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Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission Exam

CGPSC Eligibility 2024: Age Limit, Educational Qualification for Prelims, Mains

CGPSC eligibility 2024: Candidates registering for the examination must check the minimum requirements. There are several eligibility requirements including educational qualification, age limit, and nationality.

CGPSC Eligibility 2024: Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission releases the eligibility criteria for candidates who are intending to appear for the CGPSC examination. The eligibility criteria is released along with the official exam notification at the Commission's website. The eligibility criteria consists of several factors including the nationality of candidate, age limit as well as age relaxation and educational qualification. 

Before filling out the application form, candidates must check the eligibility criteria for CGPSC. Once the candidate successfully fulfills the eligibility criteria, they can fill the CGPSC application form. Those candidates who will successfully register for CGPSC will be eligible to get their hall tickets. The eligibility criteria laid for candidates are specified by the CGPSC and if the candidate does not fulfil the eligibility, then he or she will not be able to appear for the examination. 

The CGPSC exam is conducted in three stages including the prelims, mains and interview. Candidates are required to clear all three stages in order to get recruited for the post for which they have applied. The CGPSC exam is conducted to recruit candidates for the posts offered under the administration of the Chhattisgarh government. 

CGPSC Eligibility Criteria 2024

CGPSC eligibility criteria plays an essential role for all the candidates who are appearing for the CGPSC examination. Without fulfilling the eligibility criteria, candidates will not be allowed to fill out the application form. CGPSC eligibility criteria play an essential role for all the candidates who are appearing for the CGPSC examination. 

By going through the eligibility criteria, the aspirant can ensure that he or she is eligible to appear for the examination. Further, it must be noted that in some parts of the eligibility criteria, aspirants belonging to different categories have some sort of relaxation compared to candidates belonging to the general category.  

Candidates can take a look at the different factors of eligibility criteria laid out by the education body in the article. 

CGPSC Eligibility 2024: Nationality 

Candidates who are intending to appear for the CGPSC exam are required to be Indian. Only those candidates who have Indian citizenship will be allowed to appear in the examination. 

Another important factor for all the candidates appearing for the examination is the age limit. Candidates must understand the eligibility criteria laid by the exam conducting body regarding the age limit. 

Candidates appearing for the examination should have a minimum age of 21 years whereas the maximum age of the candidate should not exceed 30 years as of 1st January of the year of the given notification. On the other hand, for those candidates whose permanent address should be Chhattisgarh, their maximum age should not exceed above 35-years. 

CGPSC Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit Relaxation 

Candidates can check the age relaxation given by the exam conducting body for different conditions.

Candidates who are intending to appear for the examination should obtain a degree from any university which has been incorporated by an act of the Central or State legislature in India. Aspirants who hold a degree from the educational institute which has been established by an act of Parliament or declared to be considered a university under section 2 of the UGC act are eligible to appear for the examination. 

Also check: CGPSC Preparation

The official notification of CGPSC regarding eligibility criteria states that the candidates who are appearing for the examination should be in good Mental and physical health and should not have physical defects.  Hence, in order to ensure these aspects, the exam conducting body has released a set of physical requirements which candidates need to obtain. These requirements are specified for different posts. 

Further, candidates must note that if they are found not to have the requirement laid by the CGPSC, then they will not be allowed to sit for the examination. Aspirants can take a look at the following requirements for different posts. 

Candidates must know that there is no specific number which has been stated by the exam authorities for the number of attempts regarding the CGPSC examination. 

While going through the CGPSC eligibility criteria, candidates should note all these key points. 

  • Candidates who are found guilty of crimes such as obtaining impersonating services from anyone, impersonating, submitting fake papers or documents that have been altered, using unfair methods during a test or attempting to do so or harassing, threatening, or inflicting physical damage on the personnel hired to perform the examination will not be allowed to appear for the examination. 
  • Candidates are required to clear all three stages of the examination to be eligible to get recruited for the examination
  • Aspirants who do not hold a certificate of admission issued by the Commission will not get admitted either to the preliminary examination or the mains examination 
