WBPSC Books 2024: Expert-Recommended Books for Prelims & Mains
WBPSC Books 2024 are recommended for a better preparation. Reference books for prelims and mains are designed as per previous years' question papers and trends.
WBPSC Books 2024
WBPSC Books 2024: Preparing for the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) exam requires comprehensive study material that covers the syllabus, provides in-depth knowledge, and helps candidates excel in their preparation. As the market is filled with numerous books, guides, and other study resources, applicants may get confused as to which books they must refer to. Aligning the exam preparation with the set of expert-recommended WBPSC books can make achieving the desired results easier.
The WBPSC exam will be conducted in three exam stages which will include Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. Students must keep the exam’s selection process in mind while purchasing the study materials. This is important as each stage of the exam will have different significant subjects and topics. In this article, students can refer to the list of the suggested books by experts, for both WBPSC Prelims and Mains. Utilizing these books will make the WBPSC preparation more effective.
WBPSC Books 2024
Through the WBPSC exam, applicants are selected for various job posts for Grade A, B, C, and D services. Hence, before purchasing the books, students must make sure that the content of it matches the job post they have registered for. For instance, those who have applied for the Junior Engineer position must look specifically for WBPSC JE Books for their exam preparation. Check below to know some points that must be considered before purchasing WBPSC Books 2024:
- The content of the book must match the registered job post
- The content must be updated and valid
- The content of the book must be easy to understand
- The books should include answer keys, mock tests, guides, and WBPSC previous year papers
- The book must be the latest edition
- It is advisable to purchase books which have been recommended by the experts
WBPSC Books 2024: Prelims
The following books are recommended for the WBPSC Prelims exam 2024:
Books |
Author |
Indian Polity |
M. Laxmikanth |
Indian History |
Bipin Chandra |
Geography of India |
Majid Husain |
General Science |
Lucent Publications |
West Bengal General Knowledge |
Sachchidananda Banerjee |
General Studies Paper I |
Arihant Experts |
Quick General Knowledge |
Disha Experts |
Manorama Yearbook |
Manorama Publications |
WBPSC Books 2024: Mains
The following books are recommended for the WBPSC Mains exam 2024:
Books |
Author |
History of Modern India |
Bipin Chandra |
History of West Bengal |
R.C. Majumdar |
Geography of West Bengal |
Hari Krishna |
India's Struggle for Independence |
Bipin Chandra |
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning |
RS Aggarwal |
Social Change in India |
M N Srinivas |
SSC Reasoning 7300+ |
Rakesh Yadav |
Indian Economy |
Sriram Srirangam |
Nationalism in India (Textbook) |
Indian Economy |
Ramesh Singh |
Indian Polity |
M. Laxmikanth |
West Bengal General Knowledge |
Sachchidananda Banerjee |
General Studies Paper I |
Arihant Experts |
Quick General Knowledge |
Disha Experts |
Manorama Yearbook |
Manorama Publications |
WBCS General Studies Manual |
Nitin Singhania |
WBCS General Studies Manual + Mock Test Series |
McGraw-Hill |
Quantitative Reasoning |
RS Aggarwal |
WBPSC Books 2024: Junior Engineer Post
Below are some highly recommended books for WBPSC Junior Engineer preparation:
Books |
Author |
Civil Engineering: Through Objective-Type Questions |
S.P. Gupta |
Conventional and Objective Type |
R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta |
Objective Electrical Technology |
V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta |
Objective Type Questions and Answers |
M. Handa and A. Handa |
Objective Type Questions and Answers |
RK Jain |
WBPSC Books 2024: Other Sources
In addition to the above-listed books, candidates should also refer to previous years' WBPSC question papers, online tools, newspapers etc to get familiar with the exam pattern and improve their skills. Some of these sources include:
- Current affairs magazines
- Newspapers
- News Channels
- Coaching Institutes
- Online Groups and Forums
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are some important factors to consider when selecting books for WBPSC exam preparation?
When selecting books for WBPSC exam preparation, consider factors such as relevance to the exam syllabus, clarity of content, author's expertise, previous years' question coverage, practice questions, and availability of explanatory notes. It's important to choose books that align with your learning style and provide comprehensive coverage of the subjects.
Is it necessary to buy multiple books for each subject in WBPSC exam preparation?
It depends on the complexity of the subject and your comfort level with the content. While some subjects may require multiple books for a thorough understanding, others can be covered adequately with a single comprehensive book.
Is coaching required for WBPSC preparation?
Whether or not one should enrol for coaching classes depend on their personal preparation levels, strengths, and weaknesses.
How can previous years' question papers help in WBPSC exam preparation?
Previous years' question papers provide insight into the exam pattern, type of questions asked, and the level of difficulty. They help candidates understand the weightage given to different topics and allow for practice in a simulated exam environment. By solving these papers, candidates can assess their strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas that need improvement.
Where can applicants buy the WBPSC books?
The recommended books are widely available on various e-commerce websites.