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Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Board Exam
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Board Exam

RBSE 10th Model Papers 2025: Download Rajasthan Board 10th Question Paper PDF

RBSE Class 10 previous year's question paper are released by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. Candidates can check and download the question paper from RBSE official website.

RBSE 10th Question Papers 2025: The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) releases the RBSE 10th previous year question papers on its official website. The previous years' question papers for RBSE secondary exams are easily available from the official website of BSER and can be downloaded in PDF format. 

Students will be able to develop a better grip on their examination preparation as they will be able to get an understanding of their speed, accuracy, and performance in the sample tests. Practising sample papers plays a strong role in strengthening a candidate’s examination readiness. Students can get an accurate idea about the RBSE 10th exam pattern 2025, marking scheme, and question types by going through the previous years' question papers and sample tests. 

Apart from being well-versed with the RBSE 10th syllabus 2025 and exam pattern, students are advised to practise consistently from the previous year's question papers on the BSER official website. 

Rajasthan Board 10th Question Papers PDF

Rajasthan Board releases the question paper and model papers for each subject on its official website. Students can download it from the links given below:

Study Material
Particulars Download PDF
RBSE Praveshika Examination Download (All Subjects)
RBSE Secondary Examination Download (All Subjects)

RBSE 10th Model Papers 2025 - Subject wise PDF Download

Students can access the subject-wise model test papers for RBSE 10th board exam 2025 below:

Candidates can access the 2020 previous years' question papers for the 5 main subjects from the table given below.

The previous years' question papers and sample question papers can be downloaded easily from the BSER official website. Candidates can follow a few simple steps to download the previous years' question papers from the official website of BSER : 

Step 1: Go to the official website - rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in

Step 2: On the homepage, go to the left-hand side of the screen

Step 3: Click on the link - Books/ Old Papers/ Model Question 

Step 4: Click on: download book/old papers/model questions

Step 5: Under Old Papers, Select the Year

Step 6: After clicking on the year, the links to the examination papers of each subject for the specific year will appear

Step 7: Under Secondary Exams, click on any of the specified subjects

Step 8: After selecting the Secondary exam subject, the question paper will appear for the selected subject and year

Apart from the previous years’ question papers, BSER provides the model question papers for the 2025 secondary exams on its official website. Candidates of RBSE 10th board exams can download the model question papers for 2025 through the steps given below. 

Step 1: Visit the official website - rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in

Step 2: On the left-hand side of the homepage, click on: books/ old papers/ model questions

Step 3: Click on the link: download books/old papers/model questions

Step 4: On the left-hand side, click on: model papers 2025

Step 5: Under Model Papers 2025, click on: 10th and Praveshika model question paper

Step 6: The Model Question Papers for all the subjects will appear on screen and can be downloaded in PDF format

Apart from practising from previous years' question papers, students need to have a strong preparation strategy. Candidates need to study diligently, thoroughly and consistently to score high marks in the RBSE 10th board exams. However, it is important to take breaks while studying, to sustain the energy levels required for thorough exam preparation. Candidates can keep the following preparation tips in mind for developing strong exam readiness : 

  • Practise Sample Questions: It is recommended that students download and practise from the RBSE 10th board's previous years question papers and sample papers. The previous years' question papers can give the students an opportunity to measure their speed, accuracy, and performance prior to the examination. 
  • Make a Study Routine: Candidates are advised to have a strategic timeline for exam preparation. They need to divide their study duration according to their strengths and weaknesses as well as the difficulty level of topics and chapters. It is recommended that candidates polish their strengths and work on developing their knowledge and skills in the challenging areas of learning.
  • Revise and Take Important Notes: Candidates are encouraged to note down important points while studying. This will help them to retain the information that they are absorbing. Further, it will assist them during revision as they can scan through the important points and they need not go through the entire syllabus repetitively.
  • Make Time for Relaxation: It is crucial to take breaks while studying so that students can maintain their concentration and energy levels. Extremely long periods of study can result in fatigue, loss of concentration and attention deficit. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the RBSE 10th board previous years question papers?

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan releases the RBSE 10th board previous years question papers on its official website.

How are the previous years question papers helpful for RBSE 10th board exam preparation ?

Previous years question papers give the students an accurate idea about the exam pattern, marking scheme and question types. Students also get the opportunity to evaluate their own exam readiness and preparation level by practising from the sample papers.

What are the exam dates of RBSE 10th board exams 2025 ?

The RBSE 10th board exams will be conducted tentatively in March 2025. 

Who conducts the RBSE 10th board exams 2025?

The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan conducts the RBSE 10th board exams.

How to download RBSE 10th Model question papers?

To download RBSE 10th model papers, students can visit the official website of the Rajasthan Board. The question papers can be downloaded for each subject.

Board Result Promotion10th Study Material
