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Madhya Pradesh State Open School Exam
Madhya Pradesh State Open School Exam

MPSOS Result 2024 Out: Open School Exam Result, Ruk Jana Nahi Result, Steps to Download and Marks Correction

MPSOS result 2024 for June session Open School Exams has been announced in online mode. Students who appeared for the MPSOS open school exams can check their results through the official website of MPSOS Education Board (MPSOSEB).

MPSOS Result 2024: The Madhya Pradesh State Open School Education Board (MPSOS) has released the MPSOS result 2024 on its official website. Students who appeared in the open school class 10th and 12th examinations can check their results via the official website. Students can also refer to the passing criteria which is available on the official website. In order to pass the MPSOS examination, students must obtain marks equal to or more than the passing criteria.

Latest Updates: 

  • The MPSOS Ruk Jana Nahi result for May-June exams 2024 have been released online at mpsos.nic.in.

The minimum passing marks for each subject have been clearly mentioned in the MPSOS Exam Pattern 2024. Along with the passing criteria, students must also satisfy the MPSOS certification criteria in order to pass the high school/higher secondary examinations. As per the high school certification criteria, students must obtain passing marks in five subjects which includes at least one but not more than two language subjects. Whereas to get a higher secondary pass certificate, students must score passing marks in 5 subjects including one language subject (Hindi or English).

It must be noted that if a student clears the theory paper of a particular subject but fails the practical paper, they will not be required to reappear for the theory exam for that subject. Similarly, if a student clears the practical paper of a particular subject but fails the theory exam, they will not be required to reappear for the practical exam for that subject. 

Study Material

MPSOS Result 2024: How to check result?

The examination authority has released the MPSOS result 2024 on its official portal. Students can check their results by visiting the official website.

MPSOS Result 2024

The steps to check MPSOS result 2024 are as follows:

  • Visit the official website of MPSOS online
  • On the site’s homepage, find the “result” link and click on it
  • Next, click on the link for “open school class 10th & 12th result”
  • Next, select your exam type (10th/12th), enter your roll number and the captcha in the given fields
  • Submit the details by clicking on the “login” option
  • Your MPSOS result 2024 will then be displayed on your screen
  • Lastly, you can download your mark sheet, take its print out and keep it safe for future reference/use

MPSOS Result 2024: Passing Criteria & Certification Criteria

Students must be aware of the passing criteria and the certification criteria fixed by the MPSOS education board. Only the students who satisfy the passing criteria and certification criteria be receiving the high school/higher secondary pass certificate from the board.

The passing criteria and certification criteria for high school (10th) and higher secondary (12th) have been mentioned in the table below:

Students who appeared for the MPSOS 2024 examination must be aware of the following important points with regard to the open school examination:

  • If a student clears the practical examination of a particular subject but fails the theory examination, they will not be required to reappear in the practical exam for that subject
  • If a student clears the theory examination of a particular subject but fails the practical examination, they will not be required to reappear in the theory exam for that subject
  • However, under the credit scheme, if a student is appearing for a subject they could not clear in their previous board, they will have to appear for both the theory and practical examination for that particular subject

MPSOS students can apply online for the below-mentioned services by paying the requisite fees:

Last year, the MPSOS result for June session Open School Exams was released on August 4, 2023 on the official MPSOSEB website. The MPSOS Ruk Jana Nahi exam 2023 for class 10th was conducted from June 5 to June 24, 2023. For class 12th, the examination was conducted from June 15 to June 30, 2023, in offline pen-paper mode. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will the MPSOS result 2024 for June session Open School Exams be declared?

MPSOS result 2024 for open school June session exams is expected to be released in July on the official MPSOSEB website.

How can I check the MPSOS results 2024?

Students need to visit the official website of MPSOS and then thy have to click on the “result link” on the website’s homepage.The MPSOS result 2024 will then be displayed on your screen.

What are the minimum passing marks for clearing MPSOS 10th examination?

Students must score a minimum of 33% marks in all subjects. For subjects that have a theory and a practical paper (science, home science) students must obtain at least 33% in the theory and practical papers, separately.

What are the minimum passing marks for clearing MPSOS 12th examination?

Students must secure a minimum of 33% marks in all subjects. For subjects that have a theory and a practical paper (physics, chemistry, biology, home science, shorthand Hindi, food resources) students must obtain at least 33% in the theory and practical papers, separately.

How can I get a duplicate MPSOS board certificate?

Students can apply online to obtain a duplicate board certificate by visiting the board’s official website. The required fee to avail of this facility is Rs 300 (up to 5 years)/Rs 500 (more than 5 years).

What is the fee for applying for marks correction in the MPSOS mark sheet?

Students can apply for marks correction in their mark sheet within 90 days of the declaration of MPSOS results. Students are required to pay Rs 300 to avail this facility.

10th Study Material
