. The same can be downloaded from the link below:
CGPSC SSE 2024 Exam Notification |
Download |
CGPSC SSE 2024 Exam Dates
As per the latest notification released by the Commission, CGPSC SSE preliminary exam will be conducted on February 9, 2025. Check important dates below:
Event |
Dates |
CGPSC SSE application dates |
December 1 to December 30, 2024 |
CGPSC SSE preliminary admit card |
January 30, 2025 (released) |
CGPSC SSE preliminary exam date |
February 9, 2025 |
CGPSC SSE mains exam date (tentative) |
June 26, 27, 28, and 29, 2025 |
The application process for the examination is done online and candidates can check the application form on the official website. Before filling the application form, candidates should check the CGPSC eligibility. The CGPSC application form has three major steps including filling in the details on application form, uploading the documents and paying the application fees. Once the candidate completely fills the application form, then he or she will be eligible to get the admit card.
Aspirants must note that the application form for prelims and mains stage is released separately. This means that at first candidates have to fill the application form for the prelims stage and once they have qualified for the prelims, candidates have to fill the application form for the mains stage.
CGPSC Application Fees 2024
Once the application process has completed the candidates have to pay the application fees. However, candidates must note that the application fees are different for candidates from different categories. Candidates can take a look at the following application fees prescribed by the education body.
Candidate’s Category
Unreserved (UR)
Rs 400
Rs 300
Other Backward Classes (OBC)
Rs 300
Physically Handicap
Rs 300
CGPSC Admit Card 2024
Once the candidate has completed the application form, he or she will be eligible to get the CGPSC admit card. The hall ticket is an essential document which contains important information about the candidate including their name, exam date, exam venue, exam timings and other details.
Candidates must note that the admit card will be released separately for each stage which means a different hall ticket will be released prelims and mains stages. CGPSC hall ticket is an essential document which candidates need to bring with them. If a candidate forgets to bring the admit card, then he or she will not be eligible to appear for the examination.
CGPSC Syllabus 2024
The CGPSC syllabus is released on the official website. The official notice includes the release of the syllabus. Candidates should know that the prelims, mains and interview syllabi are different. Hence, candidates should refer to that syllabus for the stage they are appearing for.
CGPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024
The CGPSC prelims syllabus comprises two parts. While part A is about general studies, part B is an aptitude test. Candidates can take a look at the following syllabus prescribed by the CGPSC.
CGPSC Syllabus Paper- I/General Studies (Expected)
- Contribution of Chhattisgarh to the Freedom Movement
- Literature, Music, Dance, Special Traditions and Festivals of Chhattisgarh
- History of India
- Indian Economy
- General Science and Technology
- Current Affairs and Sports
- Constitution of India and Polity
CGPSC Syllabus Paper-II/Aptitude Test
- Data Interpretation
- Basic Numeracy
- Logical Reasoning
- Analytical Ability
- Decision Making and Problem-Solving
CGPSC Exam Pattern 2024: Prelims and Mains
CGPSC exam pattern for prelims and mains are essential for candidates as it sheds light on the duration of the exam, mode of the exam, how many questions and other details. Candidates can take a look at the exam pattern for both prelims and mains here.
- The exam duration for the prelims is 2 hours and for mains is 3 hours
- The prelims exam consists of 100 questions and each question in the paper is of 2 marks which makes the total marks as 200. The total marks for mains is 200
- Candidates can give prelims and mains in Hindi and English
CGPSC Marking Scheme 2024: Prelims and Mains
Exam Duration
Number of Questions
Total Marks
Paper 1
Paper 2
CGPSC Mains Marking Scheme
Paper and Subject
Duration of Exam
Total Marks
Paper 1 - Language
Paper 2 - Essay
Paper 3 - History, Constitution and Public Administration
Paper 4 - Science, Technology, and Environment
Paper 5- Economics and Geography
Paper 6 - Mathematics and Logical Ability
Paper 7 - Philosophy and Sociology
CGPSC Result 2024
CGPSC releases the results on the official website. The result is released in PDF format and candidates can quickly check the results by checking the what's new section. Since the CGPSC result is an essential document it consists of the roll numbers of the candidate who will qualify for the exam.
Before releasing the results the CGPSC releases the answer key. There are two types of answer keys. While the first one is the provisional answer key which allows candidates to raise objections, another one is the final answer key which helps candidates to calculate their score.