HPSC Admit Card 2024: Download Haryana Civil Services Hall Ticket for Prelims & Mains
The HPSC HCS admit card 2024 is released by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) on its official website. Candidates will be able to download the hall ticket using their enrollment number and other login details.HPSC Admit Card 2024: The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) releases the admit card for HPSC HCS exam on its official website after the successful conclusion of the registration process. The commission released the HPSC HCS admit card for the mains examination (2023 cycle) on its official website. Candidates who successfully filled out the HPSC application form can download the admit cards using their applicant ID and password.
The HPSC HCS Mains Exam 2024 (2023 cycle) was conducted on March 30 and March 31, 2024. Candidates must carry their admit cards to the examination centre on the exam day. Students failing to bring the hard copy of their admit cards to the examination centre will not be allowed to take the examination. Candidates must keep their admit card safe until the examination process gets over.
The admit card is an important document that contains details of the candidate as well as the examination. Students must carefully check these details after downloading their admit cards. If in case there is any discrepancy in the admit card, the student must report it to the examination conducting body.
HPSC Admit Card 2024
HPSC admit card 2024 (2023 cycle) can be downloaded from the official website using the applicant ID and password. Students can visit the official website to download their respective admit cards. It is also recommended that students download their admit cards before the exam day in order to avoid last-minute issues.
HPSC Admit Card 2024: Steps to Download
HPSC Admit Card 2024: Details Mentioned
What if you forgot your Registration Number?
HPSC Admit Card 2024: Exam Day Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is HPSC HCS Admit Card?
The HPSC HCS admit card is a document that proves the authenticity of the candidate. Students must carry the hard copy of their admit cards to the examination centre.
How can I download the HPSC HCS Admit Card?
The HPSC HCS admit card can be downloaded from the official website of the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC).
When will the HPSC HCS Admit Card be released?
HPSC HCS admit card 2023 (2022 cycle) has been released by the commission on its official website. The preliminary exam will be conducted on May 21, 2023.
What details are mentioned on the HPSC HCS Admit Card?
The details mentioned on the HPSC HCS admit card are as follows:
- Name of the Candidate
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Gender
- Category
- Date of Birth
- Exam Centre Name
- Exam Centre Address
- Exam Centre Code
- Exam Day
- Exam Date
- Exam Time
- Passport Size Photograph
- Signature
- Exam Day Guidelines
Is the HPSC HCS Admit Card available online only, or will it be sent by mail?
The HPSC admit card will be available in an only mode only. Candidates can download their admit cards using their applicant ID & password.
What should I do if there is an error or discrepancy in my HPSC HCS Admit Card?
In case there is any error or discrepancy in your HPSC HCS admit card, then you should report it to the examination conducting body.
Do I need to carry any additional documents along with the HPSC HCS Admit Card to the exam centre?
Yes, candidates must carry two passport-size photographs and Valid ID proof such as Aadhar Card or Voter ID card along with the admit card.
Can I make changes to my exam centre after downloading the HPSC HCS Admit Card?
Candidates cannot request to change their exam centre after downloading their HPSC HCS admit card.