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Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission
Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission

UKSSSC Result 2023: Steps to Check the Result and Important Dates

Since UKSSSC provides a variety of job posts, each applicant's score will indicate the position they will be selected for. Therefore, doing well in the exam is essential to obtaining the desired position in the state of Uttarakhand.

What's New?

The Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) has released the UKSSSC Result 2023 (2022 cycle) for the Forest Inspector job posts. Registered candidates can download their results on the official website, sssc.uk.gov.in. Additionally, 615 candidates in total have been chosen to participate in the physical exam scheduled on June 27, 2023.

UKSSSC Result 2023: Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission, which is commonly known as UKSSSC will release the exam result soon after the conduction of the test. The result would be declared on the official website and registered candidates having attempted the test would be able to check their individual UKSSSC scorecards. Applicants will be required to log in to the official portal by entering their registration number and password to successfully check the result. 

Check: UKSSSC Registration 

The list of candidates with scores equal to or higher than the cutoff marks will be included in the scorecard, which will be made accessible in PDF format. It includes information about the candidate's roll number, name, father's name, gender, category, sub-category, normalized marks, and category under which they were selected.

As UKSSSC offers various job posts, the score of each candidate will determine which post they would be selected for. Hence, performing well in the examination is extremely crucial to get the desired public job in the state of Uttarakhand. The release of the test notifications for the various positions is pending for this year. However, it is anticipated that the application process for 2023 will start soon. 

After passing the exam, completing the skill test (limited to some posts), and having the documents verified, the seat allocation process would start, which is how the final decision on selection to various UKSSSC posts would be made.

UKSSSC Result 2023

Check the highlights below to understand the exam better-


Exam Details

Exam Name

Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission

Exam Purpose

Recruitment of public servants in the Uttarakhand State

UKSSSC Date 2023

Yet to be notified

UKSSSC Result Date 2023

Yet to be notified

Posts Offered

Various Grade C and D posts offered

Exam Level


Official Website


UKSSSC Result 2023: Minimum Qualifying Marks

The minimum exam score needed for candidates to be qualified for the data verification round is set by the Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission. The applicant must receive grades that are equal to or higher than the published cutoff. Moreover, a minimum score requirement has been set by the exam administrators. The table below lists the required minimum scores for the Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission:

UKSSSC Result 2023: Marking Scheme

To get the desired UKSSSC result, it is essential for candidates to understand the marking scheme for the exam. Knowing this will help them to get the minimum qualifying marks. 

  • The exam will be for 100 marks with a total of 100 questions
  • With every correct answer, students will be rewarded +1 mark
  • With every incorrect answer, a deduction of 0.25 marks will be done

Once the result gets announced for UKSSSC 2023, interested applicants who attempted the exam may question how to check it. The steps mentioned below should be followed in order to successfully check and download the exam result once it has been declared

Step 1: Visit the official website of UKSSSC

Step 2: If the result has been declared, a direct link to it would be provided on the homepage

Step 3: To access it, applicants will need to complete UKSSSC log-in using their credentials 

Step 4: The screen will show the UKSSSC 2023 result once the applicants have logged in

Step 5: The candidate's final score will be included in the result along with other relevant data like name, roll number, etc.

Step 6: Students are advised to download the result for future use

UKSSSC Result 2023: Details

Once the result has been declared, the exam scorecard will include the following details: