Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education Inter 2nd Year Exam
Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education Inter 2nd Year Exam

TS Inter 2nd Year Syllabus 2025: Download Subject-Wise Syllabus and check important topics

TS Inter syllabus 2024-25 has been uploaded online by the board officials. Students can download the TS inter syllabus PDFs from the website - 
TS Inter 2nd Year Syllabus 2025

TS Inter 2nd Year Syllabus 2025

TS Inter 2nd Year Syllabus 2025: The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has published the TS inter syllabus 2024-25 online. TS Inter 2nd year students can download the syllabus PDFs for the relevant subjects from the official website - 

The TS Intermediate Syllabus 2025 contains details like the units, topics, and chapters. Students must also go through the TS Inter 2nd year exam pattern 2024 well to understand the requirements of the annual board examinations. 

TS Intermediate Syllabus 2025 - Download PDFs

Students who are appearing for the board exams can click on the direct links provided below to download Telangana State 2nd year syllabus 2024-25. 


Direct links to download pdf

TS Inter 2nd Year Arabic Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Botany Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Commerce & Accountancy Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year English Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year English ML Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year French Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Geography Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Hindi Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Hindi ML Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year History Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Kanada Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Marathi Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Mathematics Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Physics Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Public Administration Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Sanskrit Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Telugu Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Telugu ML Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Urdu Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Urdu ML Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Zoology Syllabus 2025 


TS Inter 2nd Year Physics Syllabus 2025



Chapter 1: Waves 

  • Introduction 
  • Transverse and Longitudinal waves 
  • Displacement relation in a progressive wave 
  • Speed of a Travelling Wave 
  • The principle of superposition of waves
  • Reflection of waves 
  • Beats 
  • Doppler Effect 

Chapter 2: Ray Optics And Optical Instruments  

  • Introduction 
  • Reflection of light by Spherical Mirrors 
  • Refraction 
  • Total Internal Reflection 
  • Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses. 
  • Refraction through a prism 
  • Dispersion by a Prism 
  • Some Natural phenomena due to Sunlight 
  • Optical Instruments 

Chapter 3: Wave Optics  

  • Introduction 
  • Huygens Principle 
  • Refraction and Reflection of plane waves using Huygens Principle 
  • Coherent and Incoherent Addition of waves 
  • Interference of Light waves and Young’s Experiment 
  • Diffraction 
  • Polarisation 

Chapter 4: Electric Charges And Fields  

  • Introduction 
  • Electric Charges 
  • Conductors and Insulators 
  • Charging by Induction 
  • Basic Properties of Electric Charge 
  • Coulomb’s Law 
  • Forces between Multiple charges 
  • Electric Field 
  • Electric Field Lines 
  • Electric Flux 
  • Electric Dipole 
  • Dipole in a uniform external field 
  • Continuous Charge Distribution 
  • Gauss’s Law 
  • Application of Gauss’ Law 

Chapter 5: Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance  

  • Introduction 
  • Electrostatic Potential 
  • Potential due to a point charge 
  • Potential due to an Electric Dipole 
  • Potential due to a System of Charges 
  • Equipotential Surfaces 
  • Potential Energy of a System of Charges 
  • Potential Energy in an External field 
  • Electrostatics of Conductors 
  • Dielectrics and Polarisation 
  • Capacitors and Capacitance 
  • The Parallel Plate Capacitor 
  • Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance 
  • Combination of Capacitors 
  • Energy Stored in a Capacitor 
  • Van de Graaff Generator 

Chapter 6: Current Electricity  

  • Introduction 
  • Electric current 
  • Electric current in conductors 
  • Ohm’s Law 
  • Drift Electrons and Origin of Resistivity 
  • Limitations of Ohm's Law 
  • Resistivity of various Materials 
  • Temperature Dependence of Resistivity 
  • Electric Energy, Power 
  • Combination of Resistors – Series and Parallel 
  • Cells, emf, Internal Resistance 
  • Cells in Series and in Parallel 
  • Kirchhoff’s Laws 
  • Wheatstone Bridge 
  • Meter Bridge 
  • Potentiometer

Chapter 7: Moving Charges And Magnetism  

  • Introduction 
  • Magnetic Force 
  • Motion in a Magnetic field 
  • Motion in combined Electric and Magnetic Fields 
  • Magnetic Field due to a Current Element, Biot-Savart Law 
  • Magnetic Field on the Axis of a Circular Current Loop 
  • Ampere’s Circuital Law 
  • The Solenoid and the Toroid 
  • Force between two Parallel Currents, The Ampere(Unit) 
  • Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole 
  • The Moving Coil Galvanometer 

Chapter 8: Magnetism And Matter  

  • Introduction 
  • The Bar Magnet 
  • Magnetism and Gauss’s Law 
  • The Earth’s Magnetism 
  • Magnetisation and Magnetic Intensity 
  • Magnetic Properties of Materials 
  • Magnets and Electromagnets 

Chapter 9: Electromagnetic Induction  

  • Introduction 
  • The experiments of Faraday and Henry 
  • Magnetic Flux 
  • Faraday’s Law of Induction
  • Lenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy 
  • Motional Electromotive Force 
  • Energy consideration : A Quantitative Study 
  • Eddy Currents 
  • Inductance 
  • AC Generator 

Chapter 10: Alternating Current:  

  • Introduction 
  • AC voltage applied to a Resistor 
  • Representation of AC Current and Voltage by Rotating Vectors- Phasors 
  • AC voltage applied to an Inductor 
  • AC voltage applied to a Capacitor 
  • AC voltage applied to a Series LCR Circuit 
  • Power in AC Circuit: The Power Factor 
  • LC Oscillations 
  • Transformers 

Chapter 11: Electro Magnetic Waves 

  • Introduction 
  • Displacement Current 
  • Electro Magnetic Waves 
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum 

Chapter 12: Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter  

  • Introduction 
  • Electron Emission 
  • Photoelectric Effect 
  • Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect 
  • Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light 
  • Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation 
  • Particle Nature of Light : The Photon 
  • Wave Nature of Matter 
  • Davisson and Germer Experiment 

Chapter 13: Atoms  

  • Introduction 
  • Alpha-particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear model of Atom
  • Atomic Spectra 
  • Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom 
  • The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom 
  • De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s Second Postulate of Quantisation 

Chapter 14: Nuclei  

  • Introduction 
  • Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus 
  • Size of the Nucleus 
  • Mass- Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy 
  • Nuclear Force
  • Radioactivity 
  • Nuclear Energy 

Chapter 15: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices And Simple Circuits  

  • Introduction 
  • Classification of Metals, Conductors and Semiconductors 
  • Intrinsic Semiconductor 
  • Extrinsic Semiconductor 
  • p – n junction 
  • Semi conductor diode 
  • Application of Junction Diode as a Rectifier 
  • Special Purpose p-n Junction Diodes 
  • Junction Transistor 
  • Digital Electronics and Logic Gates 
  • Integrated Circuits 

Chapter 16: Communication Systems  

  • Introduction 
  • Elements of communication system 
  • Basic Terminology used in Electronic Communication Systems 
  • Bandwidth of Signals 
  • Bandwidth of Transmission Medium 
  • Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves 
  • Modulation and its Necessity 
  • Amplitude Modulation 
  • Production of Amplitude Modulated Wave 
  • Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave

TS Inter 2nd Year Chemistry Syllabus 2025



Solid State

  • General Characteristics of Solid State 
  • Amorphous and Crystalline Solids 
  • Classification of Crystalline Solids 
  • Probing the structure of solids: X-ray crystallography 
  • Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells 
  • Number of Atoms in a Unit Cell 
  • Close Packed Structures 
  • Packing Efficiency 
  • Calculations Involving Unit Cell Dimensions 
  • Imperfections in Solids 
  • Electrical Properties 
  • Magnetic Properties  


  • Types of Solutions 
  • Expressing Concentration of Solutions 
  • Solubility 
  • Vapour Pressure of Liquid Solutions 
  • Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions 
  • Colligative Properties and Determination of Molar Mass 
  • Abnormal Molar Masses

Electrochemistry And Chemical Kinetics 

  • Electrochemical Cells 
  • Galvanic Cells 
  • Nernst Equation 
  • Conductance of Electrolytic Solutions 
  • Electrolytic Cells and Electrolysis  
  • Batteries 
  • Fuel Cells 
  • Corrosion 
  • Rate of a Chemical Reaction 
  • Factors Influencing Rate of a Reaction 
  • Integrated Rate Equations 
  • Pseudo First Order Reaction 
  • Temperature Dependence of the Rate of a Reaction 
  • Collision Theory of Chemical Reaction Rates 

Surface Chemistry 

  • Adsorption 
  • Catalysis 
  • Colloids 
  • Classification of Colloids 
  • Emulsions 
  • Colloids Around Us  

General Principles Of Metallurgy 

  • Occurrence of Metals 
  • Concentration of Ores 
  • Extraction of Crude Metal from Concentrated Ore 
  • Thermodynamic Principles of Metallurgy 
  • Electrochemical Principles of Metallurgy 
  • Oxidation and Reduction 
  • Refining of Crude Metal 
  • Uses of Aluminium, Copper, Zinc and Iron  

P-Block Elements Group-15, Group-16, Group-17, Group-18 Elements

  • Introduction 
  • Dinitrogen 
  • Ammonia 
  • Oxides of nitrogen 
  • Nitric acid 
  • Phosphorous-allotropic forms 
  • Phosphine 
  • Phosphorous halides  
  • Oxoacids of phosphorous

Group-16 Elements

  • Introduction 
  • Dioxygen 
  • Simple Oxides 
  • Ozone 
  • Sulphur-Allotropic forms 
  • Sulphur dioxide 
  • Oxoacids of Sulphur 
  • Sulphuric Acid  

Group-17 Elements

  • Introduction 
  • Chlorine 
  • Hydrogen Chloride 
  • Oxoacids of Halogens 
  • Interhalogen Compounds  

Group-18 Elements

  • Introduction- Occurance, Electronic configuration Ionisation Enthalpy,Atomic radii, Electron Gain Enthalpy Physical and Chemical properties  

D And F Block Elements & Coordination Compounds

  • Position in the Periodic Table 
  • Electronic Configuration 
  • General Properties of Transition Elements (dBlock) 
  • Some Important Compounds of Transition Elements 
  • Inner Transition Elements(f-Block) 
  • Actinoids 
  • Some Applications of d and f Block Elements 
  • Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds 
  • Definitions of Some Terms used in Coordination Compounds 
  • Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds 
  • Isomerism in Coordination Compounds 
  • Bonding in Coordination Compounds 
  • Bonding in Metal Carbonyls 
  • Stability of Coordination Compounds 
  • Importance and Applications of Coordination Compounds 


  • Classification of Polymers 
  • Types of Polymerization Reactions 
  • Molecular Mass of Polymers 
  • Biodegradable Polymers 
  • Polymers of Commercial Importance  


  • Carbohydrates 
  • Proteins 
  • Enzymes 
  • Vitamins 
  • Nucleic acids 
  • Hormones  

Chemistry In Everyday Life  

  • Drugs and their Classification 
  • Drug-Target Interaction 
  • Therapeutic Action of Different Classes of Drugs 
  • Chemicals in Food 
  • Cleansing Agents 

Halo Alkanes And Haloarenes 

  • Classification 
  • Nature of C-X bond 
  • Methods of Preparation
  • Physical Properties  
  • Chemical Reactions 
  • Polyhalogen Compounds

Organic Compounds Containing C, H And O (Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids) Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers 

  • Classification -Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 
  • Nomenclature- Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 
  • Structures of Hydroxy and Ether Functional Groups 
  • Alcohols and Phenols
  • Physical Properties 
  • Chemical Reactions 
  • Some Commercially Important Alcohols 
  • Ethers  

Aldehydes and Ketones

  • Nomenclature and Structure of Carbonyl Group 
  • Preparation of Aldehydes and ketones
  • Physical Properties 
  • Chemical Reactions 
  • Uses of Aldehydes and Ketones  

Carboxylic Acids

  • Nomenclature and Structure of Carboxyl Group 
  • Methods of Preparation of Carboxylic Acids 
  • Physical Properties 
  • Chemical Reactions 
  • Uses of Carboxylic Acids  

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen


  • Structure of Amines 
  • Classification 
  • Nomenclature 
  • Preparation of Amines 
  • Physical Properties 
  • Chemical Reactions 

Diazonium salts

  • Methods of Preparation of Diazonium Salts 
  • Physical Properties 
  • Chemical Reactions 
  • Importance of Diazonium Salts in Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds  

Cynides and Isocyanides

  • Structure of cyanides and isocyanides 
  • Preparation  

TS Inter 2nd Year Mathematics II A Syllabus 2025



Complex Numbers

  • Complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers- fundamental operations 
  • Representation of complex numbers in the form a+ib. 
  • Modulus and amplitude of complex numbers –Illustrations. 
  • Geometrical and Polar Representation of complex numbers in Argand planeArgand diagram

De Moivre’s Theorem

  • De Moivre’s theorem- Integral and Rational indices. 
  • nth roots of unity- Geometrical Interpretations – Illustrations. 

Quadratic Expressions

  • Quadratic expressions, equations in one variable 
  • Sign of quadratic expressions – Change in signs – Maximum and minimum values 
  • Quadratic inequations  

Theory of Equations

  • The relation between the roots and coefficients in an equation 
  • Solving the equations when two or more roots of it are connected by certain relation 
  • Equation with real coefficients, occurrence of complex roots in conjugate pairs and its consequences 
  • Transformation of equations - Reciprocal Equations.  

Permutations and Combinations

  • Fundamental Principle of counting – linear and circular permutations 
  • Permutations of ‘n’ dissimilar things taken ‘r’ at a time  
  • Permutations when repetitions allowed 
  • Circular permutations 
  • Permutations with constraint repetitions 
  • Combinations-definitions and certain theorems  

Binomial Theorem

  • Binomial theorem for positive integral index  
  • Binomial theorem for rational Index (Without proof) 
  • Approximations using Binomial theorem  

Partial fractions

  • Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains non –repeated linear factors 
  • Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains repeated and/or non-repeatedlinear factors. 
  • Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains repeated and non-repeated irreducible factors only

Measures Of Dispersion  

  • Range 
  • Mean deviation 
  • Variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data. 
  • Coefficient of variation and analysis of frequency distribution with equal means but different variances.  


  • Random experiments and events 
  • Classical definition of probability, Axiomatic approach and addition theorem of probability. 
  • Independent and dependent events Conditional probability- multiplication theorem andBayee’s theorem. 

Random Variables and Probability Distributions

  • Random Variables 
  • Theoretical discrete distributions – Binomial and Poisson Distributions 
  • Theoretical discrete distributions – Binomial and Poisson Distributions (remaining part)

TS Inter 2nd Year Mathematics II B Syllabus 2025




  • Equation of circle -standard form-centre and radius of a circle with a given line segment as diameter & equation of circle through three non collinear points -parametric equations of a circle. 
  • Position of a point in the plane of a circle – power of a point-definition of tangent-length of tangent 
  • Position of a straight line in the plane of a circle-conditions for a line to be tangent – chord joining two points on a circle – equation of the tangent at a point on the circle- point of contact-equation of normal. 
  • Chord of contact - pole and polar-conjugate points and conjugate lines - equation of chord with given middle point. 
  • Relative position of two circles- circles touching each other externally, internally common tangents –centers of similitude-equation of pair of tangents from an external point. 

System of circles

  • Angle between two intersecting circles.  
  • Radical axis of two circles- properties- Common chord and common tangent of two circles – radicalcentre.  
  • Intersection of a line and a circle.


  • Integration as the inverse process of differentiation- Standard forms –properties of integrals. 
  • Method of substitution- integration of Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Integration by parts.  
  • Integration- Partial fractions method. 
  • Reduction formulae 

Definite Integrals

  • Definite Integral as the limit of sum 
  • Interpretation of Definite Integral as an area. 
  • Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus. 
  • Properties 
  • Reduction formulae. 
  • Application of Definite integral to areas.  

Differential equations

  • Formation of differential equation-Degree and order of an ordinary differential equation. 
  • Solving differential equation by

a) Variables separable method

b) Homogeneous differential equation.

c) Non - Homogeneous differential equation.

d) Linear differential equations.  


  • Conic sections –Parabola- equation of parabola in standard form-different forms of parabola- parametric equations. 
  • Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the parabola ( Cartesian and parametric)- conditions for straight line to be a tangent. 


  • Equation of ellipse in standard form- Parametric equations. 
  • Equation of tangent and normal at a point on the ellipse (Cartesian and parametric)- Condition for a straight line to be a tangent.  


  • Equation of hyperbola in standard form- Parametric equations.  
  • Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the hyperbola (Cartesian and parametric)- conditions for a straight line to be a tangent- Asymptotes  

TS Inter 2nd Year English Syllabus 2025

Students can have a look at the annual academic plan released by the Telangana Board for TS Inter 2nd year English subject 2025 below -

TS Inter 2nd Year English Syllabus 2025

TS Inter 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus 2025



Chapter I. Indian Constitution - Historical Content 

  • Indian National Movement; Phases of National Movement
  • The Government of India Acts 1909, 1919, 1935 
  • Constituent Assembly and framing of Indian Constitution 
  • Philosophy and basic features of Constitution 

Chapter II. Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy 

  • Fundamental Rights
  • Directive Principles of State Policy 
  • Fundamental Duties 

Chapter  III. Union Government 

  • The President of India 
  • The Vice-President of India 
  • The Prime Minister of India 
  • Union Council of Ministers 
  • Parliament of India 
  • Supreme Court 

Chapter  IV. State Government 

  • Governor 
  • Chief Minister 
  • Council of Ministers in the state 
  • Legislative: Legislative Assembly 
  • Legislative Council 
  • High Court  

Chapter V Centre State Relations

  • Centre – State Legislative, Administrative, Financial Relations 
  • Centre-State Conflicts: Sarkaria Commission, M.M.Punchhi Commission 
  • Centre Finance Commission 
  • Inter – State Council 
  • NITI Aayog

Chapter  VI. Local Governments 

  • Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Institutions 
  • Grassroot democracy: 73rd Amendment 
  • 74th Amendment 
  • Panchayat Raj and Urban Local bodies in Telangana

Chapter VII. Election System in India 

  • Central Election Commission 
  • Powers and functions of the Election Commission 
  • Electoral Reforms in India 
  • Political Parties in India 
  • Anti Defection Law

Chapter VIII. Contemporary Issues in Indian Politics 

  • Dynamic nature of Indian Politics
  • Regionalism 
  • Coalition Politics 
  • Corruption 
  • Terrorism  

Chapter IX: Emergence of Telangana State 

  • Formation of Hyderabad State 
  • Political development 
  • Gentlemen Agreement 
  • Emergency of Andhra Pradesh 
  • Violation of Safeguards 
  • 1969 Agitation – Telangana Praja Samithi 
  • Reaction of Mulki Judgment 
  • Telangana Movement 
  • Role of JAC’s in Telangana Movement 
  • A.P. Reorganisation Act, formation of Telangana state  

Chapter X: SMART Governance 

  • SMART Governance 
  • Good Governance 
  • E-Governance 
  • Right to Information Act 
  • Lokpal, Lokayutha Act - 2013 
  • Transparency and Accountability

Chapter XI: India and the World 

  • Determinants of Foreign Policy 
  • Basic Features of India’s Foreign Policy 
  • India and Non-Aligned Movement 
  • India and BRICS 
  • India and BIMSTEC 
  • SAARC 
  • UNO 

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Syllabus 2025



Unit 1: Economic Growth and Economic Development

  • Concepts of Economic Growth and Economic Development 
  • Objectives of Economic Development 
  • Indicators of Economic Development 
  • Factors Hindering Economic Development 
  • Factors Promoting Economic Development 
  • Characteristics of Developed Economies 
  • Characteristics of Developing Economies with Special Reference to India

Unit 2: Demography and Human Resource Development 

  • Theory of Demographic Transition 
  • Demographic Features of Indian Population 
  • Concept and Causes of Population Explosion 
  • Occupational and Sectoral Distribution of Population in India 
  • Population Policy in India 
  • Human Resource Development: Concept and Importance 
  • Role of Education in Economic Development and Education in India 
  • Role of Health in Economic Development and Health in India 
  • Human Development Index 
  • Views of Amartya Sen on Human Development  

Unit 3: National Income, Poverty and Unemployment 

  • A Backdrop to National Income Studies 
  • Changes in National Income and Per Capita Income in India 
  • Sectoral Contribution to National Income 
  • Share of Public Sector and Private Sector in GDP   
  • Inequalities in the Distribution of Income and Wealth: Causes and Remedial Measures 
  • Poverty in India: Concept, Types, Incidence, Causes and Consequences 
  • Unemployment in India: Types, Concepts, Estimates, Causes and Consequences 
  • Remedial Measures of Poverty & Unemployment - Government Initiatives 
  • Views of Abhijit Banerjee on Poverty

Unit No.4: Planning and NITI Aayog

  • Concept, Types and Importance of Planning 
  • Major Objectives of Five Year Plans in India 
  • Review of Five Year Plans
  • NITI Aayog 
  • Rural - Urban Imbalances 
  • Regional Imbalances: Causes, Consequences & Remedial Measures  

Unit 5: Agricultural Sector 

  • Importance and Growth of Agriculture in Indian Economy 
  • Causes for Low Productivity in Agriculture and Measures to Improve Agricultural Productivity in India 
  • Land Reforms in India 
  • Green Revolution 
  • Agricultural Credit and Rural Indebtedness  
  • Agricultural Marketing in India 
  • Agricultural Pricing Policy in India 
  • Food Security  

Unit 6: Industrial Sector 

  • Structure of Indian Industry 
  • Growth and Pattern of Industrial Development in India 
  • Industrial Backwardness 
  • Industrial Policy Resolutions 
  • Economic Reforms 
  • Demonetization 
  • Goods and Services Tax 
  • Make in India 
  • Economic Reforms and Industrial Growth 
  • Small Scale Industries: Characteristics, Role, Problems and Remedial Measures 
  • Industrial Finance

Unit 7: Tertiary Sector

  • Importance of Tertiary Sector 
  • Growth of Service Sector in India 
  • Sector Performance at the State and UT Level 
  • Performance of India's Key Sub-Sectors of Services 
  • Tourism Sector 
  • IT-BPM Services 
  • Infrastructure  
  • Transport Sector 
  • Energy Sector 
  • Telecom Sector 
  • Banking Sector 
  • Insurance Sector 
  • Space Sector  

Unit 8: Foreign Sector 

  • Balance of Trade Vs Balance of Payments 
  • Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments with Special Reference to India 
  • Role of International Trade in Indian Economy 
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 
  • Objectives and Functions of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 
  • Objectives and Functions of World Trade Organization (WTO) 
  • Impact of WTO on Indian Economy  

Unit 9: Environmental Economics

  • Concept, Types and Importance of Environment in Economic Development 
  • Concepts of Eco-System, Pollution and Environmental Degradation 
  • Natural Resources 
  • Need for Environmental Protection 
  • Sustainable Development  

Unit 10: Telangana Economy 

  • Structure of Telangana State 
  • Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) 
  • Per Capita Income at Current Prices in Telangana 
  • Demographic Features of Telangana 
  • Agricultural Sector in Telangana 
  • Industrial Sector in Telangana 
  • Services Sector in Telangana Development in Telangana 
  • Infrastructural Development in Telangana 
  • Poverty and Unemployment in Telangana 
  • Development and Welfare Programmes in Telangana State  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

From where can I download TSBIE inter 2nd year syllabus 2024-25?

Students can download the TSBIE inter syllabus 2025 from the official website of TSBIE - 

How to download TSBIE inter model papers 2025?

Visit the official website of TSBIE, go to the “general model question papers” tab and download the model papers for the relevant subjects.

How to check TS Inter 2nd year exam pattern 2025?

Students can check the TSBIE inter exam pattern 2025 by referring to the TSBIE inter model papers 2025 available online.

How to download TS Intermediate vocational model papers 2025?

Students can download TSBIE vocational model papers from the official TSBIE website - 
