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Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test
Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test

UPTET Syllabus 2024: Check Subject-wise syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2

UPTET syllabus is released by the Uttar Pradesh Exam Regulatory Authority in the form of PDF on the official website. The UPTET syllabus is different for both papers - paper 1 and paper 2.

UPTET Syllabus 2024: The Uttar Pradesh Exam Regulatory Authority (ERA) will release the syllabus for UPTET on the official website along with the official notification.  Candidates preparing for the UPTET exam 2024 are advised to check the UPTET syllabus online. The syllabus differs for both papers of the UPTET exam. 

UPTET Paper 1 covers 5 subjects including Child Development and Methodology and Pedagogy, Language 1, Language 2, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Meanwhile, UPTET Paper 2 consists of 4 sections including Child Development and Methodology and Pedagogy, Language 1, Language 2, Maths/Science/Social science.

Candidates shall go through the UPTET syllabus to learn about important topics, marking scheme, and section-wise distribution of marks in the UPTET exam

UPTET Syllabus 2024 

The UPTET syllabus 2024 will be available on the official website soon along with the UPTET notification. The syllabus is not expected to change every year. However, any changes will be notified on this page. Apart from the syllabus, candidates are also advised to check the UPTET exam pattern.  

UPTET Syllabus 2024 Paper 1

Paper 1 is for candidates who wish to apply for teaching positions in classes 1 to 5. This paper consists of 5 topics including Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics and Environmental Studies. Subject-wise syllabus for Paper 1 is provided in the table below.  

Candidates who wish to teach students from classes 6 to 8 must appear for both Paper 1 and Paper 2. The exam syllabus for Paper 2 is different from Paper 1. Paper 2 covers four subjects including Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics and Science or Social Studies. Syllabus is provided here : 

Take a look at the important points of the UPTET exam in given below table : 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the exam duration of UPTET 2024?

Each paper of UPTET exam is conducted for two hours and thirty minutes. Objective-type questions are asked in the exam.

How many papers does the UPTET 2024 exam have?

The UPTET exam is conducted in two stages - Paper 1 and Paper 2. Candidates qualifying Paper 1 become eligible to teach primary classes, that is, Classes 1 to 5. Meanwhile, candidates who wish to apply for teaching positions in classes 6 to 8 must qualify both paper 1 and paper 2.

What are the subjects in UPTET paper 1?

There are 5 subjects in UPTET paper 1 including  Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics and Environmental Studies

What are the subjects in the UPTET paper 2?

UPTET paper 2 has 4 subjects including Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics and Science or Social Studies
