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Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam

CGPSC Admit Card 2024 (Out): Prelims Hall Ticket, Direct Link, Exam Day Guidelines

CGPSC Admit Card 2024 for the civil services preliminary round is now available to download online. Once released, candidates will be able to download the hall tickets by visiting psc.cg.gov.in.

CGPSC Admit Card 2024: The Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission releases the admit card for CGPSC SSE exam 2024 on its official website. As per the schedule, CGPSC SSE preliminary exam will be conducted on February 9, 2025. Candidates who are appearing for the CGPSC prelims can now download their admit card from psc.cg.gov.in. After clearing the prelims for CGPSC exam 2024, candidates will be eligible to apply for the mains.

Check here: CGPSC 2024 admit card for SSE prelims released at cgpsc.gov.in

The admit card is an essential document and candidates are advised to carry with them while entering the examination hall. If a candidate is found without the admit card, then the candidate will not be allowed to sit in the exam hall.  Since the admit card is an essential document it consists of the candidate's name, roll number, exam date, exam duration and other details. Only those candidates will get their CGPSC admit card, who will successfully complete the CGPSC application form.

CGPSC Admit Card 2024 Release Date

CGPSC admit card for the upcoming State Service Examination (prelims) will be released 10 days before the exam date. Therefore, candidates can expect the hall tickets to be issued on January 29, 2025. 

Particulars Dates
CGPSC admit card 2024 (prelims) January 30, 2025
CGPSC prelims exam date 2024 February 9, 2025

The link to download CGPSC SSE admit card for preliminary exam will be activated 10 days before the exam date. The link will be made available at the Commission's official website, psc.cg.gov.in. Check image of the official website below: 

cgpsc website

The CGPSC hall ticket for prelims is released at cgpsc.gov.in. Candidates can download the document by following these simple steps. 

Step 1: Go to the official website of CGPSC 

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates will find the login portal -- click on that 

Step 3: Now, candidates need to enter their credentials as asked 

Step 4: Once done, candidates need to click on the enter button 

Step 5: The CGPSC hall ticket will be displayed on the screen 

Step 6: Check and download the hall ticket 

NOTE: Download the hall ticket and keep it for future use. 

Since the CGPSC hall ticket is an essential document, it contains several important information about the candidate including name of the candidate, category, roll number of candidate and others. Aspirants can check the details mentioned in the document. 

  • Name of the candidate
  • Name of the exam
  • examination date 
  • exam time 
  • DOB of candidate 
  • Roll number of candidate
  • Candidate's signature 
  • Exam centre and online registration number of aspirant 
  • Father or Mother's name 
  • Candidate's passport photo 
  • Exam test centre's address 
  • Instruction for the examination 

Apart from the CGPSC hall ticket, candidates are also required to carry some ID proof to confirm their identity. Candidates have to carry valid ID proof with them while visiting the examination centre. Candidates can take a look at the following documents among which one of them can be carried by the candidate. 

  • PAN Card 
  • Voter ID
  • Driving Licence
  • Passport 
  • Aadhar Card 

Candidates must note that whichever document they provide it should have a clear photo of them. 

Sometimes candidates forget the credentials through which they log in and check their admit card, then, in this case, aspirants must know the steps through which they retrieve their password. Aspirants can follow the given steps if they forget their CGPSC login ID password.

Step 1: Go to CGPSC's official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates will find the loin portal through which they log in to access their admit card

Step 3: On logging in, candidates will find a 'forgot password' -- click on that 

Step 4: Now, candidates have to enter their correct email ID and number on which they wish to receive their reset password link 

Step 5: Once submitted, candidates will receive a link on their given mail Id through which they can reset their password 

Step 6: Now, candidates can easily set their new password.

There are certain items which candidates are not allowed to take inside the examination hall. Aspirants can take a look at the list of the items which they cannot bring inside the exam hall. 

  • Wallet or handbags 
  • Any books or study material
  • Any electronic gadget such as smartphone, Bluetooth, electronic calculator etc.
  • Any eatables items 

While checking the CGPSC admit card for any stage, if candidates find any discrepancy which means that any error in the given information on the hall ticket, then in that case they should immediately contact the authorities and get those errors rectified quickly. 

If in case the candidate is unable to get the errors rectified, then he or she will not be allowed to enter the exam hall with the admit card. 

Candidates who will receive their admit card are advised to read the instructions mentioned on the document carefully. Here are some important points which candidates should remember while entering the exam hall are listed down below. 

  • Aspirants are not allowed to carry any eraser, blade or whitener in  the exam hall
  • Candidates should report to the exam hall 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. 
  • Mobile phones, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, pagers, electronic pens, smartwatches, and other electronic devices are not permitted within the exam room.
  • If the applicant's photo, signature, or both are not clearly visible on the admission card, the Commission may order that the applicant's candidature be withdrawn.
  • Do not lose the admit card as it is a very important test-related document. For emergencies, print a few copies of it and keep them safely.
  • To ensure that the candidate arrives on time for the exam, it is essential to visit the testing location before the actual test day.
  • On the day of the exam, arrive at the testing location as early as you can to avoid any last-minute traffic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the CGPSC admit card?

CGPSC admits card is released by Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission. The hall ticket is released on the official website and candidates can log in and check the details.

How can candidates check the CGPSC admit card?

Candidates can check the CGPSC admit card by following these simple steps: 

Step 1: Visit CGPSC's official website

Step 2: Candidates should click the login link on the webpage

Step 3: At this point, applicants must input their credentials as prompted

Step 4: After finishing, applicants must press the enter key

Step 5: A screen will show the CGPSC admission ticket

Step 6: Verify and save the admission ticket

Does CGPSC release single admit cards for both prelims and main stage?

No, CPSC does not release one single admit card for both prelims and the main stage. The exam conducting body releases different separate hall tickets.

What are other ID proofs that candidates should take to get a hall ticket?

Candidates can take a look at the following documents among which one of them can be carried by the candidate.

  • PAN Card 
  • Voter ID
  • Driving Licence
  • Passport
  • Aadhar Card 

When will CGPSC admit card 2024 for prelims be released?

The admit card for CGPSC preliminary exam will be issued 10 days before the exam date. Candidates can expect the hall ticket to be issued on January 29, 2025. 

When will CGPSC preliminary exam be held?

The CGPSC SSE preliminary exam is going to be held on February 9, 2025. Candidates will be able to download the admit card online at psc.cg.gov.in. 
