IE Education RTI Reveals Latest KPSC KAS Exam Pattern
Take a look at the simplified breakdown of the KPSC KAS exam pattern as per RTI-based clarifications
KPSC KAS Exam Pattern by IE Education RTI
Latest Changes in KPSC KAS Exam Pattern 2023 as per IE Education RTI Exclusive:
- KPSC KAS exam pattern has undergone many changes as per the IE Education RTI Exclusive.
- The Optional Papers have been removed from the KPSC KAS exam 2023.
- The KPSC KAS Interview now carry 25 marks.
- The KPSC KAS total marks reduced to 1275 marks. (Mains + Interview)
KPSC KAS Exam Pattern: RTI Exclusive is an initiative by www.IEEducation.in to provide verified information for the benefit of all exams’ aspirants. We bring you the latest information on KPSC KAS Exam Pattern in our IE Education RTI Exclusive. We filed an RTI to get even the minuscule details of the KAS exam structure and provide valuable information to students preparing for the exam. As per the RTI response we received, the Commission brought substantial changes in the KPSC KAS Exam Pattern last year w.e.f. April 12, 2022, as per the Karnataka Recruitment of Gazetted Probationers (Appointment by Competitive Examinations) Rules, 1997.
Aspirants have expressed confusion regarding the exclusion of optional papers and the reduction of marks weightage in the KPSC KAS Personality Test. To clear aspirants' doubts, we filed an RTI that revealed major changes in the KAS exam pattern. IE Education RTI Exclusive revealed the following key changes to the KPSC KAS exam pattern:
- The KPSC KAS Personality Test now only carries 25 marks as per the RTI response we received.
- Prior to 2020, the Personality Test section carries 200 marks which was later reduced to 50 marks.
- The KPSC KAS Mains exam no longer includes the optional papers.
- The grand total of the KPSC KAS exam now stood at 1275.
- The KPSC KAS total score before Personality Test's decrease in weighted marks was 1300. The grand total was 1950 prior to the exclusion of optional papers.
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KPSC KAS Syllabus 2023 |
As per the KPSC KAS exam pattern details provided to us, the exam consists of three stages: Preliminary, Mains, and Personality Test. The KPSC KAS Prelims exam comprises two papers, with each paper carrying 100 questions of 2 marks each. It is important to note that the KPSC KAS prelims exam is only qualifying in nature. In other words, the marks obtained by aspirants in the preliminary exam will not be taken into consideration in the final KPSC KAS Result 2023.
Read More: KPSC KAS Exam 2023
KPSC Response to IE Education RTI
Let’s take a look at the questions we asked through our RTI and the responses we got from KPSC regarding KPSC KAS Exam Pattern 2023:
Q) Does the KPSC KAS Exam have Optional Papers?
A) No, the KPSC KAS exam does not have Optional Papers now.
Q) How many papers are there in the KPSC KAS Mains exam?
A) The KPSC KAS Mains exam now consists of seven papers including two qualifying papers.
Q) What are the total marks for KPSC KAS Mains?
A) According to the RTI response we received, the KPSC KAS Mains exam is worth a total of 1250 marks.
Q) How many marks does the KPSC KAS Interview round carry?
A) The KPSC KAS Interview round now carries 25 marks. Previously, it used to carry 50 marks.
IE Education RTI Exclusive: KPSC KAS Prelims Exam Pattern
The KPSC KAS Prelims exam did not see any major changes. The KPSC KAS prelims total marks are 400. The exam consists of 2 papers and each paper carries 200 marks.
The KPSC KAS Prelims Paper 1 includes questions from a) General Studies related to National & International Importance and b) Humanities.
The KPSC KAS Prelims Paper 2 includes questions from a) General Studies related to State Importance, b) General Science, Technology, Environment & Ecology, and c) General Mental Ability.
- The question paper is set in both Kannada and English.
- The standard of General Mental Ability questions in the preliminary examination will be that of X/SSLC level, and the remaining papers are of Degree Level.
- The number of candidates to be admitted to the main examination will be 20 times the vacancies notified for recruitment in the order of merit on the basis of their performance in the preliminary examination.
IE Education RTI Exclusive: KPSC KAS Mains Exam Pattern
The response to latest RTI filed by IE Education revealed that the KPSC KAS Mains exam pattern has changed. No optional paper is now conducted in the KPSC KAS mains exam. There used to be two optional papers of 250 marks each in the Mains examination. The KPSC KAS mains exam has two qualifying papers in Kannada language & English language. Each qualifying paper carries 150 marks with a duration of 2 hours.
Other than qualifying papers, the KPSC KAS Mains exam consists of five papers. These are:
- Paper I: Essays
- Paper II: General Studies 1
- Paper III: General Studies 2
- Paper IV: General Studies 3
- Paper V: General Studies 4
- The marks obtained in qualifying papers i.e, in Kannada and in English shall be of qualifying nature. Candidates must obtain a minimum of 35% marks in each paper.
- The KPSC KAS Mains exam is descriptive in nature and all papers are compulsory.
- The question paper will be set in both Kannada and English. Candidate may answer a paper either entirely in Kannada or English.
- The standard of the Main examination except qualifying papers will be that of Degree level.
- All five papers are compulsory. All General Studies papers consist of three sections. Each paper consists of 250 marks with a duration of 3 hours.
IE Education RTI Exclusive: KPSC KAS Interview
According to the information received through IE Education RTI, the KPSC KAS Personality Test now only carries 25 marks. Prior to this, KPSC KAS Interview carried 200 marks. With only 25 marks for the Interview, the total score for the KPSC KAS exam has been reduced to 1275 marks.
The Commission will call for a personality test/interview up to three times the number of total vacancies announced in the Group-A & Group-B services. The candidates are called for the personality test in order of merit on the basis of the results of the Mains examination.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Has KPSC KAS exam pattern 2023 changed?
Yes, Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) KAS exam pattern has been revised by the pubic service commission.
What are new changes in KPSC KAS exam pattern 2023?
As per new changes in the KPSC KAS exam pattern, the two optional papers in the KPSC KAS Mains exam have been removed. Also, the interview round now carries only 25 marks.
Are there any changes in KPSC KAS Interview round?
Yes, the KPSC KAS personality test or interview round now only carries 25 marks. The interview round used to carry 200 marks; later, it was reduced to 50 marks, and now it carries 25 marks.
What is KPSC KAS exam total marks?
The KPSC KAS exam total marks is 1275 marks. The KPSC KAS Mains total marks is 1250 marks and the interview round carries the remaining 25 marks.
Is there no optional papers in KPSC KAS exam now?
No, both optional papers have been removed from the KPSC KAS Mains exam. Now, there are a total of seven papers including two qualifying marks.
How much marks required in KPSC KAS Qualifying Papers?
Candidates must have 35% marks in both qualifying papers in order to pass the exam.
Are there total nine papers or seven papers in KPSC KAS Mains exam?
After the exclusion of optional papers, there are now a total of seven papers in the KPSC KAS Mains exam including two qualifying papers.
KPSC KAS Interview round carries 200 marks or 50 marks?
The KPSC KAS Interview round now carries 25 marks. It used to carry 200 marks before being reduced to 50 marks and now 25 marks.