UPPSC PCS Admit Card 2024 (Out): Download Link, Details Mentioned, Exam Day Guidelines
UPPSC PCS prelims admit card 2024: The UPPSC prelims exam will be conducted on December 22, 2024. The admit card for the same has been issued online at the official website - uppsc.up.nic.in.UPPSC Admit Card 2024: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission issues the admit card before each examination phase. Candidates appearing for the UPPSC PCS exam can download the admit card from uppsc.up.nic.in. The commission will conduct the UPPSC preliminary exam on December 22, 2024.
Latest Updates:
- UPPSC PCS Admit Card for Preliminary round is now available to download at uppsc.up.nic.in.
Only the candidates who had successfully filled the UPPSC PCS application form will be eligible to download the prelims admit card from the official website. Candidates must carry this hall ticket on the day of the examination. Without the admit card, entry to the exam centre will be denied.
The UPPSC Admit card is an important document as it contains important details about the candidate and the examination. UPPSC releases separate admit cards for the prelims and mains examination. The hall tickets are released a few days before the examination day. Candidates will know the admit card release dates soon after UPPSC releases the examination dates. The UPPSC Result is released separately for prelims, mains, and interview rounds. Candidates can check the result on the official website, once the notification is out.
UPPSC Admit Card Download 2024
The admit card for UPPSC PCS prelims has been released at the official website. Registered candidates must go to the website, uppsc.up.nic.in, to download their UPPSC admit card.
Click the "Download Admit Card" link on the homepage to be taken to a new page. Applicants must provide their registration number, birth date, and gender to complete the process. Check the image of the official website for UPPSC below:
UPPSC Admit Card 2024 Highlights
UPPSC Admit Card Date 2024
UPPSC Admit Card 2024: How to Download?
UPPSC Admit Card 2024: Mentioned Details
How to Report Discrepancies?
UPPSC Exam 2024: What to carry on the exam day?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When will the admit card for UPPSC RO/ARO prelims exam be issued?
The admit card for UPPSC preliminary exam for RO/ARO posts is expected to be released any time soon at the official website.
How can one download the UPPSC admit card?
To successfully download the admit card, one must visit the official website of UPPSC and select the admit card link on the dashboard. After entering their credentials such as the password and application ID, one will be able to access the admit card.
Is it mandatory to carry the UPPSC hall ticket on the day of the exam?
Yes, it is necessary for students to carry a hard copy of their UPPSC PCS admit cards (note that digital copies will not be accepted) on the day of the exam. Without the document, applicants will be denied entry to the test centre.
How can one report discrepancies on the UPPSC admit card?
If candidates find any mistakes and errors on their UPPSC PCS admit cards, they must report them to the exam authorities immediately on their registered helpline details.
What are the details mentioned on the UPPSC PCS admit card?
The UPPSC PCS admit card will include details about the candidates along with the exam details such as the venue and time of the test and the guidelines.
When will the UPPSC PCS prelims exam be held?
The preliminary exam for UPPSC PCS services is scheduled to be held on March 17, 2024.
Will I receive the UPPSC admit card by post?
No, candidates will not receive the UPPSC admit card by post. They are required to carry the hard copy of the admit card along with them to the examination centre.
Can I carry the UPPSC admit card on my phone to the exam centre?
No, electronic gadgets are not allowed at the UPPSC exam centre. Candidates have to carry a print out of their admit card to the exam venue.
When will the admit card for UPPSC PCS prelims exam be released?
The admit card for UPPSC PCS prelims exam is expeected to be released in first week of March. Candidates will be notified through the official notification soon.