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National Defence Academy Exam
National Defence Academy Exam

NDA Exam 2025: Date, Notification, Vacancy, Eligibility, Salary, Exam Pattern

NDA Exam 2025 - The Union Public Service Commission will release the NDA admit card 2025 on April 4, 2025. Candidates can download the NDA hall ticket at upsc.gov.in.

NDA 1 exam 2024 will be conducted on April 13, 2024. It includes two papers: General Ability Test (GAT) and Mathematics. The written exam consists of 900 marks. The commission will release the NDA admit card on the last working day of the preceding week of the date of the examination. It is expected that NDA 1 hall ticket will be released tentatively on April 4, 2025.

Candidates must score at least 360-370 marks to pass the NDA exam and be considered for the next round of the selection process, which is the SSB Interview round.  The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will announce the UPSC NDA Cutoff after the conclusion of the complete selection process.

Students preparing for the NDA exam must know the syllabus and exam pattern. The NDA syllabus includes topics from Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, History, Geography, and Current Events. 

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What is the NDA & NA Exam?

The NDA & NA exam stands for the National Defence Academy & Naval Academy exam. The NDA & NA exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates in the Army, Air Force, and Navy wing of  NDA & Indian Naval Academy Courses. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the NDA & NA exam twice a year. Both exams are referred to as the NDA 1 exam & NDA 2 exam, respectively.

The NDA exam is the most sought-after defense exam conducted for candidates who are aspiring to join the Indian Armed Forces. The exam is conducted in two stages: (i) NDA written examination, and (ii) SSB Interview.

NDA Exam 2025: Highlights

The official NDA 1 notification 2025 released on December 11, 2024. The UPSC NDA notification is an official document that contains all important information about the NDA examination. Candidates must read the official NDA notification PDF to ensure that they do not overlook any important information.

The notification includes the NDA eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and syllabus. Any changes to the NDA exam's eligibility criteria, exam pattern, or syllabus will be noted in the notification.

The NDA notification 2025 also includes detailed information on the physical standards and measurements that the candidate must meet in order to be considered for the final selection. Candidates must ensure that they meet all of the medical requirements outlined in the notification.

UPSC has released the NDA 1 & NDA 2 exam dates for the year 2025 in the tables below:

NDA 1 Exam Dates 2025

NDA 2 Exam Dates 2025

Candidates seeking to join any of the three wings of the Indian Armed Forces through the NDA & NA exam must fulfil the eligibility criteria set by the concerned authorities. The NDA eligibility criteria are a set of conditions (educational, age, and nationality) that candidates must meet before they decide to take the examination. The eligibility criteria also involve certain specific medical conditions and physical standards that aspirants must fulfil.

NDA Eligibility Criteria: Nationality

The aspirant must be:

  1. a citizen of India, or
  2. a subject of Nepal, or
  3. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and the East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Provided that a candidate in categories (2) and (3) above must be someone in whose favour the Government of India has issued a certificate of eligibility. Candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal, on the other hand, will not need a certificate of eligibility.

NDA Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit

To apply for the NDA exam, aspirants must ensure that their age falls within the NDA age limit bracket. Candidates can learn more about the exam's age restrictions by reading the following:

  • Candidates must be unmarried.
  • Candidates must be unmarried.
  • Only unmarried male/female candidates born not earlier than 02nd July, 2006 and not later than 1st July, 2009 are eligible for NDA 1 exam 2025.

NDA Eligibility Criteria: Education Qualification

NDA Eligibility Criteria: Physical Standard

Male Candidates

The shortest acceptable height is 157 cm. Height relaxation is permitted for candidates residing in the following areas, as well as talented male athletes:

Female Candidates

Female candidates must be 152 cm tall to be considered. However, candidates residing in the following areas are eligible for height relaxation:

Candidates seeking admission to the National Defense Academy and Naval Academy must be familiar with the NDA exam pattern. It helps candidates understand the structure of the examination and develop a strategy for attempting the paper.

NDA Marking Scheme 2024

Aspiring candidates can check the table below to learn more about the marking scheme of the NDA Math & GAT paper.

The NDA Syllabus includes subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, General Science, Geography, and English. The Mathematics paper is taken separately, whereas the other subjects are combined in the General Aptitude Test (GAT). The NDA Syllabus is tabulated below:

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will release the NDA 1 notification 2025 on its official website. With the release of the notification, the registration process also starts. The last date to apply for the same is December 31, 2024.

How to Fill NDA Application Form 2025?

Candidates can check the steps to fill out the NDA application form below:

  • Visit the UPSC's official website.
  • Fill out the Part I of the application online, which is registration.
  • Login with your registration details to get access to the Part II of the application form
  • Fill out the Part II application form completely.
  • Submit the fees and print the application form.

NDA 1 exam is scheduled to be conducted on April 13, 2025. The admit card will be released tentatively in the first week of April 2025. The NDA 1 admit card contains the following details: 

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Date of Birth
  • Roll Number 
  • Category
  • Exam Center
  • Exam Date
  • Exam Timings
  • Signature & Photograph

How to Download NDA 1 Admit Card 2025?

To download the NDA 1 admit card, check out the steps below:

  • Visit the UPSC's official website.
  • On the home page, candidates will find a link to the E-Admit Card for NDA & Naval Academy Examination.
  • After clicking the link, the instruction page will appear, which candidates must read and accept.
  • Then, candidates will be able to download their admit cards using their Registration ID or Roll Number.
  • Choose one of them and enter the information requested by the commission.
  • The UPSC NDA admit card will appear on the screen after you submit your information.
  • Download and print the admit card for future reference.

UPSC conducts the NDA & NA exams across multiple exam centres. These NDA exam centres are spread across more than 70 cities of the country. The centres will be released in the official NDA notification.

Candidates who have applied for the exam and received their admit cards must be familiar with the NDA exam day guidelines/instructions in order to avoid confusion on exam day. The following are the exam day guidelines for the NDA and NA exams:

  • Candidates must carry their NDA admit card to the exam centre.
  • Check your admit card carefully to ensure there are no errors.
  • Along with the admit card, bring ID proofs such as an Aadhar card, a driver's license, or a voter ID card.
  • Take no paper, books, sheets, or calculators into the examination hall.
  • Rough sheets will be provided to candidates by the exam centre; therefore, candidates should avoid bringing their own rough sheets.

After the recruitment process is completed, the UPSC releases the NDA answer key. Several coaching institutes, however, release unofficial answer keys after the written examination. Candidates can use the NDA unofficial answer key to determine their likely score.

The NDA result is announced after the successful completion of the NDA written exam. The result is declared in the form of a PDF containing the names and roll numbers of the candidates selected for the SSB Interview round.

SSB Interview Result 2025

The results of the SSB interview round are announced on the fifth day, which is conference day. Candidates who pass the SSB Interview round are designated as recommended candidates and must pass a medical examination. The final merit list is prepared following the successful completion of the medical examination of recommended candidates.

After the recruitment process is completed, UPSC publishes the NDA cutoff. To pass both stages, candidates must clear the cutoffs for the NDA written exam and the SSB interview. Both the written exam and the SSB round are taken into account in the final merit list.

Candidates can check the NDA Cutoff 2023 in the table below:

Read More: NDA Cutoff 2025

NDA Vacancy 2025 is yet to be released by UPSC. It is expected that NDA vacancies will be announced along with the release of the official notification. Meanwhile, aspirants can check the NDA 2024 vacancy in the table below:

There are a variety of benefits and allowances included in the NDA salary, such as allowances, perks, and other benefits. The benefits and allowances a serviceman receives may differ depending on his rank and location.

During their training period, students are paid a stipend of INR 56,100. Trainees are paid the government-specified salaries once they are commissioned into different wings.

Candidates can check the table below for more information on NDA salary:

Read More: NDA Salary 2025

Aspirants preparing for the NDA and NA exams should practice with NDA previous year question papers. It enables candidates to understand the exam pattern and the likelihood of questions that can be repeated and are important in the exam.

NDA Mock Test Papers

Candidates must extensively practice NDA mock test papers to assess their strengths and weaknesses. The mock test papers must be solved in the same manner as the NDA & NA exams.

The NDA & NA exam is conducted for candidates who wish to join the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. The exam is held twice a year in April & September. Candidates wishing to join any of the wings of the Indian Armed Forces must fulfil the eligibility criteria set by the conducting authority. The NDA 1 exam is scheduled for April 13, 2025, while NDA 2 exam is scheduled for September 01, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are female candidates allowed to take the NDA exam?

Yes, female candidates are allowed to take the NDA exam. However, the vacancy for female candidates remains very low compared to the vacancy for male candidates.

When is the NDA exam 2025?

NDA 1 exam will be conducted on April 13, 2025. The notification for the same will be released on December 11, 2024.

Is NCERT enough to prepare for the NDA exam?

Yes, candidates must prioritize NCERT books for their NDA preparation. Once aspirants are done with NCERT, they can try their hands on other books recommended by teachers.

What is the starting salary for a candidate who got selected in the NDA exam?

The starting salary for a candidate who is commissioned through the NDA exam is Rs 56, 100.

Is the NDA exam difficult?

NDA exam is the highly sought after exam for candidates wishing to join Indian Armed Forces. The exam is highly competitive due to the large number of candidates appearing for the exam. However, the difficulty level of the exam may vary every year.

When will admit card for NDA exam be released?

NDA admit card for the exam scheduled on April 13, 2025 will be released tentatively on the last working day of the preceding week of the scheduled examination date.
