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AIMS Test for Management Admissions
AIMS Test for Management Admissions

ATMA Exam Pattern 2025: Section Wise Pattern, Marking Scheme, Duration

ATMA Exam Pattern 2025 consists of analytical reasoning skills, verbal skills and quantitative skills. The exam pattern includes details such as duration, total number of questions, syllabus and more.
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ATMA Exam Pattern 2025

ATMA Exam Pattern 2025

ATMA Exam Pattern 2025: The examination pattern of  the AIMS Test for Management Admission (ATMA) is released by Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS). AIMS conducts this online aptitude test for admission to its several postgraduate management courses. The examination consists of questions related to verbal, quantitative, and analytical reasoning skills.

ATMA 2025 is a multiple choice computer-based test, with a total of 180 questions, with 6 sections. There will be two sections each for analytical reasoning skills, verbal skills and quantitative skills. The exam duration is 180 minutes (three hours), with 30 minutes allocated for each section.

As per the ATMA marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer, whereas 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer. Candidates are advised to practise from the ATMA sample papers and mock tests available on the official website in order to score well in the exam. 

ATMA Exam Pattern 2025

ATMA exam will consist of 6 sections with two sections each for the three skills: analytical reasoning skills, verbal skills and quantitative skills. Analytical reasoning skills can include various topics such as arrangement of letters, coding-decoding, blood relations, syllogism, analogy and others. Verbal skills might consist of questions based on reading comprehension, sentence completion, grammar, jumbled sentences and so on. Quantitative skills will include topics such as averages, percentage, simple and compound interest, mensuration, speed, time and distance, profit, loss and discount.

The official website of AIMS provides several resources for ATMA preparation such as sample papers, mock tests and previous years’ question papers. Candidates are encouraged to prepare and practice from the available resources on the official website to score higher in the examination. After looking at the sample question papers, one can get an idea of the topics assessed in the exam that tests the aptitude of the candidates in the various skills needed in management education.


ATMA Exam Pattern 2025: Analytical Reasoning Skills

Candidates can have a look at the examination structure for analytical reasoning skills in the table given below. There will be two sections that will assess the analytical reasoning aptitude of the candidates. Each of the two sections will consist of 30 questions, and candidates will get 30 minutes to attempt each section. Every correct answer gets 1 mark, whereas every incorrect answer implies a negative marking of 0.25. 


Total Number of Questions

Time Allocated for Section

Marks for Each Correct Answer

Negative Marking for Each Incorrect Answer

Analytical Reasoning Skills - I 





Analytical Reasoning Skills -II





ATMA Exam Pattern 2025: Verbal Skills

Candidates can refer to the table given below for an overview of the number of questions, time allocated for each section, and the marking scheme for the assessment of verbal skills. Verbal skills of the candidates will be evaluated in two sections, each of which will consist of 30 questions. Candidates are required to complete each section in the time period of 30 minutes. Every correct answer will fetch 1 mark, whereas an incorrect answer will result in deduction of 0.25 mark. 


Total Number of Questions

Time Allocated for Section

Marks for Each Correct Answer

Negative Marking for Each Incorrect Answer

Verbal Skills - I 





Verbal Skills -II





ATMA Exam Pattern 2025: Quantitative Skills

Candidates can go through the exam pattern for quantitative skills in the table given below. Quantitative skills will be examined in two sections. Each of the two questions will consist of 30 questions, and candidates will get 30 minutes to attempt each section. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer while every incorrect answer will entail a negative marking of 0.25 mark.


Total Number of Questions

Time Allocated for Section

Marks for Each Correct Answer

Negative Marking for Each Incorrect Answer

Quantitative Skills - I 





Quantitative Skills -II





ATMA Exam Pattern 2025: Important topics

As mentioned before, ATMA 2025 will include assessment of analytical reasoning skills, quantitative skills and verbal skills. Each of these skills comprises several topics and the candidates will be evaluated for their mastery over these skills.

In verbal skills, grammar and reading comprehension, sentence structure and vocabulary are important topics. For quantitative aptitude, mathematical concepts such as speed, time and distance, mensuration, algebra, ratio and proportion, profit and loss, averages and percentage are crucial. In analytical reasoning skills, it will be helpful to practise questions related to coding-decoding,family tree, linear and circular arrangement, and syllogism.

 Aspirants can take a look at the ATMA syllabus to get an overview of the topics assessed in the exam :



Quantitative Skills

  • Speed, Time and Distance
  • Profit, Loss and Discount
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Averages
  • Algebra
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Percentage
  • Permutation and Combination

Analytical Reasoning Skills

  • Linear and Circular Arrangements
  • Blood Relations and Family Trees
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Syllogism
  • Statement-Inference
  • Statement-Conclusion
  • Strong/Weak Arguments
  • Analogy

Verbal Skills

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Grammar
  • Sentence Completion
  • Jumbled Sentences
  • Vocabulary


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the ATMA exam pattern?

AIMS (Association of Indian Management Schools) provides an overview of the exam pattern on their official website.

What is the marking scheme of the ATMA exam 2025?

As per the ATMA marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer whereas 0.25 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

How many questions will there be in the ATMA exam 2025?

There will be 180 questions in the ATMA question paper. The paper will be divided into 6 sections and each section will have 30 questions.

What is the duration of the ATMA 2025 exam?

As per the ATMA exam pattern, duration of the examination is 180 minutes, i.e. three hours. 

Who conducts the ATMA exam ?

AIMS (Association of Indian Management Schools) conducts the ATMA exam for admission to several postgraduate courses in management such as MBA, PGDM, MCA and MMS. 

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