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Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti - Post Graduate and Trained Graduate Teachers
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti - Post Graduate and Trained Graduate Teachers

NVS Admit Card 2023: Check NVS TGT, PGT Admit Card, Steps to Download, Expected Dates

NVS Admit Card 2023: NVS TGT and PGT admit cards are to be released on the official website by using their credentials. Currently, the NVS `recruitment 2023 application process for Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal is going on.
NVS TGT, PGT Admit Card 2023

NVS TGT, PGT Admit Card 2023

NVS Admit Card 2023: NVS Admit Card 2023: NVS releases NVS TGT, PGT admits card 2023 on its official webiste. Candidates who are going to appear for the NVS TGT, PGT exam 2023 are advsied to have their NVS TGT, PGT admits card while entering the exam hall. The exam is conducted in two stages: written exam and interview and candidates have to clear both the exam in order to get recruited for the post of teacher.

To appear for the examination, candidates must have their admit card. The  Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti releases the NVS admit card for TGT PGT posts. Candidates can access the TGT or PGT admit card from the official website of the NVS. Needless to say, NVS admit card is an essential document for all the candidates appearing for the examination. 

Usually, the hall tickets are released a week. If a candidate is found with the hall ticket, then he or she will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Since the hall ticket is an essential document it contains several information about candidates and even about the exam as well. Candidates who will successfully complete the NVS TGT, PGT application process will get their admit card. Apart from the hall ticket, candidates should also carry a valid ID proof along with them. 

NVS Recruitment Admit Card 2023

NVS admit card is released on the official website. In order to download the document the candidate first needs to log in and enter the details as asked. Once the aspirant has logged in, he or she can easily take a look at their hall ticket. Meanwhile, before filling out the NVS application form, candidates should check the NVS TGT PGT Eligibility Criteria. Further, candidates should know that the exam conducting body will release admit cards for TGT and PGT separately. 

If in case candidates find any discrepancy in their admit card, then they should immediately go to the concerned authorities and get their problem resolved. If the discrepancy has not been resolved, then aspirants will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall. Further, aspirants must carry all the relevant documents to the examination hall on the day of the exam as without them they will not be allowed to appear for the exam. 

Steps to Download NVS TGT, PGT 2023 Hall Tickets 

Once the NVS TGT, PGT admit card has been issued, candidates can check the hall ticket on the official website. The hall ticket is an essential document and is used when the candidate enters the examination hall. Further, candidates can download the document by following the given steps: 

Step 1: Go to the official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, aspirants will find the link that reads 'NVS admit card' -- click on that 

Step 3: Now, candidates need to click on the TGT or PGT admit card link. (Aspirants need to click the link for the admit card for which they have filled the form) 

Step 4: A new page will open wherein candidates have to enter their required details as asked 

Step 5: The NVS TGT, PGT admit card will appear on the screen. Candidates are required to check all the details thoroughly 

NOTE: Download the hall ticket and keep the document for future use. 

Details Mentioned on NVS TGT, PGT Admit Card

Since the NVS admit card is an essential document it consists of several important details including the name of the candidate, category, roll number of the candidate and others. Once the aspirant has downloaded the hall ticket, candidates are advised to check the details thoroughly. 

Take a look at the details mentioned on the NVS admit card : 

  • Candidate's name 
  • Candidate's DOB
  • Category
  •  Name of the post applied for 
  • Exam timing 
  • Exam venue
  • Candidate's signature 
  • Passport-size photo of the candidate 
  • Candidate's registration number 
  • Exam date 

Valid ID proofs that Candidates Need To Carry at NVS Exam Centre 

Apart from the NVS TGT, PGT admits card, there is a list of documents that they need to carry in the examination hall.  Aspirants have to carry valid ID proof with them while visiting the examination centre. Candidates can take a look at the following documents among which one of them can be carried by the candidate. 

  • Driving Licence
  • Aadhar Card 
  • PAN Card 
  • Voter ID
  • Passport 

How to Retrieve Password If Candidate Forgets Password

There are chances that candidates might forget the credentials of the login page from which they access their admit card. In that case, candidates should know the steps through which they can retrieve their password. Aspirants can follow the given steps if they forget their NVS login ID password.

Step 1: Candidates need to visit the NVS official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, candidates will find the link which reads 'admit card link' -- click on that 

Step 3: Now, once the login window will open, candidates need to click on the forget password link which is given below 

Step 4:  Candidates have to enter the details where they wish to get their password in their registered email ID

Step 5: Once submitted, candidates will receive link through which they can retrieve their password and set a new password 

Step 6: Reset the password and login through the new password 

Items to Carry Inside the Examination Hall 

Apart from NVS admit cards, there are certain items that candidates should carry with them in the examination hall. 

  • Admit Card's hard copy 
  • Mask 
  • Hand sanitiser 
  • Water bottle 
  • Candidate's vaccination certificate 
  • ID proof
  • Candidate's passport-size photo

Items Not Carry In The Examination Hall 

There are a bunch of items that candidates should not carry with them while entering the examination hall. Take a look at the item given below : 

  • Wallet or handbags 
  • Any books or study material
  • Any electronic gadget such as smartphone, Bluetooth, electronic calculator etc.
  • Any eatables items 

Important Points to Remember While Downloading NVS TGT PGT Admit Card 

There are certain points which candidates should always remember while downloading the hall ticket. Candidates can consider these points while downloading the document : 

  • The first and foremost point is to reach the examination centre 30 minutes before the beginning of the exam commence 
  • It is advised that applicants print out their admit card so they have them on hand as they will be needed before and after the NVS TGT exam.
  • Candidates should check the given instruction on the NVS hall ticket thoroughly before appearing for the examination 

What to Do In Case of Discrepancy in the NVS Admit Card

There are times when a candidate's information given on the admit card will not match with the information given on the candidate's ID proof. This issue is known as a discrepancy in admit card. In cases like these, candidates should first check the admit card thoroughly and if they find any discrepancy in the NVS hall ticket, then candidates should immediately contact the authorities and get the errors rectified. 

If in case a candidate fails to raise an issue against the discrepancy, then he or she will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will NVS TGT, PGT admit card release?

NVS admit cards for TGT, PGT is usually released a week before the commencement of the examination. Since the exam dates for 2023 are yet to be notified, candidates are advised to keep an eye on the official website.

What are the steps to download NVS TGT, PGT admit card?

Candidates can download the NVS admit card by following the given steps: 

Step 1: Visit the official website.

Step 2: Search for the link that reads "NVS admit card"  — click it.

Step 3: Candidates must now click on the link for the TGT or PGT admission card. (Applicants must click the link to the admit card they submitted a form for.)

Step 4: A new page will emerge where applicants have to enter their required details as asked 

Step 5: The admission card for NVS TGT and PGT will show up on the screen. Applicants must carefully review all the information.

Do candidates have the facility to change exam centres for the NVS TGT Examination?

No, the applicant cannot change the NVS TGT Examination exam location.

What items are candidates advised to carry in the NVS exam hall?

There are a bunch of items which candidates can carry in the examination hall. Candidates can take a look at the following item down: 

  • Admit Card
  • passport size photo 
  • Valid ID proof 
  • Hand sanitiser and a mask

Are the TGT, PGT admit cards released together?

No, the exam conducting body releases the TGT PGT admit card separately. Hence, candidates should download the admit card for the post they have filled the examination form.
