RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025: Check Subject-Wise Marking Scheme, Paper Pattern
RBSE 10th board exam pattern is released by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan. The exam pattern outlines total marks and marks distribution, duration of the examination, syllabus, and other details.
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025: The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan releases the exam pattern of RBSE 10th board exams on its official website. RBSE 10th board exams consist of six subjects i.e., English, Hindi, Social Science, Science, Mathematics and Third Language. The total marks of the exam is 100 which consists of 80 marks theory exam and 20 marks internal assessment.
The RBSE class 10 board exam consists of a theory exam and an internal assessment. The duration of the theory exam is 3 hours 15 minutes. RBSE 10th exams will be conducted from 8.30 am till 11.45 am. The internal assessment marks are distributed into marks for the practical test or class test, project work, attendance, and behaviour. The passing mark for RBSE 10th board exams is 33%.
Students must go through RBSE class 10 syllabus and previous year question papers to get an idea of the exam structure, marking scheme, and types of questions asked in the examination.
Read More:
RBSE 10th Question Papers 2025 | RBSE 10th Syllabus 2025 |
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025
The Rajasthan Board class 10th board exam, which consists of theory and internal assessment, is a of total 100 marks for each subject. The time allotted for each theory exam is 3 hours 15 minutes. The 100 marks are divided into 80 marks for theory exams and 20 marks for internal assessment. The internal assessment marks have a further marks distribution into practical/class tests, project work, behaviour, and attendance.
RBSE 10th Marking Scheme 2025
Candidates can go through the marks distribution of the RBSE 10th board exam in the table below.
Theory Exam Marks |
Internal Assessment Marks |
Total Exam Marks |
80 |
20 |
100 |
Internal Assessment |
Marks |
Practical Test/Class Test |
10 |
Project |
5 |
Attendance |
3 |
Behaviour |
2 |
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025 - English
The RBSE 10th board Exam pattern consists of reading, writing, grammar, and questions from the two prescribed books: First Flight and Footprints without feet. Students can check the marks distribution for each section of the theory exam in the table below.
Learning Area |
Marks Allocated (Theory Exam) |
Reading |
15 |
Writing |
13 |
Grammar |
15 |
Text Book : First Flight |
27 |
Supplementary Book : Footprints Without Feet |
10 |
Total Time : 3 hours 15 minutes |
Total Marks: 80 |
The reading section of the English exam in RBSE 10th board has a weightage of 15 marks. The reading section of the RBSE 10th board exam will have 2 prose passages. The two passages will have a total of 350 words combined together. One of the passages will be factual, whereas the other one will be discursive.
Passage 1 |
Passage 2 |
Nature of Passage |
Factual |
Discursive |
Word Count |
100 words |
250 words |
Marks Allocated |
6 Marks |
9 Marks |
Number of Comprehension Questions |
2 Comprehension Questions (testing local and global understanding) |
4 Comprehension Questions (testing local and global understanding) |
Number of Multiple Choice Questions |
2 Multiple Choice Questions |
3 Multiple Choice Questions |
Number of Vocabulary-based Questions |
2 Vocabulary-based Questions (Synonym and Antonym) |
2 Vocabulary-based Questions (Synonym and Antonym) |
The RBSE 10th board English exam for writing will consist of letter writing, short story writing, and writing on the basis of a verbal/visual stimulus. The weightage for the writing section in the RBSE 10th board English exam is 13 marks.
The letter-writing questions can be based on any of the following :
- Personal Letter ( to friends, relatives, and family members)
- Official Letter ( to Government official, headmaster/principal, editor of newspaper/magazine)
- Email ( to family, friends, relatives, editors, government officials, principal, etc.)
For short story writing, an outline will be provided on the basis of which the student has to write the story. For the last writing task, students will have to write on the basis of a verbal or visual stimulus ( picture, chart, table) with internal choice in about 60 words.
Letter Writing |
Short Story Writing |
Writing Based on Verbal/Visual Stimuli |
5 Marks |
4 Marks |
4 Marks |
The Grammar section in the RBSE 10th board English exam includes several topics. The marks distribution for each of the Grammar topics are given in the table below.
Grammar Topic |
Marks for the Grammar Topic |
Tenses |
4 |
Reported Speech |
2 |
Conjunctions |
3 |
Active and Passive Voice |
2 |
Relative Pronouns |
2 |
Framing Questions and Question Tags |
2 |
There are two textbooks prescribed in the English exam: First Flight and Footprints without Feet. Extracts will come from the lessons included in the textbooks, on the basis of which, questions will be asked. The total weightage for the questions based on First Flight and Footprints without Feet are 27 marks and 10 marks respectively.
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025- Science
The RBSE Science exam consists of a theory examination of 80 marks and a practical examination of 20 marks. The total exam duration for RBSE 10th board science theory examination is 3 hours 15 minutes. Students can have a look at the marks weightage for each science chapter in the table provided below.
Chapter Name |
Marks |
Chemical Reactions and Equations |
5 |
Acids, bases, and salts |
6 |
Metals and Non-metals |
4 |
Carbon and its compounds |
6 |
Periodic Classification of Elements |
4 |
Life Processes |
7 |
Control and Coordination |
6 |
Reproduction in organisms |
6 |
Heredity and Evolution |
4 |
Reflection and Refraction of Light |
7 |
The human eye and the colourful world |
4 |
Electricity |
7 |
Magnetic Effects of Current |
7 |
Sources of Energy |
4 |
Our environment |
2 |
Sustainable management of natural resources |
1 |
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025 - Social Science
The RBSE 10th board theory exam for social science is 3 hours and 15 minutes duration and is of 80 marks. The following table contains the theory exam marks distribution for the units in the RBSE 10th board Social Science syllabus.
Unit |
Marks |
India and the Contemporary World - II |
20 |
Contemporary India – II |
20 |
Democratic Politics - II |
20 |
Understanding Economic Development |
20 |
Total Marks |
80 |
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025- Mathematics
RBSE 10th board Mathematics exam consists of 80 marks for the theory exam and 20 marks for practical marks. The marks distribution for the Mathematics theory exam is given below.
Unit |
Marks |
Number Systems |
4 |
Algebra |
18 |
Geometry |
15 |
Coordinate Geometry |
06 |
Trigonometry |
12 |
Mensuration |
10 |
Statistics and Probability |
15 |
Total Marks |
80 |
RBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025- Hindi
The RBSE 10th board Hindi exam consists of 100 marks. 80 marks are allocated to the theory exam, whereas 20 marks are allocated for practical assessments such as project work. The total exam duration for the RBSE 10th board Hindi exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Learning Area |
Marks |
Unseen Passage |
10 |
Writing Composition |
14 |
Grammar |
10 |
Textbook |
36 |
Supplementary Book |
10 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who releases the RBSE 10th board exam pattern ?
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan releases the RBSE 10th board exam pattern on its official website.
What is the marks distribution in RBSE 10th exam ?
RBSE 10th exam is of 100 marks in total. 80 marks are allotted to theory examination and 20 marks are allotted to practical examination.
What is the exam duration of the RBSE 10th board exam ?
The exam duration of RBSE 10th theory examination is 3 hours 15 minutes.
Who conducts the RBSE 10th board exams ?
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan conducts the RBSE 10th board exams.
What is the weightage of internal assessment in RBSE 10th exam ?
The weightage of internal assessment is 20 marks and consists of attendance, behaviour, project work and practical test/class test.