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Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 1
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Group 1

APPSC Admit Card 2024: Download Link for Group 1 Hall Ticket and Exam Day Guidelines

APPSC admit card 2024 for group 1 prelims examination was released at psc.ap.gov.in. To download the hall ticket candidates need to login using the required login credentials.
APPSC Admit Card 2024

APPSC Admit Card 2024

APPSC Admit Card 2024: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) releases the admit card for different groups of exams on its official website. The APPSC exam for Group 1 prelims is scheduled to take place on March 17, 2024. The admit card for the same is now released at psc.ap.gov.in. 

Candidates will be able to download their hall tickets as per their specific exam schedule. In order to download the admit card for APPSC exam, candidates are required to login to the website, psc.ap.gov.in, by entering the login credentials such as registration number and date of birth. 

APPSC exam dates are released in the APPSC notification. The APPSC exam has three phases including the APPSC prelims, APPSC Mains and Interviews. Candidates have to clear all three stages in order to qualify for the exam. APPSC admit card 2024 is an essential document and it consists of important information about the candidate including their name, exam time and date, exam venue and others. If a candidate is found without the APPSC hall ticket, then he or she will not be allowed to enter the exam hall. 

Also check: APPSC exam pattern

APPSC Admit Card 2024

APPSC admit card 2024 is an essential document for all those candidates who are appearing for the exam. Candidates can download the admit card by visiting the website psc.ap.gov.in. The APPSC admit card has been released online and candidates are advised to download the hall ticket and download a copy of it for examination purposes. Further, candidates need to affix their passport-size photo on the document while bringing it to the exam centre.  

APPSC Admit Card 2024: Steps to Download

The APPSC group 1 prelims admit card is available on the official website. Candidates can download the document by following these simple steps : 

Step 1: Go to the official website, psc.ap.gov.in 

Step 2: On the homepage, students will find the link that reads ‘APPSC Group 1 Prelims Admit Card’ — click on that 

Step 3: Now, candidates have to enter the details as asked such as user ID and password 

Step 4: Once done, candidates need to fill in the captcha and click on submit 

Step 5: A new page will open which will have candidate’s admit card in it 

Step 6: Check the details on the admit card and download the hall ticket 

NOTE:  Download the hall ticket and take a printout for future use. 

How to retrieve the password if lost?

There are times when a candidate might forget their password and is unable to check their admit card. In that case, candidates can follow these simple steps to retrieve their password and make a new password. 

Take a look at the following steps to retrieve the password here : 

Step 1: Go to the official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, students will find the link that reads ‘APPSC Group 1 Mains Password’ – click on that 

Step 3: Now, a new window will open, where candidates have to fill in the details. However, just below that candidates will find the option of ‘forget password’ – click on that

Step 4: Now, candidates will have to enter the e-mail ID/ Number where they want to receive their new password 

Step 5: Once entered, candidates will receive a link on the given mail ID or number through which they can reset their password. 

NOTE: Keep the password safe for future use. 

APPSC Hall Ticket 2024: Details Mentioned

Since the APPSC admit card is an essential document, it consists of some of the important information about the candidate. Take a look at the list of information present on the admit card: 

  • Reference ID of the candidate 
  • The registered ID of the candidate 
  • Name of the candidate 
  • Father’s name 
  • Mother’s name 
  • Gender 
  • DOB
  • Category 
  • Qualification 
  • Addresses of the candidate along with PAN card 
  • Mobile number 
  • Venue code 
  • Name and address of the centre 
  • Date and time of examination 
  • Paper code 
  • Subject 

APPSC Exam 2024: Important Guidelines 

There are a bunch of important guidelines that candidates need to follow in order to appear for the APPSC Group 1 exam. Here we have mentioned the list of details that candidates need to follow : 

  • Candidates should carry passport-size photos and the size of the pictures should be (3.5 cm by 6.0 cm). 
  • Candidate must have signed the picture 
  • Aspirants must have completed their  BE/B.Tech Degree.
  • Candidates should be between the age of 18 - 39 and should also have 7 years of mandatory academics.
  • The processing charge is Rs 25, which candidates have to pay 
  • Once the candidate gets the online approval, they will have to submit the generated fee challan to their nearest SBI branch 

Documents to Carry on Examination Day

Apart from the APPSC admit card, candidates are required to carry certain ID proofs in order to verify their identity. Candidates can carry any among from the list given below: 

  • Student's ID card
  • Details of the institute 
  • Aadhaar card or PAN card
  • Bank details 
  • Recent passport-size photo 
  • Academic Qualification proof 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will APPSC Group 1 preliminary exam be conducted ?

The APPSC Group 1 Prelims will be held on March 17, 2024. The official exam schedule is available on the official website. 

How can candidates download their APPSC Group 1 prelims admit card ?

Candidates can download their APPSC Group 1 prelims admit card by following the given steps : 

Step 1: Candidates are advised to go to the official website of APPSC

Step 2: On the homepage, students will find the link that reads ‘APPSC Group 1 prelims Admit Card’ — click on that 

Step 3: Now, candidates have to enter the details as asked such as user ID and password 

Step 4: Once done, candidates need to fill the captcha and click on submit 

Step 5: A new page will open which will have the candidate’s admit card in it 

Step 6: Check the details on the admit card and download the hall ticket

What documents candidates are advised to carry on the day of APPSC Group 1 examination ?

Candidates must carry additional identification to prove their identity along with their admit card on the day of APPSC exam. The ID proof includes student's ID card, bank details, passport-size photos, Aadhaar card and other documents.

What are the details mentioned on the APPSC admit card?

Details including candidate's name, DOB, category and others are mentioned on the APPSC Group 1 admit card.

Why is APPSC Group 1 prelims admit card important ?

APPSC Group 1 prelims admit card is important as without the document the candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.

When will the APPSC group 1 hall ticket be released?

The group 1 hall ticket for APPSC prelims exam is expected to be released any time soon at the official website of APPSC.

Will I receive the APPSC admit card 2024 in my email?

No, candidates will not receive the APPSC admit card in their email. Candidates are required to download the admit card on their own from the official APPSC website. 
