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Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment
Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment

Indian Army Agniveer Exam Pattern: Written Exam, Recruitment Rally, Physical Fitness Test

Indian Army releases the Agniveer Exam Pattern on its official website. There are two stages of the Agniveer exam: a) Online CEE b) Recruitment Rally.

Indian Army Agniveer Exam Pattern 2023: The Indian Army releases the Agniveer Exam Pattern on its official website. The exam pattern is released along with the official Agniveer notification PDF on the website of the Join Indian Army. As per the Indian Army Agniveer Exam Pattern 2023, the exam is divided into three stages: Physical Standard Test, Medical Test, and Written Common Entrance Examination.

Candidates who pass the Physical Standard Test and Medical Test are eligible to appear for the Agniveer CEE exam. The Agniveer written exam consists of 4 sections: General Knowledge, General Science, Mathematics, and Logical Reasoning. There is only 1 paper and it carries 100 marks. A total of 50 questions are asked in the Agniveer written examination.

Aspiring students preparing for the examination must not only check the exam pattern but also subject-wise Indian Army Agniveer Syllabus 2023. This allows them to know the types of questions asked in the examination. 

Indian Army Agniveer Exam Pattern

The Indian Army agniveer exam pattern comprises three stages: Physical Fitness Test (At Rally Site), Physical Measurement & Medical Test (At Rally Site), and Written Test through Common Entrance Examination. The detailed Agniveer exam pattern 2023 can be checked in the article below.

Indian Army Agniveer Physical Fitness Test Requirement

Students who fill out the application form for Agniveer Recruitment Rally will be first called for the Physical Fitness Test. Interested candidates can check the physical fitness test requirement and marks allotted to each activity in the table below:

Indian Army conducts the medical test of selected candidates as per laid down medical standards at the Rally Site. Candidates who are unfit will be referred to MH for specialist review. According to policy, candidates must report to the designated Military Hospital within 5 days of referral and undergo a medical examination within 14 days.

The Agniveer written exam (CEE) is conducted for those candidates who pass the medical test. The exam pattern for the written exam is tabulated below:


  • The Agniveer written exam consists of 50 questions
  • Each question carries 2 marks
  • The Agniveer exam total marks are 100
  • Candidates must achieve a minimum of 35 marks in order to qualify the exam. However, the final selection of candidates is done on the basis of the merit list.
  • There is also a negative marking of 1/4th mark for each incorrect answer.

There is also a provision of awarding bonus marks in the agniveer written exam to candidates who have some kind of specialisation like having an NCC certificate or have completed an ITI course in some specialised skill. Below is a detailed list of those who will receive bonus marks in CEE:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Indian Army Agniveer exam pattern?

The Indian Army agniveer exam pattern consists of Physical Standard Test, Physical Measurement & Medical Test, and Common Entrance Examination.

How many marks Agniveer written exam carry?

The Agniveer written exam carries 100 marks. There are a total of 50 questions each carrying 2 marks.

Is there negative marking in Agniveer written test?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/4th in the Agniveer written test for each incorrect response.

What activities are required for Agniveer Physical Fitness Test?

Agniveer Physical Fitness Test comprises 4 activities: 1.6 Km Run, Pull Ups, 9 Feet Ditch, and Zig Zag Balance.

What is Agniveer Bonus Marks?

Candidates will be awarded bonus marks if they hold NCC Certificate or Skill Certificate from ITI. 
