MP Board 10th Exam Pattern 2025: Check MPBSE 10th Paper Pattern, Marking Scheme
MPBSE 10th board exam pattern is released by the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education on its official website. MPBSE 10th board exam pattern gives the overview of the chapter-wise marking scheme and marks distribution as per question type.
MPBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025
MPBSE 10th Board Exam Pattern 2025: Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) releases the exam pattern of MPBSE Class 10 board exams on its official website. Candidates are advised to check the exam pattern thoroughly in order to prepare effectively for the MPBSE 10th board exams.
The MPBSE 10th board exam pattern is available for all the subjects that form a part of the Class 10 curriculum such as Science, Social Science, English, Sanskrit, Hindi, and Mathematics. The theory section in MPBSE 10th board exam accounts for 80 marks whereas the internal assessment is worth 20 marks. The exam duration is 3 hours. For Science subject, the internal assessment includes practical examination whereas for other subjects, internal assessment includes project work.
The examination pattern gives an outline of the marks distribution, total marks, exam duration, and marking scheme according to the question type. The various question types included in the MPBSE Class 10 question paper are objective questions, very short answer type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type questions.
MPBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025
The MPBSE 10th board exam pattern gives the blueprint of the question paper in terms of marking scheme and marks distribution. The marks distribution is given as per the chapter or the unit as well as the type of question. Students will benefit from knowing the MPBSE 10th syllabus and exam pattern as it will help them to create a more informed preparation strategy in accordance with the relative importance of different chapters and question types. The MPBSE Class 10 exam pattern can be easily downloaded from the MPBSE official website. Candidates can refer to the exam pattern for useful guidance on how to prepare keeping the making scheme of the exam in mind.
MPBSE 10th Marks Division
Students appearing for MP board 10th exam must keep the following marking scheme in mind, while preparing for their examinations.
Theory | Practical | Total |
80 | 20 | 100 |
MPBSE 10th Exam Pattern - Science
Students can check the marks distribution as per type of question in MPBSE 10th Science examination in the table provided below.
Question Number |
Question Type and Word Limit |
Marks Per Question |
Question no. 1 - Question no. 4 |
Objective Type Questions |
1 Mark |
Question no. 5 - Question no. 16 |
Very Short Answer Type (Word Limit : 30 words) |
2 Marks |
Question no. 17 - Question no. 19 |
Short Answer Type (Word Limit : 75 words) |
3 Marks |
Question no. 20 - Question no. 22 |
Long Answer Type (Word Limit : 120 words) |
4 Marks |
Candidates can check the marks weightage for each chapter in MPBSE 10th Science examination from the table given below.
Chapter/Unit |
Marks Allotted for the Unit |
Chemical Reactions and Equations |
7 |
Acids, Bases and Salts |
6 |
Metals and Non-Metals |
5 |
Carbon and its Compounds |
6 |
Biological process |
8 |
Control and Coordination |
6 |
How do living beings reproduce? |
6 |
Heredity |
4 |
Light Reflection and Refraction |
8 |
Human Eye and Colourful World |
5 |
Electricity |
5 |
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current |
6 |
Our Environment |
3 |
MPBSE 10th Exam Pattern - Social Science
Students can refer to the exam pattern of the MPBSE 10th Science examination in the tables given below.
Question Number |
Question Type and Word Limit |
Marks Per Question |
Question no. 1 - Question no. 5 |
Objective Type Questions |
1 Mark |
Question no. 6 - Question no. 17 |
Very Short Answer Type (Word Limit : 30 words) |
2 Marks |
Question no. 18 - Question no. 20 |
Short Answer Type (Word Limit : 75 words) |
3 Marks |
Question no. 21 - Question no. 23 |
Long Answer Type (Word Limit : 120 words) |
4 Marks |
Chapter/Unit |
Marks Allotted for the Unit |
Resource and Development |
4 |
Forest and Wildlife Resources |
4 |
Water Resources |
1 |
Agriculture |
3 |
Mineral and Energy Resources |
4 |
Manufacturing Industry |
4 |
Lifelines of National Economy |
7 |
Rise of Nationalism in Europe |
2 |
Nationalism in India |
7 |
The Making of a Globalized World |
3 |
The Age of Industrialization |
4 |
Printing Culture and the Modern World |
4 |
Power Sharing |
2 |
Federalism |
4 |
Caste, Religion and Gender Issues |
2 |
Political Parties |
4 |
Outcomes of Democracy |
3 |
Development |
2 |
Sectors of the Indian Economy |
4 |
Money and Credit |
4 |
Gloablization and Indian Economy |
3 |
Consumer Rights |
– |
MPBSE 10th Exam Pattern - Mathematics
Candidates can refer to the marks distribution as per the chapter or unit in the MPBSE 10th Mathematics exam.
Chapter/Unit |
Marks Allotted for the Unit |
Real Numbers |
6 |
Polynomials |
5 |
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables |
7 |
Quadratic Equations |
5 |
Arithmetic Series |
5 |
Triangles |
5 |
Coordinate Geometry |
5 |
Introduction to Trigonometry |
5 |
Some Applications of Trigonometry |
5 |
Circle |
5 |
Areas Related to Circles |
5 |
Surface Area and Volume |
6 |
Statistics |
5 |
Probability |
6 |
MPBSE 10th Exam Pattern - English
Candidates can check the exam pattern for MPBSE 10th English exam in the table given below.
Section |
Marks Weightage |
Section - A : Reading (10 Marks) |
Unseen Passage |
5 Marks |
Unseen Passage |
5 Marks |
Section - B : Writing ( 16 Marks ) |
Note-Making |
4 Marks |
Letter Writing |
4 Marks |
Long Composition |
5 Marks |
Picture Guided Composition |
3 Marks |
Section - C : Grammar ( 10 Marks) |
Fill in the Blanks |
5 Marks |
Do as directed |
5 Marks |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who releases the MPBSE 10th board exam pattern ?
Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education releases the MPBSE 10th board exam pattern on its official website.
What details does the MPBSE 10th board exam pattern consist of ?
The MPBSE 10th board exam pattern consists of information such as marking scheme according to question type and chapter, total exam duration and total marks.
What is the exam duration of MPBSE Class 10 exams ?
The exam duration of MPBSE Class 10 examination is 3 hours. Candidates need to complete writing the exam within the duration of 3 hours.
What are the types of questions in the MPBSE Class 10 examination ?
The various types of questions in the MPBSE 10th board examination include objective type questions, very short answer type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type questions.
What is the marks distribution in MPBSE 10th board examination ?
MPBSE 10th board examination consists of theory examination worth 75 marks and an internal assessment that accounts for 25 marks.
What is the marks distribution of internal assessment in MPSE 10th board examination?
The internal assessment includes marks weightage that is allocated to quarterly examination, half yearly examination and project work or practical examination.