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Bihar Public Service Commission
Bihar Public Service Commission

BPSC Admit Card 2024 (Out): Prelims Date, Steps to Download, Exam Day Guidelines

BPSC Admit Card 2024 for 70th CCE prelims has been released at bpsc.bih.nic.in. Candidates can check and download the hall ticket from the official website by using their credentials.
BPSC Admit Card 2024

BPSC Admit Card 2024

BPSC Admit Card 2024: Bihar Public Service Commission conducts examinations to recruit candidates under the Bihar Government. The BPSC recruitment exams have three stages including Prelims, Mains and Interview. The conducting body releases BPSC admit card for all the candidates who are appearing for the examination. Without the hall ticket, the authorities will not let the candidates enter the examination hall. Candidates must note that the exam conducting body releases separate admit cards for all three stages. 

Latest Updates:

  • BPSC 70th CCE prelims hall ticket has been released on December 6, 2024 at bpsc.bih.nic.in. The preliminary exam will be conducted on December 13, 2024.

BPSC hall ticket consists of information about the candidate including their name, roll number, date of examination, venue of examination and other information. Further, in order to download the admit card, candidates must have their login ID and password which will be given by the exam conducting body. Only those candidates will get the admit card who will successfully fulfil the BPSC application form 2024.

BPSC Admit Card 2024 Download

The Bihar Public Service Commission has announced the release of admit cards for BPSC 70th CCE preliminary exam on December 6, 2024. Check official notice below: 

BPSC admit card release notice

BPSC Admit Card 2024

The BPSC admit card 2024 will be released on the official website. In order to access the hall ticket, candidates will need to login to the portal. Once the candidate has logged in the portal, they will be able to check and download their admit cards. Candidates must note that the admit card is an important document they are required to keep it with themselves while entering the examination hall. 

Apart from the hall tickets, candidates should also keep a valid ID proof with them in order to verify that the admit card belongs to them. The picture on the ID proof should be clear and visible. Since the BPSC exam 2024 has three stages, candidates who will clear the prelims will be eligible to appear for the mains. Further, the admit card for the mains exam is released separately. The hall ticket which has been issued for prelims will not be of any use for candidates appearing for mains. 

BPSC Admit Card 2024: Steps To Download

Once the admit card has been released, candidates can check it on the official website. Further, candidates need to log in to the portal in order to download the admit card. They can follow the given steps to successfully download their admit cards: 

Step 1: Candidates need to visit the official website of BPSC, bpsc.bih.nic.in

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates need to find the login portal 

Step 3: Once found, candidates need to log in using their username and password which has been given at the time of registration 

Step 4: After logging in, a new window will open where the hall tickets will be present 

Step 5: Candidates are advised to check the hall ticket carefully

Step 6: Once checked, candidates can download the hall ticket 

NOTE: Download and take a printout of the hall ticket for future use. 

BPSC Admit Card 2024: Details Mentioned

Since the BPSC hall ticket is an essential document, it consists of important details of the candidate including their name, roll number, exam date and venue, exam timing and other information. Aspirants can take a look at the following details mentioned on the BPSC admit card below: 

  • Name of the candidate 
  • Candidate's roll number 
  • Exam date and venue 
  • Exam timing 
  • Reporting time of candidate
  • Candidate's guardian's name 
  • Gender
  • Candidate's registration number
  • DOB
  • Candidate's category 
  • Aspirant's photo 
  • Examiner's signature space 
  • Candidate's signature space 

BPSC Exam Day Instructions 2024

Apart from the hall ticket, candidates are required to carry a valid ID proof with them while they are entering the examination hall. The main aim behind carrying a valid ID proof is to verify the details of the candidate on its BPSC admit card. The given names are the list of the government authorised documents that the candidate needs to carry while entering the examination hall. However, candidates must note that they should carry only one of the given documents. 

  • Voter ID
  • Passport
  • Aadhaar card
  • Any other valid photo ID proof
  • Driving licence

BPSC Admit Card 2024: Retrieve Login ID and Password 

There are times when the candidate is unable to login to the official website from where they can access their hall tickets. In the cases where the candidate forgets his or her password, they are advised to follow the given steps to retrieve their BPSC admit card login details.

Step 1: Candidates need to go to the official website of the BPSC

Step 2: On the homepage, aspirants need to search for the login portal  from where they log in 

Step 3: Once found, the candidate needs to click on it and the login page will open 

Step 4: On the login page, the candidate will see a forgot password link either on the bottom or on the left-hand corner of the page – click on that 

Step 5: Now, candidates need to enter their mobile number or email address form where they wish to receive the link to change the password 

Step 6: Once the candidate has received the reset password link, candidates can easily reset their password and keep a new one.

Step 7: With that, candidate can now login to their admit card portal

Items Not Carry In The Examination Hall 

When the candidate enters the examination hall, there are a bunch of items which they are not allowed to carry inside the examination hall. If the candidate is found with these items, then their candidature can be cancelled and they will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall. 

Aspirants can take a look at the following items that are not allowed to carry in the examination hall : 

  • Any piece of paper consisting of information about the exam 
  • Wallet
  • Electronic gadgets such as Bluetooth, mobile phones, smartwatch 
  • Charts of tables related to the exam 

BPSC Admit Card 2024: In case of discrepancy

In some cases, the information given on the admit card doesn't match what the actual information is. This is called the discrepancy in the admit card. Candidates are advised to check the hall ticket thoroughly and if they find any discrepancy in the hall ticket then they should immediately contact the exam authorities.

It should be noted that the errors in the hall ticket should be immediately resolved. If the errors are not resolved, then the candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. 

BPSC Admit Card 2024: Key Points

Candidates must remember some of the important points before appearing in the examination. 

  • The first is that the candidate should report to the exam centre at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. 
  • Candidates shouldn't bring erasers, blades, or whiteners into the exam room.
  • Aspirants are advised to keep a print out of the hall ticket as early as possible to avoid last-minute hassle.
  • Only blue or black pens are allowed for candidates to use to annotate their replies on the OMR sheet.
  • It is the aspirant's responsibility to take care of the package and personal items which they bring to the examination hall 
  • Mobile phones, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, pagers, electronic pens, smartwatches, and other electronic devices are not permitted within the exam room.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the BPSC admit card?

The BPSC admit card is released by the Bihar Public Service Commission. Candidates can download the hall ticket by visiting the official website - bpsc.bih.nic.in.

What are the details mentioned in the BPSC admit card?

The BPSC admit card consists of the name of the candidate, exam venue, exam time, exam date, DOB of the candidate, gender, category and others.

When does the BPSC release the admit card?

BPSC releases the admit card 10-12 days ahead of the examination. As per the recent information, the BPSC prelims admit card was released on January 28, 2023, and the prelims exam was conducted on February 12, 2023.

Does the BPSC release separate admit cards for each stage of examination?

Yes, the BPSC releases separate admit cards for each stage of the examination which are prelims, mains and interview.

Is it necessary for candidates to qualify each stage to get recruited?

Yes, it is necessary for candidates to qualify each stage to get recruited for the post for which they have applied for.

When is the BPSC mains admit card going to be released?

Candidates can expect the admit card for BPSC mains to come out after the registration closes on December 16, 2023. 

Will BPSC prelims admit card work for BPSC mails as well?

No, BPSC releases separate admit cards for each of the rounds. The admit card for prelims will not work in the mains exam. 

