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Madhya Pradesh State Open School Exam
Madhya Pradesh State Open School Exam

MPSOS Exam 2024: Date, Admit Card, Pattern, Question Papers, and Result

MPSOS Dec Exam 2024: The Madhya Pradesh State Open School Board December registrations for MPSOS class 10th, 12th Ruk Jana Nahi Yojna and Aao Laut Chale schemes are underway. Students can submit their application forms at mpsos.nic.in.

MPSOS December Exam 2024: The Madhya Pradesh State Open School Education Board (MPSOSEB) conducs the MPSOS class 10th and 12th exams under Ruk Jana Nahi and Aao Laut Chale schemes in offline pen-paper mode. MPSOS conducts the exams twice a year i.e., June and December session for both class 10 and 12 students.

The MPSOS registration process for December session 2024 exams are underway. Students who are interested in applying for Ruk Jana Nahi and Aao Laut Chale schemes can fill out their MPSOS registration form 2024 online at mpsos.nic.in. As per the details provided on the website, the last date to submit the MPSOS application form for RJN and ALC schemes is October 31, 2024.  

It is expected that the MPSOS December session exam timetable will be released in November 2024. Once released, candidates can download the datesheet pdf through the official website. 

MPSOS Exam 2024 Highlights

Students can go through the important details related to the MPSOS exams 2024 for class 10 and 12 in the table given below -

Study Material



Name of the Examination

Madhya Pradesh State Open School (MPSOS) Examination

Exam Conducting Body

Madhya Pradesh State Open School Education Board (MPSOSEB)


Madhya Pradesh


Twice a Year (June & December Session)

Mode of Examination


MPSOS Ruk Jana Nahi December registration last date 

October 31, 2024

MPSOS Aao Laut Chale December registration last date 

October 31, 2024

MPSOS Ruk Jana Nahi December 2024 Exam Date 

To be released 

MPSOS Class 10th Exam Date (June session)

May 21 to 31, 2024

MPSOS Class 12th Exam Date (June session)

May 20 to June 6, 2024

Medium of Examination

Hindi and English


High School (10th) and Higher Secondary (12th)

Duration of the Examination

3 hours

Passing Marks

33 marks per subject

MPSOS Exam 2024

Students must develop a clear understanding of the MPSOS exam pattern before getting into the exam preparation process. The exam pattern and marking scheme will vary for different classes and subjects. Along with the exam pattern, students can also refer to the MPSOS previous year papers and blueprints that are available on the board’s official website. This will help the students to prepare more comprehensively for the examination.

Candidates who have successfully submitted their application forms will be receiving their MPSOS admit card 2024. The admit cards can be downloaded from the board’s official website. Students must carry their admit cards to the exam centre on all exam days without fail. Students must also strictly adhere to the rules and regulations mentioned on the admit card on all exam days.

Candidates must refer to the MPSOS exam pattern 2024 mentioned in the official exam notification. By going through the exam pattern, the candidates will get insights about the duration of the exam, passing marks and other such details. Once candidates are through with the exam pattern, they can better understand the requirements of the exam and then prepare accordingly. 

As per the latest MPSOS 2024 exam pattern:

  • Candidates appearing for class 10th exams can choose 5 subjects out of a total of 11 subjects available
  • Candidates appearing for class 12th exams can choose 5 subjects out of a total of 18 subjects available
  • Candidates appearing for class 10th and 12th exams must ensure that they choose a maximum of 2 language subjects and 3 general subjects
  • It is mandatory for the candidates (appearing for the 10th and 12th exams) to choose at least one language subject to appear for the examination

The exam conducting body will release the MPSOS result 2024 on its official website. The board has also specified the passing criteria and certification criteria on its official website. Only the candidates who meet the passing criteria and the certification criteria will receive the pass certificates from the board. 

As per the latest exam notification, MPSOS registrations are now open throughout the year. This means that candidates who wish to appear for class 10th and 12th open school examinations can register online throughout the year. It must be noted that no late fee will be charged by the board. Before filling out the application forms, candidates must ensure that they fulfil the MPSOS eligibility criteria. Eligible candidates can fill out the MPSOS application form by visiting the AISECT online portal.

The steps to fill out the MPSOS 2024 application form are mentioned below:

  • Go to the AISECT online portal
  • Click on the “kiosk” tab 
  • Fill in the required information in the given spaces and pay the required application fee
  • Next, carefully read your MPSOS application form before the final submission
  • Submit your application form 
  • Lastly, download your MPSOS application form and take its printout for future reference/use

Candidates who registered for class 10th and 12th open school exams are advised to go through the MPSOS previous year's question papers. Candidates can download the relevant past year papers from the board’s official website. Along with the past year's papers, candidates must also go through the MPSOS blueprint available on the official website. By going through the past year's papers and blueprint, students will be able to prepare more effectively and efficiently for the examinations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the minimum educational requirements to apply for MPSOS admission 2024?

Students who want to apply for the MPSOS class 10th exams must have passed their class 8th exams and those who wish to apply for the MPSOS class 12th exams need to qualified for the class 10th exams. 

How many times a year does MPSOS conduct class 10 and 12 examinations?

Candidates must note that the MPSOS examinations are conducted twice a year.

How can I check the MPSOS exam pattern 2024?

Students can refer to the official MPSOS notification to check the latest MPSOS exam pattern 2024 for high school and higher secondary examinations.

How can I download MPSOS previous year's question papers?

The MPSOS previous year’s question papers can be downloaded from the board’s official website. Students can download the previous year's paper pdf free of cost at mpsos.nic.in.

What is the minimum passing criteria for clearing MPSOS 10th examination?

Students must score a minimum of 33% marks in all subjects. Also, for subjects that have a theory and a practical paper (science, home science) students must obtain at least 33% in the theory and practical papers, separately.

What is the minimum passing criteria for clearing MPSOS 12th examination?

Students must secure a minimum of 33% marks in all subjects. Also, for subjects that have a theory and a practical paper (physics, chemistry, biology, home science, shorthand Hindi, food resources) students must obtain at least 33% in the theory and practical papers, separately.
