MPSC Exam Pattern 2024: Prelims, Mains Exam Pattern & Qualifying Marks
MPSC exam pattern is released by Maharashtra Public Service Commission. The exam pattern for prelims and mains is different from one another. Aspirants can also check MPSC qualifying marks from the official website.MPSC Exam Pattern 2024 is released by the Maharastra Public Service Commission. The commission releases the exam pattern on the official website. Usually, the exam pattern 2024 is released along with the MPSC syllabus. Candidates who are appearing for the MPSC exam should be well aware of the exam pattern. Although the exam pattern remains the same as last year, if the exam pattern will be revised, then candidates will be informed through an official notification.
MPSC exam is divided into three stages including prelims, mains and interviews. Candidates have to qualify each stage in order to be eligible to get recruited for the post they have applied for. The prelims exam consists of 2 papers of 200 marks each. As a result, MPSC prelims exam total marks are 400 marks. On the other hand, MPSC mains exam consists of 4 papers and the total marks of the mains exam is 800. Also, the prelims exam duration is 2 hours for each paper, whereas, for the mains exam, the paper of Marathi & English is of 3 hours, whereas GS paper I is of 1 hour. Further, GS paper II to IV is of 2 hours.
The mains aim of the exam pattern is to shed light on topics such as marking scheme, total exam duration, and whether the exam has negative marking or not. Once the candidate is well-informed about the exam pattern, then they should move to MPSC syllabus. Candidates can find the syllabus on the official website in PDF format.
MPSC Exam Pattern 2024: Highlights
Candidates can take a look at the important points of the MPSC exam pattern down below.
- MPSC exam consists of three stages including - prelims, mains and interview.
- MPSC prelims exam pattern consists of two papers, whereas mains exam consists of 5 papers.
- Both the papers in MPSC prelims are 200 each. This makes the MPSC total mark 400
- MPSC mains exam consists of 5 subjects and the total marks for the mains exam is 800
- The MPSC prelims exam duration is 2 hours for each paper
- The exam duration for MPSC mains ranges between 1, 2 and 3 hours.
MPSC Prelims Exam Pattern 2024
MPSC MainsExam Pattern 2024
MPSC Interview Exam Pattern 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Where can I find the MPSC exam pattern 2024?
The MPSC exam pattern is released along with the official exam notification on the website - mpsc.gov.in.
Can I download MPSC 2024 syllabus pdf?
Yes, you can download the MPSC 2024 syllabus pdf from the official webiste - mpsc.gov.in.
What are MPSC prelims total marks?
The total marks in MPSC preliminary exam are 400, as per the official exam pattern shared by the commission.
What are the total marks for MPSC mains exam 2024?
As per the official exam pattern, the total marks for MPSC mains examination are 800.
Do MPSC mains have negative markings?
Yes, MPSC mains negative marking exists as 1.4 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
What is MPSC prelims exam time duration?
Candidates will get 2 hours to complete their MPSC preliminary exam 2024.