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Telangana State Public Service Commission Group 4
Telangana State Public Service Commission Group 4

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024: Post-Wise Salary, Promotions, and Benefits

The TSPSC Group 4 salary is based on the pay scale defined by the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC). The exact salary for each job position may vary. Check the pay scale and promotions for different job posts.
TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024: Securing a public job in the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Group 4 not only offers job security but also provides a lucrative salary package and various benefits. The TSPSC Group 4 positions in Telangana ensure financial stability and growth for the recruited candidates. The pay scale varies for different job posts in accordance with government guidelines. Candidates who appear and qualify in the TSPSC Group 4 Exam are eligible for these salary packages.

TSPSC Group 4 salary is determined by the recommendations of different pay commissions and undergo periodic revisions. The competitive salary, perks, allowances, and career stability are the key factors that attract thousands of aspirants to take the exam every year. Continue reading to learn more about TSPSC Group 4 salary details, including pay scale and variables for various job posts.

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024

TSPSC Group 4 Salary

In addition to the salary, TSPSC candidates are provided with different allowances, perks and benefits. Basic pay is the fixed element of the salary and forms the foundation for other allowances and benefits. It varies based on the position, pay scale, and level of the employee. 

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024: Post-Wise

As stated above, the TSPSC salary structure varies according to the job position of the candidate. Under the TSPSC Group 4 examination, various Grade C job roles are provided to students. Some of these are- Junior Accountant, Junior Assistant, Junior Auditor, Supervisor, and Matron amongst others. Before discussing the scale of pay for these posts, let us first understand the released TSPSC Group 4 vacancies for the above-listed job positions. The data for it has been provided in the table below-

Job Post

TSPSC Group 4 Vacancy

Junior Assistant


Junior Accountant


Junior Auditor 




Matron/ Matron (Storekeeper)/ Matron-Gr-II


Ward Officer 


TSPSC Group 4 Post-Wise Scale of Pay-

Check the table below to understand the pay scale of the above-mentioned job posts-

Post Name

Scale of Pay

Junior Assistant

Rs 24,280 to Rs 72,850

Junior Accountant

Rs 24,280 to Rs 72,850

Matron/Matron-Cum Storekeeper

Rs 22,900 to Rs 69,150


Rs 22,900 to Rs 69,150

TSPSC Group 4 Salary

TSPSC Group 4 2024 Job Profile

The job profile of TSPSC Group 4 positions primarily revolves around supporting the efficient functioning of government departments, handling paperwork, and providing assistance to higher-level officials. The exact duties and responsibilities may vary based on the specific position and the department in which the candidate is appointed.

The job profile for TSPSC Group 4 in Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) includes various clerical and support roles within the government departments of the state of Telangana. TSPSC Group 4 is a combined recruitment examination that includes several posts, and the job responsibilities can vary depending on the specific position assigned to a candidate. Some common positions under TSPSC Group 4 may include:

  1. Junior Assistant: Junior Assistants perform administrative tasks, data entry, and clerical duties. They assist higher-level officials in office work, maintain records, process documents, and handle routine office tasks.

  2. Typist: Typists are responsible for typing and preparing various documents, reports, and letters. They may also assist in data entry and maintain records in the required format.

  3. Junior Steno: Junior Stenographers provide stenography and typing support to their superiors. They take dictations, transcribe them, and handle stenography-related tasks.

  4. Junior Accountant: Junior Accountants handle basic accounting tasks, financial records, and bookkeeping. They may assist senior accountants in managing financial transactions and preparing financial statements.

  5. Multi-Purpose Health Assistant (MPHA): MPHA's role involves assisting health officials in healthcare facilities, conducting health surveys, providing basic healthcare services, and supporting health-related programs.

  6. Junior Assistant-cum-Typist: This role combines the responsibilities of a Junior Assistant and Typist, involving administrative tasks and typing work.

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024: Promotions

The TSPSC Group 4 promotions are based on the career progression and performance of the candidates. Check below to understand the promotion process for TSPSC Group 4 employees:

  • Initial Recruitment: Candidates who qualify in the TSPSC Group 4 exam and secure a position in Grade C job roles such as Junior Assistants, Typists, Junior Stenos, or Junior Accountants, are initially appointed to their respective positions.
  • Probation: After the initial appointment, candidates usually go through a probation period. During this period, their performance, conduct, and suitability for the job are evaluated.
  • Promotional Opportunities: Recruited applicants have opportunities for promotion to higher positions within the administrative hierarchy based on their experience, qualifications, and performance. These promotions are subject to certain eligibility criteria and requirements set by the TSPSC.
  • Seniority and Merit: Promotions can be based on both seniority and merit. Seniority-based promotions take into account the length of service in the current position, while merit-based promotions consider factors such as performance evaluations, additional qualifications, and achievements.
  • Higher Grade Positions: Through the promotional process, TSPSC Group 4 employees can progress to higher grade positions, such as Senior Assistants, Senior Accountants, Senior Stenos, or other equivalent roles within the administrative setup.

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024: Perks and Benefits

Apart from the pay scale, applicants are given various benefits, some of which include-

  • Dearness Allowance (DA): DA, which is estimated as a percentage of base salary, is given to cover the growing expense of living. Periodically, it is updated to reflect inflation rates.
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): HRA is provided to employees to meet their rental expenses. The percentage of HRA varies based on the location of the posting and can range from 24% to 30% of the basic pay.
  • Medical Allowance: Employees of TSPSC Group 4 are eligible for medical allowances to cover their medical costs. Depending on the particular laws and regulations of the state government, the medical allowance's terms might vary.
  • Transport Allowance: This allowance is provided to cover transportation costs incurred by the employees for commuting to and from work. The amount of transport allowance depends on the employee's in-hand salary and may vary. 
  • Other Allowances: According to government regulations, TSPSC Group 4 employees may also be qualified for a number of other benefits, including the Leave Travel Allowance (LTA), the Children's Education Allowance (CEA), and various benefits are provided such as Provident Fund (PF), Pension, Career and Progression & Promotion. 

TSPSC Group 4 Salary 2024: Conclusion

The TSPSC Group 4 positions provide a competitive salary package in addition to the prestige and security of government employment. The salary structure, which includes basic pay, benefits, and allowances, guarantees the financial security and advancement of employees. TSPSC Group 4 exam job posts are highly sought-after due to the pay scale, benefits, and retirement opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the TSPSC Group 4 basic pay structure?

The basic pay structure for TSPSC Group 4 alters according to the position and employee's pay scale. The basic pay serves as the basis for all other allowances and benefits. Based on the proposals of pay commissions, it is decided by the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC), and it is subject to reevaluations on a regular basis.

What is the pay scale of a TSPSC Junior Assistant (Group 4)?

The pay scale of a TSPSC Junior Assistant is Rs 24,280 to Rs 72,850.

Where can students find the TSPSC Group 4 salary PDF?

The PDF including the TSPSC Group 4 salary details can be found on the official website of the exam conducting body.

Are recruited applicants provided with allowances in addition to the salary?

Yes, selected candidates are provided with various allowances, perks, and benefits in addition to the existing salary. 

What is the job role of a TSPSC Group 4 employee?

The job role of a TSPSC Group 4 employee involves performing clerical and administrative duties in various government departments in Telangana. The specific responsibilities may vary depending on the position and the department of posting.

How long is the TSPSC Group 4 probation period?

The probation period for group 4 employees is for 1 year. 

What is the in hand salary of TSPSC Group 4?

Employees selected for Group 4 positions in Telangana are paid at a pay scale of Rs. 24,280 to 72,850 per month with certain allowances in accordance with state government regulations.
