SSC CGL Preparation: Check Preparation, Strategy, Tips for Revised Exam Pattern
Candidates aspiring to appear for the recruitment examination will have to restructure the SSC CGL Preparation as per the Revised examination pattern. In this article, detailed preparation tips for each subject in both tier is provided in detail
SSC CGL Preparation: SSC CGL 2024 preparation requires a focused and constant effort to understand all the topics to their full extent. The Commission has revised the examination pattern for the CGL Exam in 2024. Candidates need to understand and get used to the new SSC CGL 2024 Exam pattern because now onwards the examination will be conducted in only two Tiers. Along with the preparation of the general subjects, candidates need to develop computer and typing Proficiency simultaneously as the CPT and DEST are clubbed with the SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 examination.
While beginning the preparation for SSC CGL 2024 examination, it is essential that candidates formulate different strategies for each tier of the selection process. For instance, in the SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 exam, the General Awareness section is one of the most crucial in deciding the selection of the candidate for the next phase.
Meanwhile, in the Tier 2 examination, the candidate needs to focus equally on all the subjects to ensure their selection in one of the most competitive government examinations in India. In this phase, the preparation strategy should be devised taking into consideration the specific posts.
SSC CGL 2024 2024 Tier 1 Preparation: General Intelligence Reasoning
- When solving non-verbal reasoning problems, such as figure counting and image assembly, among others, you must use your visual imagination. Do not skip or ignore these questions, despite the fact that they may at first seem time-consuming. Regular practice is the best way to reduce the time it takes to complete them.
- Puzzles, figure-based questions, analogies, coding-decoding, and series are high-scoring topics. After completing these, move on to questions that require more flexibility. In a few weeks, you will notice an improvement in your accuracy level if you practice regularly.
- Try to answer 15-20 questions accurately in 20 minutes when practicing.
SSC CGL 2024 2024 Tier 1 Preparation: General Awareness
As the name suggests, the general awareness test measures how well candidates are informed about current events in the nation and society. The newspaper is the best resource for general awareness preparation.
- General Awareness is divided into two sections: General Knowledge and Current Affairs. It includes topics from History, Geography, Economics, Indian Polity, General Science, Environment, and Miscellaneous.
- Topics such as Awards, People/Places in News, Summits/Conferences, Sports News, and the like are included in Miscellaneous topics.
- To prepare for the GA as a whole, the applicants should gather their best SSC CGL books from general knowledge books and magazines. To learn more about the subjects, they should also study the yearly Current Affairs books.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Preparation: Quantitative Aptitude
- The quantitative aptitude component of the exam assesses students' proficiency with numbers and mathematics.
- Whole Numbers, Ratios & Proportions, Discounts, Decimals & Fractions, Averages, Percentages, Square Roots, Interest, Profit and Loss, Time & Distance, Time & Work, Geometrical Problems, etc. are some of the crucial SSC CGL 2024 topics covered in this area.
- Working on the fundamentals, learning shortcuts to speed up calculations, and time management are a few of the crucial preparation tips for this section.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 Preparation: English
- SSC CGL 2024 Tier 1 English section aims to assess the basic English comprehension and writing skills of candidates.
- Candidates should gain a good command of English grammar rules and vocabulary in preparation for this section.
- Feature stories and opinion pieces in magazines, editorials, and other publications are also recommended for candidates to improve their comprehension skills.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: Mathematical Abilities
The SSC CGL 2024 Mathematical Abilities section is a core part of the SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 exam, and in this section, we'll go over how to increase your marks in this section:
- This section determines whether a candidate will appear on the merit list.
- The objectives of the questions in this section are to assess the candidates' proficiency with numbers and number sense.
- The range of quantitative aptitude is well-defined and is restricted to mathematics at the High school level.
- If you have good command over this section, you can score 70-85 marks. So constant practice and learning Maths Trick is Important.
- SSC CGL 2024 Maths syllabus can be segregated into Arithmetic, Data Interpretation & Advanced Mathematics
- Candidates must have a solid grasp of all the principles of topics like Profit and Loss, Time, Distance and Work, Average, Algebra, Mensuration, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, etc.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: Reasoning and General Intelligence
- The Reasoning and General Intelligence section is primarily to test candidates' reasoning skills along with their intelligence in solving verbal and nonverbal type questions. In this section, we will help aspirants in developing a Paper 2 Preparation strategy to score maximum marks:
- The candidate needs to practice the question every day for a minimum of 1 hour.
- Candidates must frequently solve practice papers and evaluate their preparation levels.
- Along with this the candidate also needs to build a strong grasp on topics like Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern- folding and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: English Language and Comprehension
Candidates while preparing for the SSC CGL 2024 English paper need to segregate their preparation strategy into three parts:
- Vocabulary: Candidates should start the preparation of this segment by constantly going through English newspapers, books and magazines.
- Grammar: This section will test the student's basic understanding of grammar using active and passive voice, Incorrect sentences, tense etc. Candidates should grasp a basic understanding of grammar at the primary level to crack this section of the test.
- Reading Ability: Through this section, the English language understanding capability of the candidate will be tested using comprehension. To clear this section, candidates need to develop a robust vocabulary and engage themselves in debates and discussions in the language.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: General Awareness
The SSC CGL 2024 General awareness is one of the crucial parts in cracking the examination. Candidates need to formulate a robust strategy for General Awareness Preparation of SSC CGL 2024. Below, there are a few important pointers which has been pointed out by the topper and aspirant of the SSC CGL 2024 Examination:
- If the questions are answered correctly, the General Awareness section of the SSC CGL 2024 exam might be one of the most scoring sections and can amount to the difference between an excellent and average score.
- Making a list of topics from each of the categories outlined in the SSC CGL 2024 Syllabus and evaluating your knowledge in each one is the first step in preparing for the GA. Using the evaluation of your current knowledge of the topics, you can manage your preparation accordingly.
- The best course of action in science is to review everything that was covered in class and ensure that you comprehend each concept. You would find it simpler to memorise the topics if your concept was clear.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: Computer Knowledge Test
CPT includes the following three modules:
Word Processing: You will be given an English passage which requires 2000 key depressions in 15 minutes. Candidates need to practice the typing exercise daily.
Spreadsheet: In this section, the candidates will be required to perform basic mathematical operations like Division, multiplication, addition and subtraction along with other operational formulas on the Microsoft Excel sheet. The Candidates need to practice the MS Excel on a regular basis
Generation of slides: The candidates are required to create PPT slides on Microsoft Powerpoint. To ace this part of the CPT candidates need to have the basics of PPT i.e. header, footer, inserting date and time and other aspects of the PowerPoint presentation.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: Data Entry Speed Test
DEST consists only of a typing test in which candidates must have 2000 keys depression in 15 minutes. It is a speed test and candidates need to develop a practice of typing to clear SSC CGL 2024 DEST.
SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Preparation: General Studies (Finance and Economics)
The SSC CGL 2024 Tier 2 Paper 3 is conducted for candidates applying for the Assistant Audit Officer (AAO). The duration of this paper is 120 minutes. It will consist of 100 questions of 2 marks each. For every wrong answer, a 0.5 mark will be deducted from the total score.
With constant practice and an in-depth understanding of the topic, candidates can easily score in this Paper.
- Candidates need a robust preparation of the definitions and concepts related to Indian and world economies. With a clear understanding of the topic, each question can be answered in 2-3 seconds.
- The candidate’s knowledge of basic topics of class XI and XII like foreign exchange demand, supply, economic development, the balance of payment, national income and aggregates, and national and international financial institutions will be extremely helpful in clearing this part of the paper.
- Here are the topics pertaining to General awareness which candidates are advised to practice as observing previous year trend, approximately 7-10 questions are based on them in the SSC exam:
- Five Year Plans
- Economic Terms
- Money and Banking
- Economic Reforms in India
- Indian Tax Structure
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the number of questions asked in the Reasoning and General Intelligence Section in Tier 2?
A total of 30 questions of 3 marks each will be asked from this section and the total score of the section is 90 marks.
How many questions are asked in the General Awareness Section in Tier 2?
The total number of questions asked is 25 for 3 marks each and the total score will be 75 marks.
What is the number of questions asked in the Computer Knowledge Test?
The total number of questions asked is 60 for 20 marks.
What is the Negative Marking in SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 ?
In SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1, 0.5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
What is the Negative Marking in SSC CGL 2023 Tier 2 ?
The SSC CGL 2023 Tier 2 exam consists of negative marking which means 1 mark for each incorrect response in Section-I, Section-II, and Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I will be deducted and 0.50 points for each incorrect response in Sections-II and III of Paper-I.