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AIMS Test for Management Admissions
AIMS Test for Management Admissions

ATMA Preparation 2024: Check Preparation Tips and Skill-wise strategy

ATMA 2024 needs thorough and regular preparation. ATMA exam preparation requires candidates to study thoroughly from useful reference books, practise from mock tests and sample question papers, and take down important notes for revision.
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ATMA Preparation 2024 : Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) conducts the AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) for admission to various postgraduate management programs. ATMA Exam preparation needs a mastery over all 3 skills- analytical reasoning skills, quantitative skills and verbal skills. Candidates need to strengthen their aptitude in these 3 skills by preparing thoroughly from the right study material. 

Before beginning with the ATMA exam preparation, candidates are advised to carefully read through and understand the exam pattern and exam syllabus. Without awareness of the exam pattern and exam syllabus, candidates will not be able to prepare effectively for the ATMA exam. While a broad overview of the ATMA exam pattern is available on the AIMS official website, knowledge of the detailed skill-wise syllabus is also important for ATMA preparation. 

Apart from the exam pattern, marking scheme and syllabus, candidates need to refer to useful books that are effective in terms of ATMA preparation. There are several books available in the market that cover the three skills assessed in the ATMA Exam. Apart from studying helpful reference books, candidates are encouraged to practise as many ATMA question papers as possible that are available on the AIMS official website for their preparation. 

ATMA Preparation 2024

Candidates need to thoroughly prepare for ATMA 2024 by having a structured and strategic plan and selecting the most helpful study resources. It is advisable that candidates first need to brush up the fundamentals of each of the skills. Aspirants need to have a strong clarity about the basic concepts that form the foundation of each topic. After ensuring conceptual clarity, candidates need to practise extensively from sample question papers and mock tests. ATMA preparation needs diligent studying, regular revision and consistent practice. 

  • Candidates should ideally pay equal attention to preparing for all three skills in the ATMA syllabus - analytical reasoning, verbal and quantitative. Dividing time in the study routine equally into all the 3 skills will help the candidates to have a balanced and comprehensive ATMA preparation. 
  • Candidates should have a structured timeline that outlines a time-bound preparation strategy for ATMA. There is no fixed timeline for preparing for the ATMA exam. Candidates are encouraged to design their own preparation strategy according to their current level of conceptual clarity and understanding. 
  • Knowing the exam pattern, exam syllabus, and marking scheme is the first step in the exam preparation timeline. The second step is to focus on conceptual clarity and form a thorough knowledge base of the foundational principles in Mathematics, Grammar, and Critical Reasoning. Candidates who have problem-solving ability and conceptual clarity in all 3 skills will be able to get a higher overall score.

ATMA Preparation

ATMA 2024 Preparation Strategy

Each of the skills needs a different preparation strategy as each skill has its own specific topics. Thorough and consistent ATMA preparation involves an adequate study of fundamental concepts and regular problem-solving through practising mock tests and sample questions. 

ATMA Skill-Wise Preparation Strategy

  • Analytical Reasoning Skills: For analytical reasoning skills, the best approach for ATMA preparation is extensive practice of solving multiple-choice questions on coding-decoding, linear and circular arrangements, syllogism, analogy, family tree and so on. Before practising, it is advisable to revise the conceptual base of various logical reasoning topics from the right books. Candidates also need to learn how to accurately come to a logical conclusion or inference based on a given statement. 
  • Quantitative Skills: For the quantitative skills section in ATMA, candidates are advised to learn the important formulas and principles that form the structure of all major mathematical topics. Learning tricks and strategies to quickly solve long and complex mathematical problems will also be helpful. Aspirants need to ensure that they regularly practise mathematical problems from the question papers given in suggested books as well as the official website. It is important to be clear with the school-level mathematical concepts learnt in 9th standard and 10th standard. 
  • Verbal Skills: To prepare for verbal skills, candidates are advised to regularly read newspapers and reputed magazines that will help improve reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar. Several books are available in the market that are useful for reference and guidance such as High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin. Further, candidates can use the book titled Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis to improve their vocabulary. 

Pre-Exam Preparation Tips

With only two months left for the ATMA 2024 exam, it is important to manage time well and make an effective study plan. Candidates can have a look at the following preparation tips which will help them in ATMA preparation.

  • Study Exam Pattern, Syllabus and Marking Scheme: It is important to thoroughly go through the exam pattern, syllabus and marking scheme for ATMA 2024. Candidates need to be aware of these aspects so that they can prepare a study plan accordingly. Once they are well-versed with the ATMA exam structure and syllabus, they will be able to study and practise in accordance with important topics and skills assessed. 
  • Design a Study Plan: Candidates are encouraged to make a study plan and adhere to it. In the study plan, they should ensure that they allot an equal amount of time to prepare for each of the 3 skills. ATMA aspirants should set some time-bound goals, such as daily goals or weekly goals which they should strive to meet. By effectively dividing time to prepare each topic, candidates can ensure that they have prepared for all the important syllabus topics.
  • Take Small Notes: Candidates are encouraged to note down the important points while they are studying. These notes consisting of important points are very helpful from an examination point of view. Before the ATMA exam, candidates can quickly brush up and revise the important points from their notes instead of reviewing the entire syllabus content again. 
  • Practise Sample Question Papers: Candidates will have a better idea about the important topics and the questions asked in the exam through practising sample test papers. Candidates can increase their speed and accuracy in question-solving by practising from as many sample question papers as possible. ATMA exam aspirants are advised to evaluate their own performance in the mock tests in order to tailor their study and revision plan accordingly. 
  • Thorough Revision: Thoroughly revise the notes and study material on a regular basis. Ensure that there are time slots for revision in the study routine. Having revision slots will ensure that the aspirants retain the information and knowledge they are absorbing while studying. Further, modify your revision plan according to your performance in the mock tests and sample question papers. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to prepare for the ATMA Exam ?

Candidates can prepare for the ATMA Exam by first going through the exam pattern and syllabus, and then studying reference books. They need to make a study plan, take notes of important points, practise from mock tests and sample question papers, and revise thoroughly.

How to prepare for Verbal Skills ?

Candidates need to read newspapers and magazines regularly to improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension. Apart from that, they can refer to books such as High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin.

How to prepare for Quantitative Skills?

Candidates need strong clarity over school-level mathematical concepts learnt in 9th and 10th standard. They need to practise from reference books such as Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma and Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Aggarwal. Further, they need to practise  from mock tests given on the official website. 


When will ATMA 2023 be conducted ?

ATMA 2023 was conducted on July 23, 2023, in computer-based mode at various test centres. 


Who conducts the ATMA Exam ?

AIMS conducts the ATMA exam for admission to various postgraduate management courses. 

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