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Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad 12th Exam
Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad 12th Exam

UP Board 12th Syllabus 2025: Download subject-wise UP Board Class 12 syllabus PDFs

UP Board Class 12 Syllabus 2025 has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) on its official website. The syllabus is available in PDF format for all subjects.

UP Board Class 12 Syllabus 2025: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) releases the UP Board 12th syllabus on its official website. The board officials releases the syllabus for all streams i.e., Arts, Commerce & Science. Students can download the subject-wise syllabus from the official website of UPMSP - upmsp.edu.in.

Students preparing for the UP Board 12th exam 2025 must know the syllabus and exam pattern in detail. It helps them know the topics and sub-topics from where questions are asked in the examination. It is also advisable for students to practise UP Board 12th question papers 2025 to enhance their level of preparation. 

UP Board 12th Syllabus 2025 Official Website

The UPMSP released the UP Board 12th syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 in online mode. The syllabus is released in PDF format containing the topics, sub-topics, and topic-wise weightage. Students can visit the official website of UPMSP to check the subject-wise syllabus. Check the image of the website below.

UP Board 12th Syllabus 2025 Official Website

Study Material

How to download the UP Board 12th Syllabus 2025?

Students can check the steps to download the UP Board 12th syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of UPMSP

Step 2: On the left-hand side click on पाठ्यक्रम 2024-2025 (Syllabus) link available

Step 3: A new page will appear with the download links of the UP Board 12th syllabus for each subject

Step 4: Click on the desrired links

Step 5: Download and save the syllabus PDFs for future use

Students can download the UP Board 12th syllabus PDFs for each subject from the table below:

Students can download the language subject syllabus PDFs from the table given below.

Students who are preparing for the UP Board 12th exam 2025 must be aware of the preparation tips. These preparation tips can help them score well in the exam. Check the preparation tips below:

  • Read & Understand the Syllabus: Reading and understanding the syllabus is the first step candidates should take before they start their preparation. It helps them know the topics and subtopics from where questions will be asked in the examination.
  • Know the Exam Pattern: Knowing the exam pattern is the second step that candidates should take once they start preparing for their exams. It helps them understand the types of questions asked in the examination, marking scheme, and topic-wise weightage.
  • Study All Subjects: Students must study all subjects and topics & subtopics provided in the PDF. Since candidates are required to bring 33% marks in each subject, no subject must be left out by candidates while preparing for the exam.
  • Make Self Notes: Making self-notes is one of the best practises that candidates must adopt while preparing for the UP Board 12th exam. Having self-made notes helps candidates learn the key concepts with must ease.
  • Revision: Revision for topics & subtopics must be done consistently in order to strengthen difficult concepts of the subject. This also helps candidates retain maximum information during the exam.
  • Practise Previous Year Question Papers: Solving previous year question papers and model question papers helps students get an idea of the types of questions that can be asked in the examination. Students can also assess their strengths and shortcomings after solving UP Board 12th question papers.
  • Consistency: Students must be consistent in their preparation. Consistent preparation can actually result in scoring good marks in the examination. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will the UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2025 be released?

The UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) on its official website. The syllabus PDF for each subject contains chapters and topics from where questions will be asked in the examination.

How can I access the UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25?

The UP Board 12th Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 is available on the official website of UPMSP (upmsp.edu.in). Candidates can also download the syllabus pdfs given in the table in this article.

Is it important to follow the UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25?

Yes, candidates must strictly follow the UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 as it is designed as per the guidelines issued by the board. Students must note that questions in the examination will not be asked outside the syllabus.

Will the UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 be available in English?

Yes, the UP 12th Board Syllabus for the academic year 2024-25 is released in both English and Hindi.

How can I prepare for the UP 12th Board Exams based on the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25?

The UP 12th Board Syllabus 2025 has already been released. Candidates can plan their studies according to the preparation tips mentioned above in the article.

Will the practicals for UP Board Inter Syllabus be based on the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25?

Yes, the practical exams for UP 12th Board exams will be based on the syllabus for the academic year 2024-25.

10th Study Material
