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Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board

JKSSB Result 2024: Result Dates, Ways to Check, Answer Key, and Marking Scheme

JKSSB results are released after the recruitment exams are conducted. The authorities will declare the results for different posts separately. Candidates can check the results by visiting the official website jkssb.nic.in.
JKSSB Result 2024

JKSSB Result 2024

JKSSB Results 2024: The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection (JKSSB) declares the result for the recruitment exam once the exam has been conducted. The result will be shared on the official website in the form of a PDF. Since the result is an important document, it consists of important details such as the candidate's roll number, name of the candidate, category, subcategory and other details. In order to check the results for JKSSB exam, candidates need visit the official website to download the PDF. 

Further, to download the results, candidates need to enter their date of birth, roll number, or registration number and click on submit. Those candidates who will score minimum qualifying marks will be declared qualified for the examination. Once the candidate has cleared the JKSSB written test, then they will be called for the interview round. Those candidates who will qualify for the written as well as interview rounds, then candidates will be eligible to be recruited for different positions.

Also check: JKSSB Cut Off

Before the results are released, the authorities will release the JKSSB answer key. There are two types of answer keys. The first answer key will be a provisional answer key, whereas the second type of answer key will be JKSSB final answer key. The provisional answer key will allow the candidate to raise objections. Once the objections are analysed, the authorities will release the final answer key before the release of JKSSB results.  

JKSSB Results 2024

JKSSB results will be announced on the official website. Candidates should know that the authorities will declare the results for different positions separately. The JKSSB is a recruitment body which conducts exams for several positions in the administration across the state of Jammu and Kashmir. 

Candidates can expect the results to be uploaded on the official website soon. However, the JKSSB is yet to announce the official date for the declaration of the results.  Apart form the results, the exam conducting body will also release the JKSSB cut-off

JKSSB Result 2024: Steps to Download

Once the results are released, candidates can download the JKSSB scorecard from the official website. In order to download the results, candidates need to follow the given simple steps. 

Step 1: Go to the official website 

Step 2: On the homepage, students will find the link that reads 'what's new' -- click on that 

Step 3: Now, this will lead the candidate to a new page where aspirants have to look for the JKSSB results -- click on the link 

Step 4: Candidates have to now enter the details as asked and click on submit 

Step 5: Now, the JKSSB results will be displayed on the computer screen 

NOTE: Download the results and take a printout for future use. 

JKSSB Scorecard 2024: Details Mentioned

Since the JKSSB scorecard is an official document, it consists of the candidate's important details. Aspirants can take a look at the following details mentioned in the JKSSB results 

  • Candidate's roll number 
  • App number 
  • Name of the candidate 
  • Candidate's father's name 
  • Candidate's mother's name 
  • Category 
  • Ex-Servicemen
  • A written score of out of 150 marks 
  • Category of NCC certificate ( if any)
  • Additional/bonus marks for candidates possessing an NCC certificate (if any) 
  • Grand total marks 

JKSSB Answer Key 2024

Before the JKSSB results are released, the authorities will release two types of JKSSB answer keys on the official website. The first one is the provisional answer key, whereas the second one is the final answer key. The provisional answer key allows the candidate to raise objections, the final answer key helps the candidate to calculate their scores.

As per the latest updates, the JKSSB Asnwer Key for the written examination held for Deputy Inspector/Equivalent in the Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries department was released on March 4, 2024. The examination for the same was conducted on March 3, 2024

JKSSB Provisional Answer Key 

The JKSSB provisional answer key allows the candidate to raise objections regarding the question which they think that the answer would be something else compared to the answer given by the authorities. However, candidates have to provide supporting evidence regarding their objections. Candidates will be given a time period during which aspirants have to raise objections. Once the objections are raised, the authorities will analyse the objections raised. 

JKSSB Final Answer Key 

Once the authorities analyse the objections raised by candidates, the authorities will then make a final answer key. This final answer key will consist of the right answers for the exam and through this, the candidate can easily calculate their scores. However, candidates should note that the JKSSB final answer key is not the results, the final answer key will only allow them to calculate the scores. Further, JKSSB will release the final answer key just ahead of the declaration of results. The final answer key will be released on the official website and candidates can check the document in the what’s new section. 

Steps to Raise Objections in Provisional Answer Key 

Candidates can raise objections in the provisional answer key by following these simple steps.

Step 1: First the authorities will activate the answer key link on the official website 

Step 2: Now, candidates will get the page where they need to raise the objections during the given time period  

Step 3: Once the candidates have raised objections, then they need to click on submit button 

NOTE: Candidates must note that they first need to provide solid evidence against their objections. Further, candidates are advised to keep a close eye on the official website regarding the notification of the answer key. 

JKSSB Marks Calculation Scheme

  • Candidates appearing in the examination have to answer a total of 100 questions and each question consists of 1 mark which makes the total as 100 marks. 
  • The exam has negative marking which means for every wrong answer 0.25 marks will be deducted. 
  • Further, candidates must know that the final scores will be calculated based on the right and wrong answers.
  • Candidates will be able to access the final list once the interview process has been completed. 

JKSSB Results 2024: Points to Remember

  • JKSSB results will be released on the official website of the JKSSB. 
  • The JKSSB minimum qualifying marks are different for different posts 
  • Candidates who clear the JKSSB written exam, then those aspirants will be eligible to appear for the interview round. 
  • Since the JKSSB result is an essential document it consists of important information such as the candidate's name, candidate's roll number, category, candidate's mother and father's name and other important information. 
  • Before the release of JKSSB results, the authorities will release the JKSSB provisional and final answer keys.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will JKSSB release the results of the recruitment exam?

JKSSB will release the results of the recruitment exam after one month of the JKSSB exam. The results will be declared on the official website and candidates can check the results by logging in.

What are the details mentioned in the JKSSB results ?

Since the JKSSB is an important document, it consists of information about the candidate including the candidate’s name, roll number, DOB, candidate’s parents' name and others.

What is JKSSB provisional answer key ?

The provisional answer key allows the candidate to raise objections on the question to whose answer could be different from what is provided by the authorities. 

What is JKSSB final answer key ?

The final answer key helps the candidate calculate their scores.  Once the authorities analyse the objections, the authorities will release the final answer key.

How can candidates check their JKSSB results?

JKSSB results can be checked by candidates after logging in on the official website. Candidates can follow the given steps to check the JKSSB results. 

Step 1: Visit the official website first. 

Step 2: On the site, students will discover the 'what's new' link; click on it. 

Step 3: This will take the applicant to a new website where they must search for the JKSSB results -- click on the link. 

Step 4: Candidates must now provide the requested information and click the submit button. 

Step 5: The JKSSB results will now appear on the computer screen. 
