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Central Board of Secondary Education 10th Board Exam
Central Board of Secondary Education 10th Board Exam

CBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025: Check latest CBSE Class 10 Pattern, Marking Scheme

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the CBSE 10th exam pattern 2025 on its official website - cbse.gov.in. Students must refer to the latest CBSE exam pattern 2024-25 class 10 & marking scheme while preparing for the board exams.

CBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025: The CBSE Board has released the class exam pattern for Class 10 on the official website. Students appearing for the annual board exams can download the marking scheme for class 10 cbse 2024-25 for all subjects at cbse.gov.in. In this article, students can check the latest Class 10th exam pattern for important subjects including Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science & Hindi. 

As per the latest CBSE exam pattern 2024-25 class 10, 50% of the questions will be competency-based (MCQs, source-based questions, case study-based questions, etc.), 20% of the questions will be MCQs and 30% of the questions will be short/long answer type questions. Through the revised exam pattern, the board aims to ensure that students focus less on rote learning and more on understanding the concepts. Students are advised to go through the latest CBSE 10th syllabus 2025 to study for the board examinations.

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CBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025

Students must develop a clear understanding of the current CBSE 10th pattern 2024-2025 and then prepare for the exams accordingly:

Study Material
  • The CBSE exam for each subject will be 100 marks where the theory paper will carry 80 marks and the internal assessments will be of 20 marks.
  • Students must note that they need to score a minimum of 33% in every subject and overall to qualify for the CBSE board exams.
  • There are a total of 5 compulsory subjects that students have to appear for in the CBSE 10th board exams 2025, these include Mathematics, English, Science, Social Science, and Hindi.
  • Students are required to cover the entire syllabus of class 10 for their respective subjects for the CBSE board examination 2025
  • The CBSE board exams 2025 will be conducted in the offline mode and the duration of each exam will be 3 hours.

CBSE Exam Pattern 2024-25 Class 10

Students must develop a clear understanding of the CBSE 10th exam pattern 2025 to create an effective preparation strategy for the board exams. The exam pattern will be different for different subjects.

A brief explanation of the CBSE Class 10 pattern 2025 is tabulated below:

Students can check the CBSE class 10 exam pattern 2025 for Mathematics (Basic) along with the number of questions and marking scheme 2025 in the table below.

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics 2025: Topic-wise Weightage 

CBSE Class 10 Science 2025: Topic-wise Weightage 

CBSE Class 10 Social Science 2025: Topic-wise Weightage 

Also Check: CBSE 10th Previous Year Papers

  • To understand the CBSE Class 10 exam pattern 2025 for each subject, students must practise sample question papers
  • Solve subject-wise sample papers every day till the exam is conducted
  • Complete your NCERT books thoroughly
  • Take note of high and low-weightage chapters and prepare accordingly. On a similar pattern, attempt the sample paper like wise.

Comprehensively understanding the CBSE Class 10 exam pattern is very important for board exam preparation. Students must be aware of the CBSE 10th pattern for Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Hindi, and English. These are the five major subjects that are mostly covered in the CBSE 10th board exams. To understand the CBSE exam pattern for Class 10, students must solve sample question papers officially released on the CBSE website - cbse.nic.in. Many unofficial sample papers are released by various coaching institutes for CBSE class 10 board exams; students must consider practising and solving them. 

The exam pattern tells candidates about the subject-wise marking scheme, chapter-wise weightage in each subject. With that, candidates have the reliable information on which topic to focus more to score maximum marks in the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the new CBSE 10th exam pattern 2025?

As per the latest CBSE 10th exam pattern, 50% of the questions will be competency-based (MCQs, source-based questions, case study-based questions, etc.), 20% of the questions will be MCQs and 30% of the questions will be short/long answer type questions.

What are the minimum marks required for passing the CBSE 10th exams 2025?

Students must secure a minimum of 33% marks in each subject and overall in order to pass the CBSE board examination 2025.

What are the CBSE 10th exam dates 2025?

The CBSE 10th board exams will start on February 15, 2025 as per the officials. 

Has CBSE changed the marks weightage of the internal assessments?

No, the students must note that CBSE has not made any changes to the marks weightage of the internal assessments. The internal assessments carry 20 marks as before.

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