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Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad 10th Exam
Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad 10th Exam

UP Board 10th Syllabus 2025: Download subject-wise UPMSP Matric syllabus PDFs

UP Board 10th Syllabus 2025 is released by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) in online mode. Students can download their pdfs from the website - upmsp.edu.in.

UPMSP Class 10 Syllabus 2025: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has released the UP Board 10th class syllabus on its official website. Students preparing for their class 10th board exam 2025 can download the syllabus in a PDF format. Understanding the syllabus is important to ace the exam. Students must thoroughly read the syllabus to know the chapter-wise topics and subtopics from where questions will be asked in the exam. 

Students must also check the UP 10th Board Exam Pattern 2025 to know the structure of the examination, question type, and marking scheme. Candidates must also solve UP 10th Board question papers to get an idea of the type of questions asked in the examination. This also assists candidates to know their strengths and weaknesses. 

Understanding syllabus, exam pattern, and solving previous year's question papers are all part of the preparation. Students must start their UP Board 10th exam preparation 2025 at the earliest in order to score well in the examination.

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Study Material

UP Board 10th Syllabus 2025 Official website

The UP Board 10th syllabus comprises subjects like Hindi, Elementary Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Home Science, Computer and other subjects. Students have to appear for 6 subjects in total in the UP 10th board exams. This article contains the detailed syllabus along with official syllabus PDFs of different subjects for candidates to download. Check the image of the official website below.

UP Board 10th Syllabus 2025 - Official Website

UP Board Syllabus Class 10 - How to download

UPMSP students can follow the steps that are given below to know how to download the UP Board class 10 syllabus 2025 PDFs online.

Step 1: Go to the official website - upmsp.edu.in

Step 2: Click on the "पाठ्यक्रम 2024-25" available on the left corner of the homepage

Step 3: A new screen will appear on the screen

Step 4: Go through all the UPMSP Class 10 subject-wise syllabus PDFs and download it for future use

Students can check and download the UP board class 10th subject-wise syllabus pdfs given in the table below:

Interested candidates can check the UP 10th board syllabus for Maths in the table below:

Students can check the UP 10th board syllabus for Science in the table given below:

The social science paper includes questions from History, Civics, Geography, and Economics. The syllabus for each subject is tabulated below:

Candidates preparing for the 10th board exam from UP Board must be aware of the preparation tips. These important preparation tips are as follows:

  • Understanding the Exam Pattern & Syllabus: Knowing and understanding the exam pattern & syllabus is the first step to starting the preparation for the 10th board exam. Students must read the official syllabus comprehensively to know important topics & subtopics.
  • Create your own Study Plan: Creating your own study plan according to your strength and weaknesses is an important part of the preparation. Students must create a comprehensive study plan and stick to it till the examination.
  • Read Relevant Books: Questions in UP 10th board exams are asked from school textbooks. Hence, candidates must avoid referring to multiple sources to complete their syllabus.
  • Make Self Notes: Making self-notes is an effective way to deepen the understanding of difficult topics. Students must have a separate notebook for each subject for their self-notes.
  • Revision: Revision is an integral part of the preparation. Your revision will be a lot easier if you have created self-notes for each subject. In less time you can cover more topics thus increasing your efficiency.
  • Practise Previous Year Question Papers: No preparation is complete without solving previous year question papers and sample papers. Students must solve as many sample papers in order to assess their strengths and shortcomings. They should also try to solve practise papers in an exam-like environment.
  • Consistency: Students must strive to maintain consistency in their preparation. It is important to have a positive attitude towards exam preparation to bring consistency in studying each subject on a daily basis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who releases the UP 10th Board Syllabus 2025?

The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) releases the UP Board 10th syllabus on its official website. Interested candidates can download the syllabus provided in the article above.

How to download the UP 10th Board Syllabus 2025?

Students can visit the official website of UPMSP to download the official syllabus PDF for each subject. They can also scroll above to download the official syllabus PDF provided in the article.

What topics are covered in the UP 10th board syllabus for Maths?

The topics covered in the UP 10th board syllabus for Mathematics are: 

  • Trigonometry
  • Mensuration
  • Statistics & Probability
  • Number system
  • Algebra
  • Coordinate geometry
  • Geometry

Does UP Board ask questions outside the syllabus they provide on the official website?

No, UP Board asks questions strictly from the official syllabus. Hence, students must not waste their time on topics that are outside the official syllabus.

How to prepare for UP 10th Board English paper?

To prepare for the UP 10th Board English paper, candidates can refer to below mentioned preparation tips:

Reading Section

  • Revise with the workbook ‘Words and Expressions’. It will help you a lot in practising unseen passages.
  • Do read the passage twice, carefully. 

Writing Section

  • Proper format of letters and application must be practised.
  • Write only relevant content. 


  • Revise rules of Parts of speech, narration, voice etc. through charts and tables, practise as many examples as possible.
  • Revise the exercises given in your textbook and workbook


  • Learn the names of the lessons and writers carefully, particularly their spellings.
  • Revise them frequently.
  • Learn answers with key points
10th Study Material
