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Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education 12th Exam
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education 12th Exam

HPBOSE 12th Exam Pattern 2025: Subject Wise Marking Scheme, Exam Duration

HPBOSE 12th exam pattern 2025 is released by the Himachal Pradesh board on its official website - hpbose.org. The exam pattern gives an overview of the chapter-wise marks distribution and the marking scheme as per the question type.

HPBOSE 12th Exam Pattern 2025: The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education releases the HPBOSE Class 12 exam pattern on its official website - hpbose.org. Students can download the 12th board exam pattern and refer to it during exam preparation. The exam pattern gives an overview of the total marks, exam duration, chapter-wise marks distribution and marking scheme according to the question type.

Candidates need to go through the exam pattern in order to create an informed exam preparation strategy for HPBOSE 12th Exam 2025. Students can study according to the relative marks weightage of different chapters and question types. The duration of the written exam is 3 hours.

Himachal Pradesh Board releases the exam pattern and syllabus in combined form. The exam pattern along with HPBOSE 12th Syllabus is provided for all the subjects that form a part of the Class 12 curriculum. Students can check the syllabus of the subjects for their chosen stream, be it, Science, Arts, or Commerce. 

HPBOSE 12th Exam Pattern 2025

Himachal Pradesh Board provides the exam pattern of HPBOSE Class 12 examinations on its official website. Students can visit the official website of HPBOSE and click on the downloads tab on the menu bar of the homepage. From the drop-down menu of the downloads tab, students need to click on ‘syllabus’ and the list of subjects of different classes will be displayed. Candidates can click on the subject for which they need the exam pattern, and the exam pattern along with the syllabus of the chosen subject will appear on the screen in PDF format.

Study Material

Also Check: HPBOSE 12th Model Test Papers 2025

HPBOSE 12th Board Exam Pattern 2025: Marks Distribution

In HPBOSE 12th board examination, the marks are distributed among theory exam, practical and internal assessment. The science stream consists of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology whereas the commerce stream includes Accountancy, Economics, and Business Studies. The Arts stream consists of History, Political Science, Geography, and other subjects. The subject-wise marks distribution is given below. 

The section wise division for Mathematics in HPBOSE class 12th exam is provided below:

Students from science stream can check the marking scheme for Physics in HPBOSE class 12th exam below: 

The Chemistry exam is divided into three sections: theory, practical, and internal assessment. Check the section wise marks break-up below: 

The HPBOSE class 12th Biology exam is also divided in three sections: theory, practical, and internal assessment. Check section wise weightage below: 

The Economics paper for HPBOSE class 12 board exams is divided into two sections: theory exam and internal assessment. 

The Accountancy paper for HPBOSE class 12th consists of three sections: theory, project, and internal assessment. Check weightage below: 

Check section wise breakup for business studies section for HPBOSE 12th board exams below:

The Geography paper in HPBOSE 12th pattern consists of a project along with the theory and internal assessment section.

Check section wise marks break-up and minimum passing marks required in History section for HPBOSE class 12th board exams.

Students from Arts/Humanities stream can check the exam pattern for Political Science below:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the HPBOSE 12th board exam pattern?

Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education releases the HPBOSE Class 12 exam pattern on its official website.

What does the HPBOSE 12th board exam pattern consist of?

The HPBOSE 12th board exam pattern consists of total marks, exam duration, chapter-wise marks weightage and marks distribution according to question type.

What are the total marks in HPBOSE Class 12 exam 2025?

HPBOSE Class 12 exams are conducted for a total of 100 marks. The marks are distributed among theory paper, practical/project and internal assessment depending on the subject. 

What is the duration of the HPBOSE 12th examination ?

The duration of the HPBOSE 12th theory examination is 3 hours. 

10th Study Material
