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Air Force Common Admission Test
Air Force Common Admission Test

AFCAT Pattern 2025: Marking Scheme, Number of Questions, Negative Marking

AFCAT exam pattern 2025 is released on the official website, afcat.cdac.in. The exam pattern is released along with the official AFCAT notification. AFCAT 1 2025 registration will start from December 1, 2024.

AFCAT Pattern 2025: The Air Force Common Admission Test is conducted twice annually to recruit candidates for the Flying Branch and Ground Duties (Technical and Non-Technical) in the Indian Air Force. 

The AFCAT Syllabus and pattern can help aid candidates in understanding the format of the test. Knowing the sections of the exam from which questions are asked allows students to prepare for the AFCAT exam 2025 efficiently. Knowing the marking scheme, the scoring system, the time allotted, and the overall structure of the exam can be beneficial for the candidates. Depending on the preferred job post (from technical and non-technical) students will be asked a total of 100 questions, and they would be required to solve the examination in two hours. Continue reading to know the detailed AFCAT exam pattern.

AFCAT Exam Pattern 2025

The overall exam structure, including the number of sections, weightage of topics, time allotted, the total number of marks, marking system, and other details, is highlighted in the AFCAT exam pattern. The AFCAT preparation should be aligned with the structure of the exam which has been designed by the IAF themselves. Check below to know the details.

AFCAT Exam Pattern



Exam Name

Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT)

Exam Purpose

To recruit candidates in IAF for the Flying Branch and Ground-Duties (Technical and Non-Technical)

Official Website


AFCAT Subjects

Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning, Military Aptitude Test, General Awareness

Exam Duration

Two Hours

Exam Mode


Exam Type




Total Questions


Maximum Marks


AFCAT Marking Scheme 2025

Check the highlights below to understand the marking scheme for the AFCAT exam:

  • For every correct answer, three marks will be awarded.
  • For every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted.
  • No marks will be awarded for questions that have been left unanswered.

AFCAT Normalisation Method

Since the questions may differ in different AFCAT exams and the difficulty level of one set may differ from that of the other set, the difficulty level of AFCAT 1 and 2 is taken into consideration during the normalization process to prevent any unfair means.

The Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) is responsible for recruiting candidates for the Indian Air Force. As stated earlier, the exam will be conducted twice a year in February and August. The steps mentioned below need to be followed by interested and eligible candidates to complete the selection process-

Step 1: Check the official notification/advertisement, register for the exam, and give the AFCAT written test

Step 2: If candidates clear the written test (AFCAT 1 and 2), they will be given a call letter instructing them to visit one of the Air Force Selection Boards in  Varanasi, Dehradun, Gandhinagar, or Mysuru. The following examinations are administered at AFSB to evaluate candidates' suitability and potential as officers in the Indian Air Force; These tests include-

  • Stage 1 Testing- Intelligence Rating Test, Discussion Test, and Picture Perception
  • Stage 2 Testing- Those who qualify for the stage 1 screening test will be eligible for the stage 2 test. This will include Psychological Tests, Group Tests, and finally an Interview. Those who applied for the flying branch will also undergo a Computerised Pilot Selection System Test (CPSS).

Note: These exams will be explained to the shortlisted candidates in detail before they are conducted. 

Step 3: AFCAT Medical Examination- Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a medical examination if they pass the online tests and both rounds of the AFSB interview. The Institute of Aviation Medicine in Bengaluru and the Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME) in Delhi are the only two medical examination centers that the Indian Air Force has authorized.

Step 4: Providing candidates are medically fit, an All India Merit List will be created based on the student's performance in the written exam and AFSB interview. To join one of the Training establishments, joining instructions are given based on the openings in the various branches and subbranches.

Documents Needed For AFSB

The following documents will need to be submitted to AFSB 

AFCAT Selection Process Highlights

Read on to know some of the important points of the above-described selection process-

  • In order to be able to participate in the numerous tests at AFSB, candidates are required to be in good physical condition when they report for SSB. They should strive to be able to perform 10 pushups, and 3 chin-ups, and run 1.6 km/1 mile in 10 minutes.
  • Candidates with Tattoos will not be permitted unless their tattoos are religious symbols or names of family members. These tattoos will only be permitted if they are on the inner forearms, wrists, and back of the palm.
  • The use of narcotics is strictly prohibited. A candidate's physique will be checked for drug use both during the medical test and during training or even when the candidate become an officer. If an applicant is discovered to be using or in possession of drugs at any point in their training or career, they will be prohibited from entering the Indian Air Force or, if they have already joined, they will be terminated.
  • Requests to change the date of the AFSB interview should be avoided. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many times is the AFCAT exam conducted in a year?

The AFCAT exam is conducted twice a year annually. AFCAT 1 exam will be held in February 2025 and AFCAT paper 2 will be conducted in August 2025. 

Is the AFCAT written test the final round of the selection process?

No, the written test is the first round which is conducted after the registration. After which. Screening tests, interviews, and a medical exam will also be conducted.

How many questions will be asked in the AFCAT written test?

A total of 100 questions will be asked in the AFCAT exam. Students will need to attempt all the questions as unanswered questions will not be marked

What is the duration of the AFCAT exam?

The AFCAT exam 1 and 2 are will need to be completed in two hours. Students will not be provided additional time to complete the examination.

What is the AFCAT marking scheme?

In the AFCAT written test, students will be given +3 marks for every correct answer and -1 for every incorrect answer. Questions that ate not attempted will remain unmarked.

