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Reserve Bank of India Grade B Exam
Reserve Bank of India Grade B Exam

RBI Grade B Result 2024: Phase 2 Result Date, Direct Link, PDF Download, Cut off

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2024 - The Reserve Bank of India releases the results for the RBI grade B exam on its official website. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check the result at opportunities.rbi.org.in.

RBI Grade B Result 2024: The Reserve Bank of India releases the RBI Grade B result for Phase I, II and Interview rounds online. Once released, candidates who appeared for the examinations can check and download their results in the PDF format. The RBI Grade B Phase 2 result for General, DEPR, and DSIM will be released in online mode. The scorecard can be downloaded by candidates from rbi.org.in.

The RBI Grade B result 2024 pdf includes roll numbers of the qualified candidates. Aspirants who appeared for the RBI Grade B exam will be shortlisted for the Interview, based on the aggregate of marks obtained in Phase-II (Paper-I+Paper-II +Paper-III). The minimum aggregate cut-off marks for being shortlisted for Interview will be decided by the Board in relation to the number of vacancies. Roll Numbers of the candidates shortlisted for the Interview will be published on RBI website at appropriate time and interview call letters will be sent on registered Email ID.

Lastest Updates:

  • The RBI announced the RBI Grade Phase 2 Result 2024 on November 14, 2024.

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2024 Official website

Candidates can check and download the list of the shortlisted candidates who appeared for RBI Grade B Phase II exam 2024, from the official website - rbi.org.in. Check the image of the website below. 

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2024 Official website

RBI Grade B Result 2024 - Highlights

RBI announces the results for each phase of the RBI Grade B examination on its official website. The results are usually published in the form of a PDF file comprising the registration or roll numbers of the shortlisted candidates. Along with the result, the conducting body also releases the RBI Grade B cutoff marks for each phase. Check the table below for further details-

Check the table below to know the important dates prescribed by the exam conducting body.

As the RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2024 PDF is set to be announced, the direct link can be found below for the reference of applicants-

The following steps must be incorporated to successfully check the exam result-

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Step 2: Look for the "Opportunities@RBI" or "Recruitment" section on the homepage. Click on it to proceed.

Step 3: Click on the result link to access the released document

Step 4: Applicants will be asked to provide their login details such as the registration number and password

Step 5: Candidates can view their results and check if they have qualified for the next stage of the examination or not

Step 6: Download the result in PDF format and also take a printout of it for future reference

The RBI Grade B scorecard is made available a few days after the result declaration. To download the scorecards, candidates need to log in using their roll number, date of birth, and verification code. The scorecard includes the following details:

  • Candidate’s Name
  • Roll Number
  • Category
  • Sectional Marks
  • Overall Marks
  • Rank
  • RBI Grade B cutoff marks

RBI Grade B Scorecard 2024: Steps to Check

To access the RBI Grade B Scorecard 2024, candidates should follow the steps outlined below:

  • Visit the official website of RBI.
  • Click on the "Current Vacancies Tab" provided on the homepage.
  • Under the "Current Vacancies" section, locate and select the "Results" tab.
  • Click on the link that reads "Marksheet and Cutoffs of officers in Grade B DR- General DSIM and DEPR 2024."
  • A login page will appear on the screen, prompting candidates to enter their Receipt Number and Date of Birth.
  • It is advisable to take a printout of the RBI Grade B Scorecard 2024 for documentation purposes and further procedures.

The RBI Grade B Merit List 2024 is compiled by the exam conducting authority and is created after the result declaration. Candidates whose names appear in the merit list will be invited for the final selection round, which is the interview. The ranking on the merit list is determined based on the candidates' examination scores. The Merit List will be in PDF format, containing the roll numbers of the qualified candidates.

The RBI Grade B Cutoff for Phase 1 is given in the table below:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I check my RBI Grade B Result?

Candidates can check their RBI Grade B Result by visiting the official RBI website and navigating to the "Results" section. They will need to enter their login credentials, such as roll number and date of birth, to access the result.

When will the RBI Grade B Phase 1 2024 result be announced?

The RBI Grade B 2024 phase 1 result will be announced tentatively by late September 2024. It will be released on the official website. 

Will the RBI Grade B Result be available in PDF format?

Yes, the RBI Grade B Result is generally published in PDF format. It contains the roll numbers or registration numbers of the qualified candidates for each phase of the exam.

What is the significance of the RBI Grade B Merit List?

The RBI Grade B Merit List showcases the names or roll numbers of candidates who have performed exceptionally well in the exam. Candidates listed in the merit list are eligible to proceed to the next stage of the selection process, usually the interview round.


What happens if I don't qualify in Phase-I of RBI Grade B Exam?

Candidates who don't qualify in RBI Grade B Phase-I are not eligible to proceed to Phase-II or the subsequent stages. They will need to reappear for the exam in the next recruitment cycle.

Will RBI release the RBI cutoff marks along with the Grade B Result?

Yes, RBI releases the cutoff marks along with the RBI Grade B Result. Cutoff marks act as the minimum qualifying criteria for each phase of the examination.

When will RBI Grade B Phase 2 result 2024 be declared?

RBI grade b result 2024 for Phase 2 will be announced tentatively in November 2024.

