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Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam

CGPSC Preparation Tips 2024: Check Essential Tips and Tricks for Prelims, Mains and Interview

CGPSC Preparation Tips 2024: The CGPSC exam preparation helps the candidate to score their desired marks in all three stages. Aspirants can refer to the given tips and tricks to score better.

CGPSC Preparation 2024: Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission conducts the CGPSC civil service exam across the state of Chhattisgarh. The exam is to recruit candidates under the administrative posts offered by the Chhattisgarh government. The CGPSC examination has three stages: prelims, mains and interview. In order to clear all three stages, candidates must have a solid preparation. 

To begin with the preparation, candidates must study the syllabus. The CGPSC syllabus for prelims and mains is different in nature. Hence, candidates should refer to the syllabus for the stage they are appearing in the CGPSC exam. After studying the syllabus, candidates should then check the exam pattern and marking scheme. These two aspects of the examination help the candidate to know about the duration of the exam, total marks in the exam, and which subject has the highest weightage. 

Candidates should also refer to the best CGPSC books which are available in the market. Apart from that, there are several tips and tricks that a candidate should incorporate in their preparation strategy to ace the exam. 

CGPSC Preparation 2024

With the right preparation, candidates have the scope to ace the examination. A thorough preparation is a complete game-changer for candidates. From chalking out a study plan to successfully incorporating these tips in the study plan, candidates can follow these tips to enhance their preparation. Since the CGPSC exam is highly competitive, it requires thorough preparation. 

Since the syllabus for the prelims and mains exams are comprehensive in nature, candidates are required to dedicate a plethora of time to each subject. 

CGPSC Preparation 2024: How to begin?

Often candidates have this question of when and how, to begin with the CGPSC preparation. To answer the question, candidates must know that there is no ideal, to begin with CGPSC preparation. The CGPSC exam is a civil service exam which means that the syllabus of the examination is comprehensive and it requires a lot of dedication and time to prepare. Hence, the sooner the aspirant begins with the preparation the better it is.

Starting the preparation at an early stage will give students ample time wherein they can revise thoroughly as well. Further, the answer to the question of how to begin with the CGPSC preparation is to start by studying the syllabus. Once the candidate has an idea of what the syllabus is then aspirants can move to the CGPSC exam pattern and marking scheme. These 3 aspects are the full-fledged way to prepare for the examination. 

Candidates can improve their preparation by incorporating a number of strategies into their study plans. Once the candidate incorporates these tips while preparing for the examination, there are chances that they will score their desired marks in the examination. Some of these tips include making study plans, referring to previous year's question papers, making small notes and others. 

Make a Study Plan

To effectively prepare, a study plan should be created in a well-mannered way. Once a study plan is created, candidates must adhere to it. Further, the study plan should incorporate all the topics from the syllabus. This study plan will help candidates to set a goal and achieve the goal. Further, with the study plan candidates will have plenty of time to study and to revise. 

Study the Syllabus and Exam Pattern 

The first and foremost step for candidates is to study the syllabus prescribed by the exam conducting body. This will help students to know what kind of questions will be asked in the examination. Studying the syllabus will help the candidates have an idea of which topics to need to cover and the weightage of each topic.

Refer to Books and Study Materials

It is important for candidates to refer to the study materials and books which contain the syllabus. These books will help candidates to know what kind of questions will be asked in the examination. 

Make Small Notes

Candidates should make small notes of the important topics which they come across while studying for the examination. These small notes come in handy and candidates can refer to these notes during preparation. 

Practice Previous Year Questions and Mock Test: 

Practising Previous Year's Questions will help you have a better understanding of the test format, the kinds of questions that will be asked, and the level of difficulty.

Thorough Revision is the Key

To remember the concepts that the candidate has learned, regular revision is essential to remember the topics which the aspirants have studied so far. To guarantee that aspirants don't forget important information, they should revise it frequently.

Exam day is the main day when a candidate's hard work will be put to test. Hence, it is advisable to remain calm as much as one can. Further, on this day, candidates should avoid panicking as they may forget everything they have studied so far. Some of the important tips that candidates should follow are to approach the exam hall with a positive attitude, not fluster and remain calm to ace the examination. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who conducts the CGPSC prelims and mains exam?

The CGPSC prelims and mains exam is conducted by the CGPSC itself and candidates can check the important details about the exam online.

What are the tips one should incorporate while studying for the examination?

Candidates should incorporate tips such as making study plans, studying the syllabus, understanding exam patterns, doing thorough revision and other details to ace the exam.

How many stages does the CGPSC exam have?

The CGPSC exam has 3 stages which are prelims, mains and interview. Candidates have to clear each stage to get recruited.

How to remain calm on the exam day?

Staying calm on the exam day is an essential thing for candidates to do. If they fail to remain calm and fluster on the big day, then there are chances that they might forget whatever they have studied so far which can ruin the exam.

When is the right time for a candidate to begin with the CGPSC exam preparation?

While there is no ideal time for candidates to begin with the exam preparation, it is always advisable to start as early as they can.
