PSEB 10th Exam Pattern 2025: Subject-Wise Paper Pattern & Marking Scheme
Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) provides the exam pattern of PSEB Class 10 exams. The PSEB 10th board exam pattern provides the marks distribution for different chapters and topics in various subjects as well as question types.PSEB 10th Exam Pattern 2025: The Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) releases the PSEB Class 10 exam pattern on its official website. Students can easily download the exam pattern from the PSEB official website and view it in PDF format. The PSEB 10th exam 2025 is available for all the subjects that form a part of the PSEB Class 10 curriculum. Students are advised to go through the exam pattern to get an understanding of the marking scheme and marks distribution as per topic and question type.
The total marks of the theory examination is 80 marks while the marks allocation for internal assessment is 20 marks. The total time duration of the examination is 3 hours. The PSEB Class 10 exam consists of multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, and long answer type questions divided over different sections in the question paper.
Going through the exam pattern and PSEB 10th syllabus is an important practice as it gives a detailed outline of the marks weightage of different chapters and topics as well as types of questions. Getting a grasp of the marking scheme will help candidates prepare an effective preparation strategy for the PSEB 10th board exam. Students can allot importance and time to different question types and topics according to the mark's weightage.
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PSEB 10th Exam Pattern 2025
Students can visit the official website of PSEB and under the important links section, click on the structure of the question paper. Candidates need to select Class 10 and the links to the question paper structure of different subjects will be displayed on screen. The question paper structure which provides the overview of the marks distribution and pattern of the exam can be downloaded in PDF format. The exam pattern consists of the total exam duration, total marks, and marks allocation as per chapters and topics in the subjects, and type as well as format of questions.
PSEB Class 10 Mathematics Exam Pattern 2025
PSEB Class 10 English Exam Pattern 2025
PSEB Class 10 Exam Pattern 2025 for Science
PSEB 10th Exam Pattern 2025 - Social Science
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who releases the PSEB Class 10 exam pattern ?
Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) provides the PSEB Class 10 exam pattern on its official website.
What information does the PSEB 10th board exam pattern consist of ?
PSEB 10th board exam pattern consists of marks distribution for each chapter or topics and type of question, total marks, exam duration and other details related to the marking scheme.
What is the time duration of the PSEB 10th board exam ?
The time duration of PSEB 10th board exam is 3 hours. Candidates are required to complete the exam within this time duration.
Which are the different types of questions in PSEB Class 10 exams ?
The question types in PSEB Class 10 exams include multiple choice questions, very short answer type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type questions.
Which are the different types of writing compositions assessed in PSEB 10th English examination ?
The writing composition section includes advertisement writing, notice writing, note-making, message writing, letter writing and paragraph writing.
Which are the various chapters included in the PSEB 10th Mathematics exam pattern ?
PSEB 10th Mathematics exam pattern outlines the marks weightage for different chapters such as real numbers, polynomials, trigonometry, constructions, areas related to circles, coordinate geometry, statistics and probability.
Which chapters form a part of the PSEB 10th Science exam pattern ?
PSEB 10th Science exam pattern gives the marks weightage for various chapters such as metals and non-metals, carbon and its compounds, biological processes, genetics and evolution, electricity, reflection and refraction of light and so on.
What is the total marks for PSEB Class 10 theory examination ?
The total marks for PSEB Class 10 theory examination is 80 marks. The remaining 20 marks are allotted to internal assessment.