IELTS Preparation 2024: Study Plan and Preparation Tips
IELTS Preparation 2024 - To obtain high scores, applicants must create a systematic study plan for effective exam preparation. Learn more about some of the helpful test-taking strategies here that have been suggested by professionals.
IELTS Preparation 2024
IELTS Preparation 2024: As top universities and institutions abroad require a strong IELTS score for admissions, preparing well for the test is extremely important. Preparing systematically for the IELTS exam can help maximize the test result. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the most widely used English proficiency test. For purposes of education, immigration, and professional certification, more than 10,000 organizations consider IELTS as a secure, legitimate, and reliable indicator of a person's ability to communicate in the English Language.
Those planning to appear for the test may question how to lead a productive and constructive IELTS preparation. Endlessly preparing for the exam without following some helpful tips that have proven to be beneficial for previous test-takers may bring unfavourable results. In this article, we will discuss some of the useful IELTS prep tips that candidates should practice while preparing for the exam.
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IELTS Preparation 2024
The IELTS exam offers different test types and the most frequently used are the Academic and General Training Tests. The academic test is used by applicants looking for a study opportunity while the general training is commonly used by candidates looking for work abroad. The IELTS test format and syllabus for both these tests are similar for the Listening and Speaking sections and a little different for the Reading and Writing segments. Although, the preparation strategy for both of them will be the same.
Continue reading to learn about IELTS prep tips to successfully prepare for the exam.
IELTS Preparation Tips
Some tips suggested by experts and recommended by previous test-takers include:
Understanding the Test Format
The preparation should always be aligned with the prescribed test format and IELTS Syllabus. Knowing the syllabus of different sections of the exam and the types of questions asked in them can help applicants get a strong score. When students are familiar with the content of the test they already know what to expect on the exam day. Hence, students or anyone planning to take the test is advised to familiarize themselves with the content and format of the exam along with the types of questions and tasks that will be presented on the test day.
Solving IELTS Practice Tests and Sample Questions
Consistently solving sample problems and practice tests is essential for conducting a systematic preparation for the IELTS exam. This is a critical step as it will help candidates identify their strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what a student is lacking can help him/her constructively work on it. Moreover, when applicants identify their strengths, they can focus on their weaknesses in order to maximize their results. To perform to one's full potential on exam day, it is equally essential to build on the strengths and to strengthen one's areas of weakness. To check some prominent sample questions and practice tests, one can visit the official website of IELTS.
Practice Section-wise Skills
The exam consists of four major tests that candidates must prepare for. These include: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and writing. It is recommended that students prepare for each section separately as they include different types of questions and tasks. Each test will have different requirements for the test-taker. Hence, while preparing for the exam, it is important that students study for each section with equal dedication and develop the different required skills.
Know the exam Time Constraints
During the exam, applicants will have a specified time for each section and they are required to perform and solve all the questions in that given time frame. If the candidates are not aware of the time constraints and have not practised solving the questions within the same time limit, they will fail to finish the sections on time. This will affect the result and it would get difficult to achieve the desired score. Hence, it is essential to align the preparation with the defined time constraints of IELTS.
Develop English Capabilities
As the exam is an English language proficiency test, it is very important that candidates develop their personal English skills and capabilities. The exam will test applicants on their ability to write, speak, listen, and read in the English language. To perform well in these components, applicants must consistently work on developing their language skills. Studying for the exam should be supported by consistently learning skills that can improve the overall English proficiency of the candidates.
Develop reading and writing skills
To be able to have quality English Language skills, it is essential that students make a habit of reading English journals, magazines, newspapers, and books. Moreover, they should also practice writing in English- this can be done by following practices like writing different essays or just maintaining a journal. Candidates can also make additional efforts of speaking and listening to the language. By consistently practising these habits, applicants will develop strong language skills with time. Additionally, this will also help them with performing to their full potential in the IELTS reading, writing, speaking, and listening tests.
Use appropriate English terminology
In the writing test, students will be asked to write essays in the given tasks which should be written in a formal manner by using appropriate English terms. Learn the elements of an essay's structure, including how to structure it and write the introduction and conclusion. The ability to link ideas using appropriate English is a must for students. Practice writing on subjects that are common on the IELTS so that students are familiar with them.
Use English in day-to-day life
As discussed earlier, apart from studying and preparing for the exam, students must make a habit of using the language in their daily lives. This can be incorporated by consuming English content and reading English material. Moreover, applicants should push themselves to communicate in the English language so it becomes a habit. This should not feel like a task, hence, students are encouraged to read books, watch movies, or listen to podcasts, etc- that interest them. This will make learning the language fun and easier, while also making achieving the desired IELTS result unchallenging.
Check the IELTS Progress
IELTS Progress check is an official practice test available on the official website. This should be solved by each candidate to evaluate their progress in the preparation. This has proven to be helpful to many applicants as the progress check test is examined and marked by trained examiners who provide students with constructive feedback.
Read More: IELTS Books
IELTS Preparation 2024: On Test Day
Performing to one’s full potential on the test day would require candidates to keep some factors in mind. Apart from preparing for the exam, some tips that can help students perform well on the actual exam day and mentioned below.
IELTS Test Day Tips
The “on test day” tips that can help applicants perform well in order to get the targetted result are-
Be well prepared
Verify the test's timing and date twice to avoid last-minute errors. Plenty of time should be devoted to getting to the test centre if the applicants are taking the exam there. If they're taking IELTS Online, download the test-day software in advance (instructions will be received through email) and allow additional time to connect in. If candidates get late on the test day, they will not be allowed to sit for the exam. Moreover, make sure to carry the same documents that one registered with to prove identification. Students taking the test at home should download the asked system requirements.
Avoid getting anxious
Read the IELTS rules, regulations, and guidelines beforehand to feel confident on the test date. Try not to feel nervous and anxious. Give the exam with a calm mind and stay relaxed. If candidates have any queries, they can contact the test centre staff.
Follow the given instructions
Some guidelines have been issued that must strictly be followed by the test takers. These include leaving personal belongings like a watch and phone outside the test centre, reaching the test centre well in advance, etc. Candidates should make sure to follow these instructions to have a successful experience.
Watch the time
As personal watches are not allowed in the test centre, students must be mindful of the time and check the clock provided in centres. Make sure to finish the test at the allotted time as each section has a time limit for applicants to follow.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can one prepare for IELTS at home?
Students have the option of preparing for the exam from the comfort of their homes. To lead constructive preparation at home, students must be consistent. Prepare well by keeping useful prep tips in mind and allowing yourself a proper preparation window before the exam.
Is coaching required for the IELTS exam?
Many students prepare for the exam at home while some opt for coaching services. It wholly depends on the candidate and their level of proficiency in the English language. If students are confident in preparing for the exam themselves then they should avoid going to a coaching institute, whereas, if a student feels he/she would require professional guidance and teaching, then opting for coaching would be advisable.
Can one prepare for the exam in just 1 week?
If candidates have exceptional language skills, it may be possible for them to prepare for the test in a week. Although, experts have advised keeping a minimum of 1 month as a preparation window.
Where can one find adequate IELTS practice papers and sample questions?
There are various options available in the market and students are advised to conduct proper research as to which sample questions and practice tests to solve. Some of the best materials would be available on the official website itself.
What are some IELTS test day tips?
The on-test-day tips are just as helpful and can help applicants attain the desired exam score. Some of these tips are following the exam guidelines, minimizing exam anxiety, being well-prepared, and managing time.