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Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 1
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 1

APPSC Application Form 2024: Check How to Register, Application Process, Dates

APPSC Group 1 exam 2024 application form was available on the official website of APPSC till January 21, 2024. Candidates who are interested in appearing for the examination can fill the form till January 21, 2024.

APPSC Application Form 2024: The application form for APPSC 2024 Group I was released by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission. Candidates who wish to appear for the APPSC exam 2024 were able to fill the application form till January 21, 2024. The official website for registration is psc.ap.gov.in. Meanwhile, APPSC has staerted registration for 99 lecturer posts on January 29, 2024. Candidates interested in applying for lecturer vacancies in government polytechnic colleges. The last date to submit the application form is February 18, 2024

Before filling the APPSC exam 2024 application form, candidates must check the APPSC eligibility criteria. Once the candidate fulfils the eligibility criteria, then he or she can easily apply for the APPSC exam 2024. Those aspirants who will complete the application form successfully will be eligible to get their APPSC admit card for the specific prelims or mains exam. The application filling is a lengthy process which includes filling the detail, uploading the documents, and paying the application fees.

APPSC Application Process 2024

The APPSC application process is the first step for candidates to appear in the APPSC exam 2024. The exam conducting body uploads the APPSC application form on the official website and with that candidates can avail the benefits to download and fill the application form online. One important piece of information that candidates should always keep in mind is that they have to clear APPSC prelims to qualify for APPS mains and then APPSC mains to reach to APPSC interview round. Lastly, if a candidate clears all three levels of the examination will then be eligible to get recruited for the APPSC post offered by the state government.

APPSC Application Process (Without OTPR ID) 

OTPR ID which refers to the One Time Profile Registration is implemented by the Andhra Pradesh government. Further, this OTPR ID helps candidates fill in the application form easily. The Mains aim of the OTPR is for a candidate to carry out the application process only once where the candidate has to fill out the application form in order to apply for the examination. 

If in case a candidate doesn't have an OTPR ID, then here's how they can get their OTPR ID by following these simple steps. 

Step 1: Go to the official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates will find the link that reads 'Modify OTPR ID' option under which candidates have to click on 'new registration'

Step 3: Once clicked on the registration option, candidates will now have to fill all the necessary details as asked in order to complete their application process. 

Step 4: Now candidates have to upload all the necessary documents as asked 

Step 5: Before submitting the form candidates have to check all the details. 

Step 6: Submit the OTPR form 

Step 7: Candidates will receive their OTPR ID on the given email ID or registered mobile number. 

APPSC Application Process (With OTPR ID) 

On the other hand, if a candidate already has their OTPR ID, then here's how they can fill up the application form by following these simple steps. 

Step 1: Go to the official website 

Step 2: Candidates have to log in on the website using their name (OTPR ID) and the password they have set

Step 3: Now, on the right bottom of the website, candidates will find the link that reads 'online application submission' -- click on that 

Step 4: Candidates now need to click on the payment link

Step 5: The OTPR data will pre-populate details such as the calculation of the fee and age relaxation 

Step 6: Candidates need to verify  the details

Step 7: Once the data has been verified, candidates need to fill in application-specific data including Local/non-local status and other information. 

Step 8: Once the data has been filled properly, candidates need to submit the payment form. 

Step 9: Candidates will be given different options to make payment and they have to select one among them

Step 10: Once application fees are submitted, candidates the payment

a reference ID is produced and shown on the screen.

NOTE: Download the payment reference ID and keep it for future use. 

APPSC Group 1 Application Fees 

The APPSC Group 1 application fees are different for candidates belonging to different categories. 

  • The applicant must pay a processing charge of Rs. 250 (Rupees two hundred and fifty only), whereas the examination fee is Rs. 120 (Rupees one hundred twenty only).


Examination Fee

Processing Fee


Rs. 120

Rs. 250


Rs. 120

Rs. 250


Rs. 120

Rs. 250

PH & Ex-Service Men

Rs. 120

Rs. 250

APPSC Application Formm2024: List of Documents Required 

Candidates are required to keep a bunch of documents with themselves while they fill out the application form 

  • Candidate's 10th and 12th Marksheet 
  • Candidate's category certificate  (if any)
  • Qualification certificate of the candidate 
  • Candidate's educational certificate 
  • Candidate's experience certificate (if any)

APPSC Admit Card 2024

APPSC releases the admit card for different exams separately on the official webste. Candidates registered can download their APPSC admit card by visiting psc.ap.gov.in.

Once the admit cards are released, candidates can download the document by following these simple steps: 

Steps to Download APPSC admit card 

Step 1: Candidates need to go to the official website

Step 2: On the homepage, students will find the link that reads ‘APPSC Admit Card’ — click on that 

Step 3: Now, candidates have to enter the details as asked such as user ID and password 

Step 4: Once done, candidates need to fill in the captcha and click on submit 

Step 5: A new page will open which will have the candidate’s admit card in it 

Step 6: Check the details on the admit card and download the hall ticket 

NOTE:  Download the hall ticket and take a printout for future use. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who conducts the APPSC Prelims and Main examinations?

The APPSC Prelims and Main exam is conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission.

What is the mode of APPSC examination?

The  APPSC exam is conducted in online mode. The exam is conducted in both English and Telugu language. 

When will the APPSC Main Group 1 exam be conducted?

The APPSC has released the date sheet for the Main exam and the paper will be held from June 03 and will conclude on June 10, 2023.

What is the list of documents that candidates should have while filling the APPSC form ?

The list of documents that candidates should have while filling out the APPSC form are the candidate’s 10 & 12 mark sheet, category certificate, education certificate and others.

Where can candidates look for APPSC application form?

Candidates can look for the APPSC application form on the official website. Further, candidates can also fill the form as it is made available in the online mode.

Till when can I apply for APPSC lecturer recruitment 2024?

The APPSC registration for lecturer vacancies is open till February 18, 2024.
