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Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineers
Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineers
Application Date On5th - 28th Aug 2025

SSC JE Pattern 2024: Paper 1 & 2 Exam Format

SSC JE Exam Pattern 2024 should be understood well by aspirants. Knowing the exam format and SSC JE syllabus will allow applicants to perform better on the day of the exam. Check the detailed pattern for paper 1 and 2 here.

SSC JE Pattern 2024: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Junior Engineer (JE) examination serves as a stepping stone for aspiring engineers, offering them a chance to secure a promising career in various government departments. To ensure transparency and fairness, the exam conducting body follows a well-defined SSC JE exam pattern and syllabus that assesses candidates' technical knowledge and aptitude.

Also Check: SSC JE Syllabus 2024

The SSC JE Exam comprises two papers. Paper-I is conducted in a computer-based format, while Paper-II is designed as a descriptive paper. Paper-I features questions of an objective nature, presented in a multiple-choice format. A negative marking of 0.25 marks applies for every incorrect response in Paper-I. The questions in both papers will be available in both English and Hindi languages. Continue reading to learn about the exam format in detail.  

SSC JE Exam Pattern 2024: Highlights 

Check the table presented below for details about the exam pattern of SSC JE Recruitment 2024:



Total Papers


Mode of Exam

SSC JE Paper 1: Computer-based test (Online)

SSC JE Paper 2: Computer-based test (Online)

Question Paper Type

SSC JE Paper 1: Multiple-Choice Questions

SSC JE Paper 2: Descriptive Paper

Maximum marks

Paper 1: 200 marks 

Paper 2: 300 marks

Duration of Exam

2 hours for each paper 

Language of Exam

English, Hindi

Negative Marking

0.25 marks (Only in paper 1)

SSC JE Paper 1 Pattern 2024

Candidates will need to attempt sections on General Intelligence & Reasoning, as well as General Awareness. Each of these segments will comprise 50 questions, collectively contributing to a total of 50 marks. The candidates will need to address the General Engineering component, aligning with their educational background, through the online application form.

For the position of Junior Engineer (Mechanical), candidates will be expected to tackle Part C (Mechanical) of Paper-I. Those applying for the role of Junior Engineer (Electrical) will engage with Part B (Electrical) of Paper-I. As for candidates aspiring for the positions of Junior Engineer (Civil) or Junior Engineer (Quantity Surveying & Contracts), they will grapple with Part-A (Civil & Structural) of Paper-I.

The table below serves as a quick reference to grasp the layout of the SSC JE Exam Paper-I pattern.

The second paper, SSC JE Paper 2, takes the form of a descriptive examination conducted through an offline mode. In this segment, candidates are tasked with responding to a question paper that holds a total valuation of 300 marks, all within the time constraint of 2 hours.

Paper 2 necessitates candidates to make a selection from the offered subjects: either Part A, involving Civil & Structural Engineering, or Part B, centred around Electrical Engineering, or lastly, Part C, delving into Mechanical Engineering. Remarkably, candidates are permitted to bring along their personal Slide–Rule, Calculator, Logarithm Table, and Steam Table to facilitate their performance in Paper 2.

Unlike paper 1, paper 2 does not have any negative marking, granting examinees the latitude to express their knowledge without the concern of points being deducted for incorrect answers.

Outlined in the subsequent table is a summary of the essential particulars of Paper 2 – Descriptive Type, encompassing the available subjects, maximum marks, as well as the stipulated duration of the examination, which is 2 hours.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the SSC JE Paper 1 exam pattern?

Paper-I is a Computer Based Examination (CBE) with objective-type, multiple-choice questions. It includes sections on General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering, based on the candidate's chosen discipline.

What is the SSC JE Paper 2 exam pattern?

Paper-II is a descriptive paper conducted in a pen and paper mode. Candidates have to choose a subject from their chosen engineering discipline: Part A (Civil & Structural Engineering), Part B (Electrical Engineering), or Part C (Mechanical Engineering).


Is there any SSC JE negative marking?

Yes, the SSC JE exam will have negative marking in paper 1 but not in paper 2. 

Is there any SSC JE negative marking?

Yes, the SSC JE exam will have negative marking in paper 1 but not in paper 2. 

How are the subjects divided in Paper-II for different engineering disciplines?

For Junior Engineer (Civil & Structural), Part A is chosen. For Junior Engineer (Electrical), Part B is selected. For Junior Engineer (Mechanical), Part C is the relevant section.

Do I need to qualify in both Paper-I and Paper-II?

Yes, candidates need to qualify in both Paper-I and Paper-II to be considered for further stages of the selection process.
