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CLAT Admit Card 2026: Release Date, Direct Link, Steps to download

CLAT Admit Card 2026 will be released on the official website of the Consortium of NLUs. Candidates will be able to download the hall tickets for CLAT 2026 at consortiumofnlus.ac.in, once released.
CLAT Admit Card 2026

CLAT Admit Card 2026

CLAT Admit Card 2026: The Consortium of National Law Universities releases the admit cards for the CLAT exam at consortiumofnlus.ac.in. The exam schedule for CLAT 2026 is yet to be released. Once released, The CLAT admit card 2026 download link will be activated at the official website. To access the hall ticket, registered aspirants have to use their application number and password. 

Latest Updates:

  • The Consortium of NLUs will issue the CLAT admit card 2026 at consortiumofnlus.ac.in. The release date is yet to be announced.

Candidates are required to carry their hall tickets for CLAT along with them to the exam centre. Without the admit card, candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Note that the hall ticket will only be issued to the registered applicants meeting the CLAT eligibility. The CLAT admit card will include information about the test venue, date, timings, guidelines, and student's personal details. Hence, it is crucial that applicants provide a valid admit card with correct information on the day of the exam.

CLAT Admit Card 2026 Release Date

The exam conducting body will issue the admit card for CLAT exam 2026 in online mode. The exam and hall ticket-related dates will be updated below, once released. 



CLAT Admit Card 2026

To be announced

CLAT Exam Date 2026

To be announced

CLAT Admit Card 2026: Steps to download

The steps mentioned below would need to be followed by applicants in order to successfully download the CLAT admit card online. 

  • Visit the Consortium of NLUs official website
  • Log in with the registered application ID/number and password
  • Select the "Download Admit Card" link provided on the home web page
  • Once the admit card opens, check the information to make sure it is correct
  • Select the "Download Admit Card" option provided at the top of the screen
  • Once it has been downloaded, save it as a PDF and make print copies

Students can also download the admit card directly from the CLAT online candidate portal. They would just be required to enter their login credentials and the admit card would be presented to them. 

CLAT Admit Card 2026: Details mentioned

It is important that the details on the admit card and the CLAT application form have identical information. After candidates get the admit cards, they must cross-check that the following information and details are presented on the document. 

  • Student's personal details such as the date of birth, name of the student, reservation category, and other such information
  • Recent and valid passport-size photo
  • Candidate's signature
  • The preferred course selected by the students
  • The preferred college selected by the students
  • Exam details such as the venue, slot time, and dates
  • Reporting time at the allotted test centre
  • Guidelines designed by the exam-conducting body

CLAT Admit Card 2026: In case of discrepancies 

As stated earlier, if there are errors or incorrect information on one’s admit card, it would need to be corrected by contacting the exam authorities. It is crucial that the information on the admit card matches the provided information during registration. Also, spelling errors or any other minor mistakes can also cause difficulties. Hence, if applicants find that the information does not match or is wrong, they will need to contact the exam conducting body for the same. 

Contact details
Email: clat@consortiumofnlus.ac.in
Phone: 080-47162020 (between 10:00 am to 05:00 pm)

What happens if applicants forget login details?

At times students may forget or misplace their designated application IDs without which students will face difficulties at the time of the admit card, counselling, result, and various other processes. This is because for each such process, students would be asked to log in to the official website and without the IS and password logging in would not be possible. In case a situation as such occurs, applicants are advised to recover their IDs. This can be done by going to the admit card login portal and selecting the "Forgot Password" option. After this, students can enter their mobile number and the provided OTP to make a new password or retrieve the application ID.

CLAT Exam Day Guidelines 2026

The Consortium of National Law Universities has released a set of test day instructions for CLAT 2026. Appearing candidates are advised to check these guidelines before going to the examination centre. The instruction PDF can be downloaded from the link provided below: 

CLAT Test Day Instructions PDF - Download

CLAT Admit Card 2026: Things to carry on exam day

Apart from carrying the admit card, students are advised to carry the following items on the day of the exam-

Stationary (Transparent)

Photo ID-proof

Face Mask

Water Bottle (Transparent)

Category certificate (if applicable)


Note: Without fail, candidates must provide a Medical Self-Declaration Form along with their CLAT Hall Ticket. The official in charge of the exam centre will verify this document.

Do not carry the following items-

  • Electronic items such as watches, phones, calculators, etc
  • Valuable items such as wallets, chains, etc
  • Any study materials
  • Chits and notes

CLAT Admit Card 2026: Exam day guidelines

Below are the exam day guidelines that candidates must be aware of before appearing for the exam:

  • Carry the print copy of the CLAT admit card 2026. Students must note that soft copy of hall ticket will not be considered for entry to the examination hall
  • Carry valid ID proof, passport size photographs along with your hall ticket
  • Do not carry prohibited items such as mobile, calculator, blank papers, books, and others.
  • Do not carry smartwatches and wear any suspicious item/jewellery
  • Reach the examination hall at least 1 hour before the commencement of the examination.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will the CLAT Admit Card 2026 be issued?

The CLAT admit card 2026 will be issued a few days before the exam date on the official website of the Consortium of NLUs. 

Where can one download the CLAT admit card from?

Students will need to go to the official website to download the CLAT admit card once it has been issued to the registered students.

Will the digital copy of admit card be allowed on the day of the CLAT exam?

No, digital copies would not be permitted. Students may be denied entry at the allotted exam centre if they do not have a printed copy of the CLAT admit card.

How can one download the CLAT admit card?

Applicants must log in to the official website with their designated application IDs and passwords in order to download the admit card for the CLAT exam.

What should candidates in case of errors in CLAT admit card?

In case the CLAT admit card shows any irregularities, errors, or incorrect information, students must contact the exam authorities as soon as possible. Going to the centre with an admit card that has the wrong information will result in the disqualification of the candidate.

Where can I find the CLAT admit card 2026 download link?

The direct link to download CLAT admit card 2026 will be activated at consortiumofnlus.ac.in.

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