TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2024: Check the Detailed Syllabus for Prelims and Mains Rounds
TSPSC Group 1 syllabus 2024 contains exam wise important topics to study. The syllabus is different for TSPSC Prelims and Mains. Check the detailed subject-wise syllabus here.
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2024: TSPSC or The Telangana State Public Service Commission Group 1 examination is a highly sought-after exam in Telangana, India. It is conducted to recruit eligible and qualified candidates for Grade A Administrative positions in various departments of the Telangana government. Job posts such as Assistant Treasury Officer, District Registrar, Assistant Audit Officer, and Municipal Commissioner amongst others are offered by the exam-conducting body. As the TSPSC Group 1 exam is highly competitive, it is crucial for interested candidates to prepare well and understand the detailed TSPSC syllabus for the Group 1 exams.
The exam is administered in two phases: Prelims and Mains. There used to be an interview round in the past, but it was eliminated in 2022 by the exam's administrators. Students must now take the TSPSC Prelims and Mains exams in order to be considered for the merit list. The TSPSC group 1 syllabus is also different for the two stages. As discussed, knowing the syllabus and TSPSC Group 1 pattern well, along with aligning one’s preparation with it will help applicants prepare for the exam efficiently and effectively. Consequently, achieving the desired exam results will become comparatively easier.
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2024
The TSPSC Group 1 syllabus is available to download from the official website. Candidates can also check and download the syllabus PDF from the link provided below:
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus - Download
It is essential to have a thorough comprehension of the TSPSC Group 1 syllabus in order to ace the exam. There will be two written exams in the Group 1 TSPSC Syllabus: the Prelims and the Mains. To be fully prepared, candidates ought to examine the syllabus at each stage of the selection process. In this article, we go into the specifics of the TSPSC syllabus, stressing the important subjects and topics that aspirants must focus on during their studies. The syllabus is provided below for Prelims and Mains.
Also Check: TSPSC Group 1 Previous Year Papers
TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus 2024
The Prelims exam is the first stage of the selection process which serves as a screening test. The purpose of this round is to select qualified candidates for the Mains round. Hence, those who perform well in this stage are shortlisted for the next round. TSPSC Group 1 Prelims comprises a single paper divided into two main sections: General Studies and Mental Ability. Further, selective questions may also be asked about the History, Culture, and Geography of Telangana. Check below to know the important topics for this round that applicants must consistently study for.
General Studies and Mental Ability-
- Current affairs: National and International importance
- Environmental Issues and sustainable development
- Indian Constitution: Salient features and basic structure
- General Science and its Applications
- Economic and social development of India and Telangana
- Political System of India and the Government
- History of India and Telangana
- Geography of India and Telangana
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability, and data interpretation
- Disaster management: Prevention and mitigation strategies
- The advent of Europeans in India
- Formation of Telangana state
- Socio-cultural awakening in the 19th century
- Society, arts, literature, and architecture
- Physical, economic, and social geography of Telangana
TSPSC Group 1 Mains Syllabus 2024
Applicants who clear the Prelims round will be selected to attempt the TSPSC Group 1 Mains exam. This round of the selection process is vast in comparison to the Prelims round. Interested applicants will need to give 6 papers in total, namely-
- General English (Qualifying Test)
- Paper 1- General Essay
- Paper 2: History, Culture, and Geography of India and Telangana
- Paper 3: Indian Society, Constitution, and Governance
- Paper 4: Economy and Development of India and Telangana
- Paper 5: Science and Technology & Interpretation of Data
- Paper 6: Telangana Movement and State Formation
The key topics for this round are mentioned in the table below for the reference of applicants-
TSPSC Group 1 Mains Syllabus |
Important Topics |
General English (Qualifying) |
General Essay |
History, Culture, and Geography of India and Telangana |
Indian Society, Constitution, and Governance |
Economy and Development of India and Telangana |
Science and Technology & Interpretation of Data |
Telangana Movement and State Formation |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How many papers are there in TSPSC Group 1 Mains exam?
There are a total of 6 papers in the TSPSC Group 1 Mains exam- General Essay, History, Culture, and Geography of India and Telangana, Indian Society, Constitution, and Governance, Economy and Development of India and Telangana, Science and Technology & Interpretation of Data, Telangana Movement and State Formation, along with a qualifying paper of General English.
How can I stay updated with current affairs for the TSPSC Group 1 exam?
Staying updated with current affairs is important for the TSPSC Group 1 exam. Develop a habit of reading newspapers, both national and regional, to stay informed about the latest events and developments. Additionally, you can refer to monthly magazines, and online news portals, and watch news channels for comprehensive coverage of current affairs.
Is the syllabus different for TSPSC Prelims and Mains for Group 1?
Yes, the syllabus differs greatly for both selection rounds. The detailed syllabus has been prescribed in this article for the reference of candidates.
Is it necessary to cover both Telangana-specific and Indian-specific topics in the TSPSC Group 1 syllabus?
Yes, it is essential to cover both Telangana-specific and Indian-specific topics as mentioned in the syllabus. The examination tests candidates' knowledge of the history, culture, geography, and socio-economic aspects of both Telangana and India.
Will there be a negative marking in TSPSC Group 1 exam?
The Prelims paper will witness a negative marking of ⅓ negative marking or every incorrect answer. However, the mains round will have no negative marking.